FacultyofEngineering&InformationTechnology IMPORTANT PLANNING INFORMATION FOR ALL UG ENGINEERING STUDENTS Dear Undergraduate Engineering Student, The following is a collation of advice which will assist you in your ongoing planning of your degree. It’s not intended to be exhaustive; it includes information relevant to ALL students, including new students. Links are provided to sources where appropriate. PLEASE READ THE GENERAL ADVICE SECTION AND ALSO INFORMATION SPECIFIC TO YOUR MAJOR General Advice (Applicable to ALL engineering students) .................................................................... 2 New Courses in 2015 – Does this impact you now or in the future? ................................................................. 2 Completion of Engineering Practice Program .................................................................................................... 3 Exemption process for first Internship (EPP1 and EE1) ‐ students in the DipEngPrac ....................................... 3 Work Experience for Students in non‐DipEngPrac courses ................................................................................ 4 Elective subjects available for students from all Engineering majors ................................................................ 4 Capstone Project ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Undertaking Postgraduate Engineering as electives .......................................................................................... 4 Exceeding Credit Points (eg. doing 30cp in a semester) .................................................................................... 4 Waiving Prerequisites & Study Plan Variation ................................................................................................... 5 Change of Major ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Credit Recognition .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Concurrent Studies ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Global Mobility Opportunities (on UTS Online) ................................................................................................. 6 Specific Advice for Students in Majors and/or Double Degrees .......................................................... 6 Students in Combined degrees (BE BBus, BE BSci, BE BMedSci, BE BBio) ......................................................... 6 Students in combined degrees (BE BBus, BE BSci, BE BMedSci, BE BBio , BE BA IntSt) – complete either the DipEngPrac or 12 weeks experience + 48100 .................................................................................................... 7 Students in BE BCII combined degree – complete 12 weeks experience + 48100 ............................................. 7 Biomedical majors (this is for students currently in this major, or considering transferring into it from another major) ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Civil‐Construction streams (this is for students currently in this major, or considering transferring into it from another major) .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Civil – Structural stream ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Civil & Environmental majors (this is for students currently in this major, or considering transferring into it from another major) .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Electrical majors ................................................................................................................................................. 8 ICT majors ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 New majors for 2015 .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Further Information .............................................................................................................................. 10 Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Page 1 of 10 GeneralAdvice(ApplicabletoALLengineeringstudents) NewCoursesin2015–Doesthisimpactyounoworinthefuture? From 2015 all existing undergraduate engineering courses are being phased out and replaced with new versions which align with the requirements of the Australian Qualification Framework. As a result, the following arrangements will be in place to reduce impact on continuing students (admitted in current course PRIOR to 2015): 1. You will be able to complete your current course requirements or equivalent. The exception to this is routine course administrative processes. For example, it is envisaged that at some time in the future (probably beyond 2020) the University may require a student still enrolled in a pre‐Autumn 2015 course to transfer to the course that is active at that time. 2. You will be able to apply to change course/major as per previous arrangements (eg. Double degree to single degree and/or from Civil to Mechanical major). In these cases the study plan for the major will be the version current at Spring 2014 or a newer version as approved by Faculty Board and made available to pre‐2015 admitted students at the discretion of the RAO. Continuing students admitted in new majors from Autumn 2015 onwards will need to complete the old capstone subjects, 48016 Capstone A and 48026 Capstone B 3. You will be able to apply to change majors to the two new single majors, Mechatronics Engineering and Environmental Engineering. In these cases the study plan for the