Band Handbook - Mr. Damicone's Instrumental Music Page

Clinton Elementary
Cranbrook Elementary
Colerain Elementary
Indian Springs Elementary
Winterset Elementary
Instrumental Music
Mr. Travis Damicone
Welcome to the Instrumental Music BAND Program!
The Band program is available to 5th grade students. Students may play one of the following band
instruments: flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone or percussion. Students may
also choose the oboe or French horn, but private lessons are strongly suggested for extra help.
This packet will help you and your child get started in the band program. Please read the information and do
not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need assistance.
Parents are responsible for obtaining an instrument for their child. You have a couple of options – you can
either rent or purchase an instrument. I highly recommend renting an instrument from a music store listed
below. These stores provide a high-quality instrument, include free maintenance/repairs, and make sure you
have everything you need to take care of your instrument. Rental payments apply to the eventual purchase of
the instrument. It is important for your child to be “fitted” to an instrument, either at the BAND PARENT
MEETING, the music store, or by me at school. At the fitting, the child will have the opportunity to try a couple
of different instruments to 1) see which instruments he or she likes, and 2) for the teacher to help decide which
instrument the child will be most successful at playing. Physical features (teeth structure, lips, arm length,
hand size, etc) may lend your child to be more successful at playing particular instruments. For example, a
student may have his/her heart set on playing the flute, but we may find she would be more successful at the
trumpet or sax.
Music and Arts
Multiple Locations:
43 N. State Street
159 Graceland Blvd. 614-880-1000
Reynoldsburg 5999 E. Main Street 614-863-3200
I cannot stress how important it is to have a high-quality instrument for your student. There are many
instruments made with inferior parts that break easily, and cannot be repaired. I highly suggest renting from
the stores I’ve listed above to ensure your student will be successful.
I do not recommend purchasing an instrument at a pawn shop, department store, catalog, or Craigslist.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
There is a limited number of district-owned instruments available for students. If you have a financial hardship
in obtaining an instrument, please contact me ASAP to see if there is an instrument available for your child.
I am happy to help you find a good instrument within your budget. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you
need further assistance.
All band students will be using STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE - BOOK 1. Be sure to get the specific book for
the instrument your child will be playing: Flute, Oboe, B-flat Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn,
Trombone, Baritone (Bass Clef), or Percussion. The book costs approximately $10 (about $15 for Percussion)
and can be purchased at the following locations:
Music and Arts*
Music and Arts*
Music and Arts*
Stanton’s Sheet Music
43 N. State Street, Westerville
159 Graceland Blvd., Columbus
5999 E. Main Street, Reynoldsburg
330 S. Fourth Street (Downtown)
*See attached Music and Arts flyer for a $5.00 coupon off any
3. FOLDING MUSIC STAND (strongly recommended):
This is extremely important for your child’s practice times at home. This does not need to be brought to school.
This can be purchased at any of the locations listed above for about $15.
All equipment needs to be secured by your child’s
first class meeting (week of Sept 8). Please check
Mr. Damicone’s website for this date as it varies
by school and instrument.
No new enrollments will be accepted after the first class meeting date!
Instrument Care
Please encourage your child to treat his/her musical instrument with great care. Keep the instrument off limits
to other students and siblings. If your instrument is damaged, please do not attempt to fix it. Many times,
things may look worse than they actually are. The best thing to do is 1) take it to the place you are renting
from, or 2) bring it to me at school and I may be able to fix it myself. Again, please do not attempt to fix the
instrument yourself. I’m happy to help!
Required accessories for your instrument (many of these are included with rental instruments)
Flute: cleaning rod and thin handkerchief or swab
Oboe: at least 2 working reeds* at all times, reed case, a small plastic container that holds water to
soak reeds (mini Tupperware), cork grease, silk swab
Clarinet: mouthpiece, at least 3 working reeds* at all times (strength 2.5), cork grease, swab
Alto Sax: mouthpiece, at least 3 working reeds* at all times (strength 2.5), cork grease, swab, neckstrap
Trumpet: mouthpiece, valve oil, slide grease (Schilke brand is best)
French horn: mouthpiece, valve oil, slide grease
Trombone: mouthpiece, slide cream or slide oil
Baritone: mouthpiece, valve oil, slide grease
Percussion Bell Kit: kit should come with bells, drum pad, drumsticks, mallets, and instrument stand
*A note about reeds* - students, especially beginners, will go through reeds quickly. They are not
meant to last forever, but as the student learns how to take care of them, will last longer. I would
recommend buying a box of reeds for clarinet or saxophone players (10 reeds in a box). This will save
you time in trips to the music store and money, as it is usually cheaper to buy in bulk. A clarinet, oboe,
or saxophone cannot be played without working reeds.
*Oboe reeds are costly, but last longer than clarinet/sax reeds with good care.
Class Schedule
Band classes meet once per week for 30 minutes the first month or so of instruction, then twice per week for
30 minutes thereafter. Students may be grouped into classes based upon instrument. Your child may be
pulled from his or her core academic classes for band. Students are responsible for making up any missed
work or assignments with his or her classroom teacher(s). Some students’ band class will meet before school,
during recess or slightly alter lunch time. Students will always have time to eat lunch.
Participation Requirements
Learning an instrument is very rewarding experience, but it takes a great deal of responsibility, commitment,
and time. It takes an investment from both the student and his or her family.
Band students will have homework! Weekly assignments will be announced in class and posted on Mr.
Damicone’s website. Assignments will reflect what the student is to practice at home, such as specific playing
skills, songs from the book, any additional sheet music, and music theory concepts. In addition to weekly class
participation, practicing at home is crucial for your child’s success in band. I recommend 100 minutes of
practice per week. Students are required to complete monthly practice charts.
All band students are required to participate in concerts that are held throughout the year. We will perform at
least two evening concerts, one in winter and one in the spring. I will notify you well in advance of concert
dates and times as they are confirmed. There may be additional performance opportunities during the school
day or at special school events.
Mr. Damicone asks that all students commit to band for the entire school year. If a student wishes to drop out
at some point, he will request a conference with the student and parent to decide the best action at that point.
Excessive class absences, forgetting to bring his/her instrument to school for class, unacceptable participation
in class, and/or lack of practice at home may result in a conference with teacher, student, and parent to
discuss possible removal from the program.
Just like other subjects, students receive an Instrumental Music grade for Achievement and Effort on their
report card each grading period, as well as interim grade reports. Grading is based on the following criteria:
Playing skills through playing quizzes and ongoing assessment by teacher
o Instrument position and posture
o Tone quality
o Articulation and tonguing
o Note accuracy
Music reading skills through note quizzes and tests
Attendance/Participation: Consistent attendance in band class is essential for your student’s success
on his or her instrument. Students must have their instrument, book, and a pencil that writes for all
o Please note – Mr. Damicone permits one “unexcused” absence per grading period. An
unexcused absence is when the student is present at school, but does not participate (play his
or her instrument) during class. This could occur if a student has forgotten the instrument or not
attended class for any other reason without prior permission from Mr. Damicone. Additional
unexcused absences will result in the student’s Effort grade lowering to a “2”, or lower with
subsequent unexcused absences.
Monthly practice charts
Additional assignments
Students in instrumental music are responsible for their own behavior. Any student not following class
expectations will be subject to the following consequences:
Student/Parent/Teacher conference
Removal from Instrumental Music program