PSY 150 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY: SUMMER 1: 2005 INSTRUCTOR: KIMBERLY HOWE NORRIS, M.S., OFFICE: S312D OFFICE: S312D MAILBOX LOCATION: S312 PHONE: 362­7130 E­MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: Monday ­ Friday, 11:00 pm ­ 12:00 pm and by appointment TEXT: The assigned chapters should be read BEFORE each class to facilitate understanding of the material presented. The text is Exploring Psychology, 6th Edition, by David G. Myers, Worth Publishers, 2005. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides an overview of the scientific study of human behavior. Topics include history, methodology, biopsychology, sensation, perception, learning, motivation, cognition, abnormal behavior, personality theory, social psychology, and other relevant topics. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the science of psychology. CLASS HRS PER WEEK: 3 SEMESTER HRS CREDIT: 3 PREREQUISITE: Reading proficiency (a score of 42 or better on the reading asset test, or successful completion of ENG 095). Note: You will be dropped from the course if you do not have the prerequisite. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. demonstrate a basic knowledge of psychology 2. demonstrate an understanding or the basic terminology, concepts, and schools of thought in the field of psychology 3. 3. discuss the basic principles of psychology as related to personality development and learning 4. 4. express an awareness of and tolerance for the complexity and diversity of the human species 5. 5. demonstrate a degree of self­understanding by examining the explanations of behavior, motivation, and mental health issues. GRADING SCALE: CFCC has a standardized grading scale, which must be used by all instructors. CFCC grades are computed on a 4.00 scale with no pluses or minuses. The standardized numerical equivalents are listed below. A = 92 ­ 100% B = 84 ­ 91% C = 76 ­ 83% D = 68 ­ 75% F = Below 68% W = withdraw: not computed into the grade point average, requires instructor signature, last date on which you can turn this grade into the registrar's office is 5/25
WP = withdraw passing: not computed into the grade point average, requires instructor signature, last date on which you can turn this grade into the registrar's office is 6/10 NOTE: You will NOT receive a WP if you are failing based on grades or attendance. WF = withdraw failing: computed as an “F," requires instructor signature, last date on which you can turn this grade into the registrar's office is 6/10 After 6/10 you will not be allowed to withdraw and will receive whatever grade you have earned. Excessive absences (more than 20% OR 4 classes) = F I = incomplete: agreement with instructor must be completed within 6 weeks following the end of the semester GENERAL COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND CLASS POLICY STATEMENTS: 1. COURSE REQUIREMENTS, AND STRUCTURE: The course will be broken down into four units with approximately four weeks per unit and one exam per unit. The material covered in each unit is outlined on the attached reading assignment handout. 2. TESTING: Unit exams will follow completion of each unit and will be multiple choice covering the reading and material presented in class. The questions will require thinking and a thorough understanding of the material. So that you focus your studying on understanding and not memorization, you may bring one handwritten 3 X 5 card (cheat sheet!) to the exams. Please bring a pencil to the exam. No other material may be brought to the exams. You may make up one and only one missed exam with a documented excuse. You must contact me on the day of the missed exam in order to arrange for a make­up, which must be taken on the day you return to class. Please note that make­ups will be considerably more comprehensive than scheduled tests and will cover all lecture and text information for that unit. You must use one pass (see attached pass instructions) to make up a test. Approximate test schedule is outlined in the reading assignment chart below. The 4 exams will be weighted equally. You must let me know ahead of time if you are registered with disability services and need accommodations. Cheating of any sort will result in a 0 for the assignment and may result in an F for the course or dismissal from CFCC. 3. ATTENDANCE: You must attend 80% of the class meetings. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class by signing in. You are responsible for remembering to sign in and you may not sign in for a class after the class is finished. You may not sign in another student. More than 9 class hours of absences will result in a grade of F (4 classes for a summer class). I will not notify you if you are approaching or exceeding your maximum absences. Please keep track of them yourself and see me if you have any concerns. NOTE: Failure to properly withdraw from this course before exceeding the 20% absences will result in a grade of F. Arriving tardy (after class has begun),
stepping out during class, or leaving early (before I dismiss the class) will be considered an absence unless you have a pass (see attached pass instructions). 4. CLASSROOM POLICIES: You will be required to pay attention to the class and may be asked to leave if you are sleeping, carrying on a conversation, doing other course work, or distracting the class or me in any way. Cell phones and beepers must be turned off during class. If your cell phone rings (even on vibrate) during class, you will be asked to leave class unless you have a pass (see attached pass instructions). This rule applies even if (especially if) we are in the middle of an exam. 5. ACCOMMODATION OF SPECIAL NEEDS BASED ON DISABILITY: Any student who requests classroom accommodations because of disability must present documentation to verify his/her disability. This documentation must be furnished to Mr. Bill Parker or Ms. Diane Badakhsh (Office: A215Íž phone 362­ 7012 or 362­7158). On a confidential basis, the student, disability services and the instructor will determine the appropriate accommodations following documentation. These accommodations will be provided in a manner that is consistent with the objectives, outcomes, and academic standards of the course. Absences must not exceed class attendance policy. 6. CAMPUS CRUISER: You must log on to campus cruiser at This site is has your official email for CFCC, copies of the syllabus, and other important course information. I will post flash cards at the beginning of each unit and will post lecture notes and a test outline at the end of each unit prior to the tests. I will also periodically email assignments and other information. Please check your Campus Cruiser account frequently.
Social and Behavioral Sciences Mission Statement CFCC's Social & Behavioral Sciences Department assists students in examining and exploring the uniqueness of human society by studying the complex fabric of social diversity revealed in history, culture, a variety of economic and political patterns, while also remembering to include the role individual members play in this dedicate weave called humanity. CLASS READING ASSIGNMENTS Unit I: Theoretical Underpinnings: 1 & 2 Chapter 1: Thinking Critically With Psychological Science 3 & 4 Chapter 12: Personality 5 Chapter 14: Therapy 6 EXAM # 1 Unit 2: Biology and Behavior: 6 & 7 Chapter 2: Neuroscience and Behavior 8 Chapter 6: States of Consciousness 9 & 10 Chapter 11: Emotions, Stress, and Health: pgs. 399­420 only (stress and health & promoting health) Chapter 10: Motivation: pgs. 339­353 only (hunger) 11 EXAM # 2 Unit 3: Normal, Abnormal & Social Development: 11 Chapter 4: The Developing Person 12 Chapter 3: The Nature and Nurture of Behavior 13 & 14 Chapter 13: Psychological Disorders 15 EXAM # 3 Unit 4: Cognitions and Behavior 16 Chapter 7: Learning 17 & 18 Chapter 8: Memory 18 & 19 Chapter 9: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence 20 EXAM # 4 & review