major will be the version current at the time the student applies to change major. Note: not all subjects in these two new single majors will run from Autumn 2015, they will be phased in over time. Students should seek advice from the relevant Course Coordinator so they are informed as to what their likely course completion requirements will be. Refer to: http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/support_and_services/key_contacts/acad_advice. Continuing students admitted in new majors from Autumn 2015 onwards will need to complete the old capstone subjects, 48016 Capstone A and 48026 Capstone B 4. You will not be accepted into courses which commence in Autumn 2015 onwards. Note that this will apply for all admission pathways, including via UAC or direct entry. The only exception to this will be those cases that may need to be resolved through routine course administrative processes described in point (1) above. No other exceptions to this will be granted. New courses are at a different award level and also involve additional study requirements for the practice program, with the Diploma or without. Students who withdraw or are withdrawn (eg. exclusion) from their pre‐Autumn 2015 course for any period of time and are re‐admitted will be handled on a case by case basis by the Responsible Academic Officer. Determining factors will include the length/duration of absence and the amount of coursework (including specific subjects) required to be completed that will assure the student is offered opportunity to adequately demonstrate the learning outcomes required for the new award. The online handbook at http://handbook.uts.edu.au always shows the LATEST version of courses and majors. To view existing versions of courses and majors, please refer to the archived versions of the handbook, which can be found here: http://handbook.uts.edu.au/archives.html. Page 2 of 10 CompletionofEngineeringPracticeProgram The DipEngPrac is a compulsory component of the (single) BE degree at UTS for local (Commonwealth Supported) students. There is no ‘option’ to drop it. This requirement will also impact on International students who gain PR and transfer from C10067 into C10061 as a CSP (HECS) supported place. The DipEngPrac is not required to be completed for international students admitted in the 4 year BE course and double degree students in courses that do not include the DipEngPrac. Note that there may be an impact on your study plan for students in double degrees with the DipEngPrac applying to transfer to a course without the DipEngPrac. This is a course transfer (change of course) and not a simple operation to ‘drop’ the DipEngPrac. Admission into a new course means changing your study plan to the CURRENT course structure – your major may no longer be available or may have changed significantly requiring you to complete additional subjects. Consult with your course co‐ordinator if you have any questions. There is a pre‐requisite pathway through the Engineering Practice Program (DipEngPrac). Waiving pre‐req's so you can complete two DipEngPrac subjects at the same time is not allowed. The course templates show EPP1 in the third semester, you are encouraged to consider completing this subject earlier – it will afford you greater time to secure your internship. There are credit point barriers (specifically 87cp, 120cp and 129cp) which relate to when you undertake your internship and may impact on your course progression. o 87cp – must complete first internship before this point, or else you will only be able to do 12cp of academic subjects per semester. Students with significant advanced standing may apply to have this barrier relaxed o 120cp – must complete first internship before this point or else no further enrolment will be allowed – NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS o 129cp – must complete before undertaking your second internship – NO EXCEPTIONS Student guide available here: http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/undergraduate/engineering_practice_program/processes_a dministration http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/undergraduate/ect. ExemptionprocessforfirstInternship(EPP1andEE1)‐studentsinthe DipEngPrac This is available to students who have completed 44+ weeks of appropriate work experience prior to commencing studies at UTS. It takes one semester to complete the exemption requirements for EPP1 and EE1; in this way you will be able to self enrol into EPR1 in the following semester. Application forms need to be submitted to APO Mailbox by week 6 of semester. Student guide available here: http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/undergraduate/engineering_practice_program/processes_a dministration http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/undergraduate/engineering_practice_program/processes_a dministration#exemption Page 3 of 10 WorkExperienceforStudentsinnon‐DipEngPraccourses For students in non‐DipEngPrac courses, you need to complete the equivalent of 12 weeks full‐ time equivalent work experience as well as complete the review subject 48100 as part of the course. Refer to UTS Online: Professional Practice (BE) Forum Student guide available here: http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/undergraduate/engineering_practice_program/processes_a dministration ElectivesubjectsavailableforstudentsfromallEngineeringmajors 