PED 145 BEGINNING BASKETBALL COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces the fundamental skills of basketball. Emphasis will be placed on training, rules and skill development. PREREQUISITES None REQUIRED TEXT None COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the course, students should have a general knowledge of basketball (NFHS and NCAA) 1. Demonstrate proper technique in the basic skills of basketball. 2. Identify basic knowledge of basketball. 3. Have knowledge of how basketball can benefit lifetime fitness. COURSE OUTLINE I. II. III. Orientation A. Review of Syllabus B. Rules C. Class Expectations Programs Terminology COURSE REQUIREMENTS Students will successfully fulfill the following requirements: 1. Actively participate in class. 2. Correctly demonstrate proper technique in required skills. 3. Pass an in-class final skills test. GRADING CRITERIA 1. Course Effectiveness Progress will be measured by comparing successive improvement via daily workout logs which are maintained by the student and submitted at the end of the semester. The effectiveness of the course will be measured by comparing a pre/post assessment of muscular strength and endurance. 2. Method of Evaluation ACTIVE PARTICIPATION & ATTENDANCE……………………80% PRE/POST TEST (skills)………………………………………………..10% FINAL EXAM………………………………………………………………10% 3. Grading Scale Ten (10) point scale ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS Attendance is required of each student to successfully gain the knowledge and benefits of this class. Excessive absences will greatly affect final grade. (Each three (3) absences will drop one letter grade) If one should have to miss class due to medical, family, or school obligations, please provide documentation to instructor. STUDENT ACCESS TO INSTRUCTOR Students should contact instructor via email, text or phone number. 910-234-4512 STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Cape Fear Community College or instructor of the course does not discriminate on the basis of disabilities. Students who require reasonable accommodations for a disability should notify the instructor of the course within the first week of the semester. TOBACCO USE Tobacco use is prohibited on all CFCC property. The first offense is a warning and the second offense may result in disciplinary action. WEB PORTAL My CFCC is your student web portal-there you can access your class websites, email, and WebAdvisor. Your official CFCC –provided email account is to be used for all e-mail correspondence with your instructor and CFCC staff. Your username is part of your email address: This email address is provided to you as long as you are enrolled in classes at CFCC. ADDENDUM Other class info and assignments will be provided as deemed necessary. Please check Blackboard and email frequently.