15349 Integrated Project Delivery Management: the pre‐req for this subject (for Eng students) is 120cp AND 48260 Engineering Project Management. Refer http://handbook.uts.edu.au/subjects/details/15349.html 16471 Integrated Services; the pre‐req for this subject (for Eng students) is must have completed 72cp coursework. Refer http://handbook.uts.edu.au/subjects/details/16471.html 41002 Professional Engineering Practice Preparation: available as an elective in non‐DipEngPrac courses (eg. C10067) only – for International students only (at this time). No pre‐req. Refer http://handbook.uts.edu.au/subjects/details/41002.html Submit an eRequest to have these subjects added to your study plan as an elective. CapstoneProject Start planning your Capstone Project semester(s) months in advance. Read the Subject Guide. This is NOT a subject you can simply turn‐up to in week 1 and commence. Plan to complete your Capstone in your final semester of study in your Engineering course. Capstone Project runs only in Autumn and Spring semesters, not Summer or Winter. You need to have secured a supervisor and project topic in the final weeks of the semester before you commence your project (ie. by mid‐June or mid‐November) http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/undergraduate/capstone_main UndertakingPostgraduateEngineeringaselectives Some PG Engineering subjects available for UG students In all cases, the pre‐requisite for UG students is completion of at least 120cp of coursework study. Some PG subjects also have subject pre‐requisites. Check the online handbook for details. http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/undergraduate/postgraduate_subjects ExceedingCreditPoints(eg.doing30cpinasemester) Exceeding credit points means enrolling in more than 27cp of coursework study (eg. five 6cp subjects) You need to meet the requirements detailed in the FEIT SOP Page 4 of 10 Submit an eRequest (no earlier than 3 weeks prior to start of semester) to have this study load considered/approved FEIT Exceeding Credit Points SOP available here: http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/student_policies_rules WaivingPrerequisites&StudyPlanVariation In general, UG subject prerequisites are enforced. If you believe there are extenuating circumstances as to why a prerequisite should be waived or your study plan should be varied then complete the following three steps: 1. Student emails the relevant course coordinator directly and CC: FEIT_APO@uts.edu.au . The course coordinator will consult as needed and reply to the student and CC: FEIT_APO@uts.edu.au with the decision. Subject Area Examples Who to contact Other faculties (subjects do MM2, Medical Devices, Site No‐one. Subject pre‐req’s not start with “3” or “4”) Management, etc. are enforced without exception Field of practice subjects Eg. Civil, biomedical, Relevant course co‐ (from your major) electrical, mechanical, etc. ordinator (see link below) Core program DesignInnovFund, EEF, Core program co‐ordinator EngProjMan, etc. (see link below) Practice Program EPP1, EE1, EPR1, EPP2, EE2, No‐one. All pre‐req’s are EPR2 enforced without exception Innovation Major IntroInnov, Innov Process, Course co‐ordinator etc. Innovation Program (see link below) Capstone Project 48006, 48012, 48016, 48026 Capstone Project subject co‐ ordinator – student centre can confirm who this is 2. Cut and paste email response from co‐ordinator into an eRequest 3. Student centre will contact you with the outcome of the eRequest and what further actions you need to take. http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/support_and_services/key_contacts/acad_advice ChangeofMajor Further to information above about specific changes of majors, you are reminded of existing Faculty standard operating principles regarding a change of major: 1. You can apply to change major at any time in your candidature. Applications are assessed based on eligibility criteria (see point below). If granted, unless stated elsewhere in this document, you will be admitted into the current version of the selected major at the time of transfer. This may have impacts on your study plan and may result in you having to complete additional subjects. 2. Eligibility criteria apply for popular majors. You need to have a weighted average mark of at least 65% or no fails and an average mark of at least 65% for the past 12 months of study. Page 5 of 10 CreditRecognition This is the formal process of granting credits to students for their prior studies completed at other Higher Education or tertiary institutions. UTS Rules require this process be completed as early as possible (within a few weeks) after your first enrolment at UTS. Contact Student Centre for follow‐up enquiries regarding Credit Recognition. http://www.gsu.uts.edu.au/rules/6‐index.html FEIT Credit Recognition SOP available here: http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/student_policies_rules ConcurrentStudies This is the formal process of approving studies undertaken at other educational institutions as credit towards a UTS degree course. Applications must submitted via Student Centre and approved prior to commencing the external program http://www.sau.uts.edu.au/enrolment/concurrent/ FEIT Concurrent Studies SOP available here: http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/student_policies_rules GlobalMobilityOpportunities(onUTSOnline) All FEIT undergraduate students should have access to this forum on UTS Online. We’ll continue to use this space to advise students about exchange and short‐term study courses (during Summer and Winter), as well as other overseas related opportunities. http://www.uts.edu.au/partners‐and‐community/initiatives/internationalisation/student‐mobility http://www.ssu.uts.edu.au/globalexchange/ http://www.ssu.uts.edu.au/beyonduts/ SpecificAdviceforStudentsinMajorsand/orDoubleDegrees StudentsinCombineddegrees(BEBBus,BEBSci,BEBMedSci,BEBBio) At present, UTS considers requests from students to ‘split’ their combined degree program and graduate with (say) a BE, and then return to complete their BBus. Student Centres can confirm procedure to split your combined degree Engineering as well as both Faculty of Science and Faculty of Business have rules which are applied now even though they may not have been in place at the start of your combined degree. For example, to graduate from the Engineering part of your combined degree you must have completed a required number of credit points in your Science or Business degree. These are described in the UTS Handbook. Further, both Science and Business have advised they will require students splitting their combined degree will need to complete all requirements of a Page 6 of 10 single (Science or Business) degree – which means you’ll need to complete more credit points compared to what may have been required in a combined degree. http://www.handbook.uts.edu.au/ Studentsincombineddegrees(BEBBus,BEBSci,BEBMedSci,BEBBio,BE BAIntSt)–completeeithertheDipEngPracor12weeksexperience+ 48100 The DipEngPrac is not required to be completed for double degree students in courses that do not include the DipEngPrac. Note that there may be an impact on your study plan for students in double degrees with the DipEngPrac applying to transfer to a course without the DipEngPrac. This is a course transfer (change of course) and not a simple operation to ‘drop’ the DipEngPrac. Admission into a new course means changing your study plan to the CURRENT course structure – your major may no longer be available or may have changed significantly requiring you to complete additional subjects. Consult with your course co‐ordinator if you have any questions. All students who do not complete the DipEngPrac must complete the 12 week work experience requirements, as well as the review subject 48100 Professional Practice (BE) to be eligible for the BE. Students who have completed EPR1 in Summer 2012 or later semesters and then changed to non‐DipEngPrac combined degree can use EPR1 as a substitute for 48100. Student Centre can assist in unlocking this subject. Student guide available here: http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/undergraduate/engineering_practice_program/processes_a dministration StudentsinBEBCIIcombineddegree–complete12weeksexperience+ 48100 This is a new combined degree course for 2014. The DipEngPrac is not available as an option for this course because the course includes significant work integrated learning. Students complete 12 weeks experience + 48100. Biomedicalmajors(thisisforstudentscurrentlyinthismajor,or consideringtransferringintoitfromanothermajor) As this course is relatively new, students considering a transfer to this major with significant advanced standing are advised to contact the course co‐ordinator to discuss this. Later stage subjects may not be offered in 2015/2016. http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/support_and_services/key_contacts/acad_advice Civil‐Constructionstreams(thisisforstudentscurrentlyinthismajor,or consideringtransferringintoitfromanothermajor) Your study plan includes a number of subjects from the BConstProjMan degree program run by Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building. Page 7 of 10 Many of these subjects are offered only once per year, and require completion of pre‐requisite subjects before enrolment. These pre‐requisites are enforced by DAB, regardless of the circumstance. There were changes to the Civil‐Construction stream in 2014 which were communicated to you previously. Please familiarise yourself with these changes if you have not already done so. Check the online handbook and compare with your study plan on MyStudentAdmin. Students transferring into Civil‐Construction major will complete the new version. Students requiring further advice about these changes are advised to contact the Civil Engineering Course Coordinator http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/support_and_services/key_contacts/acad_advice Civil–Structuralstream A reminder that 12cp from your (24cp) free elective block should be used to undertake recommended postgraduate (structural) engineering subjects. The pre‐requisites for these PG subjects is 120cp (as well as late stage Civil engineering subjects in some cases). Students requiring further advice should contact the Civil Engineering Course Coordinator http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/support_and_services/key_contacts/acad_advice http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/course/undergraduate/postgraduate_subjects Civil&Environmentalmajors(thisisforstudentscurrentlyinthismajor, orconsideringtransferringintoitfromanothermajor) A new version of this major commenced in 2014. It appears very similar to the existing study plan, but with additional compulsory/core subjects taking the place of electives. Students admitted in a pre‐2014 Civil & Environmental major are not impacted by this change, you can complete your existing study plan. Students seeking to change majors to this major will be admitted into the new version. The consequence of this is you may need to complete additional subject(s) because there are no electives in this major. Please note, the normal change of major requirements will be applied. Students whose academic performance is less than adequate will not have their change of major approved. From 2014 the Civil & Environmental major will not be available for any combined degree programs (ie. BE BA IntSt, BE BBus, BE BSci, BEngSci LLB), nor with 3 year BEngSci degree. However, a single ‘Environmental’ Eng major will be introduced in 2015, see note below. There are two new subjects in the new version of this major, 41011 and 41010. For your planning purposes, these subjects are not planned to run until 2016. Refer UTS Handbook for details of these subjects. Students requiring further advice about these changes are advised to contact the Civil & Environmental Course Coordinator http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/support_and_services/key_contacts/acad_advice Electricalmajors The RAO will continue to consider study plan variations from students in the single BE degrees (C10061 and C10067) to change ONE subject from ONE thread. ie: complete all subjects in two threads, and then replace one subject in your third thread with any remaining electrical subject. Submit an eRequest to have this study plan variation considered. Page 8 of 10 ICTmajors From 2014 a new 18cp ICT Option called ‘Security’ was introduced, as well as a new 54cp ICT submajor called ‘Network Security’. See links below. New students into the ICT major will have study plans which reflect these additions. There is no change to current student’s study plans at this time – you can continue/complete the study plan you have. The current ICT Choice block (with 15 subjects) will expand to 18 subjects Students who what to change: o Current students in ICT major who wish to add the 18cp Security option to their study plan should submit an eRequest. o Current students in ICT major who wish to add the 54cp Network Security submajor to their study plan should submit an eRequest. o Current students in ICT (CSE, Soft, Telecom submajors) who wish to change to the 54cp Network Security submajor to their study plan should submit an eRequest. Links: http://handbook.uts.edu.au/directory/cbk90943.html http://handbook.uts.edu.au/directory/smj10048.html http://handbook.uts.edu.au/directory/cbk90366.html Mechanical & Mechatronics majors (this is for students currently in this major, or considering transferring into it from another major) A new version of this major commenced in 2014. It appears very similar to the existing study plan, but with additional compulsory/core subjects taking the place of electives. Students currently in a Mechanical & Mechatronics major are not impacted by this change, you can complete your existing study plan. Students seeking to change majors to this major will be admitted into the new version. The consequence of this is you may need to complete additional subject(s) because there are no electives in this major. Please note, the normal change of major requirements will be applied. Students whose academic performance is less than adequate will not have their change of major approved. From 2014 the Mechanical & Mechatronic major will not be available for any combined degree programs (ie. BE BA IntSt, BE BBus, BE BSci, BEngSci LLB), nor with 3 year BEngSci degree. However, a single ‘Mechatronic’ Eng major will be introduced in 2015, see note below. There are three new subjects in the new version of this major, 41012, 41013, and 41014. Some of these subjects may be offered in 2015. Refer to the 2015 timetable and handbook. Students requiring further advice about these changes are advised to contact the Mechanical & Mechatronics Course Coordinator http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/support_and_services/key_contacts/acad_advice Newmajorsfor2015 Commencing In 2015, BE (Mechatronics), and BE (Environmental). These two new majors will be offered in addition to existing majors, and will also be available with DipEngPrac and in (most) combined degree programs. Students requiring further advice about these new majors are advised to contact the Mechanical & Mechatronics Course Coordinator, or the Civil & Environmental Course Coordinator http://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/support_and_services/key_contacts/acad_advice Page 9 of 10 FurtherInformation Contact the student centre by telephoning 1300 ASK UTS (1300 275 887), visiting in person at the ground floor (level 2) in Building 10, or lodging an online enquiry at https://mystudent.uts.edu.au/. Disclaimer While care has been taken in preparing this document, changes inevitably occur which may render this information obsolete. In all cases, the relevant UTS and Faculty Rules, Policies, Procedures apply. Authors: Rob.Jarman@uts.edu.au (Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning) and Anthony.Kadi@uts.edu.au (Director of Undergraduate Programs (Engineering)) Version: 13 October 2014 Page 10 of 10