Team 6A Handbook for 2015-2016 - Linn

Excelsior Middle School
Team 6A Handbook
Contact Information
6A Teammates
Mrs. Debbie Bancks – reading and social studies Phone 447-3168
Mrs. Kathleen Henricksen– language and social studies Phone 447-3179
Mr. Dennis Koenen – math and social studies Phone 447-3176
Mrs. Andrea L. Long – science and social studies
Phone 447-3181
Mrs. Vicki Shaw - Student Support Teacher Phone 447-3154
Excelsior Main Office: 447-3130
Excelsior phone to call in for Attendance: 447-3132
Mr. John Christian, Principal
Mr. Duane Orr, Associate Principal/Activities Director
Mr. Steven Starkey, Associate Principal -
Guidance Counselor for 6th Grade
Margaret Bounadonna
Phone 447-3138
Student Intervention Specialist
Mr. Mike Shipley
Phone 447-3152
Equity federal laws guarantee an equal education for all
students enrolled in the Linn-Mar Community School
District. The L-MCSD does not consciously discriminate in
educational programs or activities including employment
therein and admission hereto. All persons regardless of
race, creed, color, sex, handicap, and national origin must
be afforded equal opportunity. Anyone who feels they have
been discriminated against or treated unjustly at school,
please contact the Equity Coordinator at the Educational
Services Center (447-3006). The coordinator will discuss the
situation with you and if you wish, help you file a grievance.
Agenda Expectations
The Student Agenda is our single most important communication
tool between home and school. Please look for notes from your child’s
teachers, grade updates, and special event notices. Students will
write down what is done in class and what homework is to be done at
Please read and sign the front section of the Student Agenda
during the first week of school. Students are expected to fill out
their Agenda completely everyday.
The attendance, grading, and communication program that is
used at Excelsior this year is called PowerSchool. Using it, you will be
able to access grades and assignments whenever you wish. You will be
receiving information about how to access your students’ information
from our school office early in the school year.
There are notations for Lates or Missing and excused
assignments that you can view when looking at your child’s grades. Late
work will not become a late assignment until 2 days after the student
has returned to class (for each day of absence).
Homework/Test Policy
We believe homework is a valuable tool because it reinforces
what has been taught in class and helps students develop selfdiscipline, responsibility, and organizational skills. The total amount of
homework will vary, but should never exceed one hour. This homework
time includes independent reading minutes.
Tests will be given periodically; students will be informed, in
advance, of test schedules. We expect students to complete all
assignments on time. We expect each student’s personal best on all
work. Students are responsible for finding out and completing any
work missed due to absences.
Please support and encourage your child in his/her homework
efforts. Parents are the key to making homework a positive
Club Ed
Homework help or study time is available to all students at
Excelsior Middle School. Club Ed meets Mondays and Wednesdays
from 2:55 PM – 3:55 PM. Teachers will be available for student help.
No passes are needed to attend after school study. Free snacks are
available to those who attend. Transportation can be accessed with an
activity bus that loads at 4:00pm on Club Ed days and it delivers
students to drop-off points throughout the district. Passes for the
bus are given out by staff. Starting date for Club Ed will be
announced in early September. The bus is also available on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays to students in after school activities.
Discipline Policy
Our goal is to provide a safe and productive learning environment
for all of our students. We expect students to follow all school rules
and to treat others with respect.
Consequences that may result when students choose not to
follow these expectations may include (but are not limited to): verbal
warnings, parent contacts, before and after school detentions,
counselor referrals, parent/student/teacher conferences, and
administrative referrals.
A list of some of the special activities available to sixth graders
Intramural basketball, soccer, wrestling, weight lifting, volleyball,
softball, golf, cup stacking
Vocal Music, Orchestra, Band
Jr. SODA (Students OK without Drugs and Alcohol)
Student Council
Quiz Bowl
Service Learning Projects
Battle of the Books
Circle of Friends
Chess Club
Drama Club
Geography Bee
LEGO League
Math Counts
Mock Trial
Quiz Bowl
Star Wars club
Writer’s Club
At Excelsior we use the Olweus program. It is an award-winning
program that introduces strategies and lessons to foster an anti-bullying
climate in our school. Students will be meeting in small groups with a
staff member each Wednesday, from 8:00-8:30, for lessons,
discussions, and activities to promote a bully-free school. You will see
signs announcing this in the school halls and classrooms. More
information is available in the handbook you received at registration.
Team 6A Reading and Language
Mrs. Bancks (Reading)
Mrs. Henricksen (Language)
Course Texts: Holt McDougal Literature and various genres of novels will
be read and shared throughout the year.
The language curriculum is very closely aligned with the reading curriculum.
Using the literature presented in reading class, we will be working on
developing writing and grammar skills. Students will keep a writing notebook
in class.
Each student is required to have a free reading book with them at all times.
In Reading we will be working on the following units:
1. Plot, conflict, and setting
2. Analyzing character and point of view
3. Understanding theme
4. Sensory language, imagery, and style
5. The language of poetry
6. Biography and Autobiography
7. Information, argument and persuasion
Most of our reading and work is available online. The web address is Each student will have their own username and password.
Team 6A Social Studies
Mrs. Bancks, Mr. Koenen, Mrs. Henricksen, and Mrs. Long
6th Grade Social Studies Course Components (topics covered):
CNN Student News (daily current news)
Geographical terms
Maps, globes, charts and diagrams (how to use and how to read)
Central America
South America
U.S. Government/Democracy
Possible Special Activities/Projects:
Travel Brochures, Research projects, Mobiles, Posters,
Venn Diagrams, and Other Team Activities
Students are expected to study the textbook chapter, in-class notes
they have taken, and any other class work they have completed.
Team 6A Science
Mrs. Long
Sixth Grade Science Units:
Scientific Thinking/labs (all year), Measuring Time, Diversity of Life,
Models and Design and Weather and Water
Helpful Information:
Ø Study guides are typically handed out 2 weeks before
the test (and are also available on Mrs. Long’s webpage)
Ø Work outside of class is rare, since most activities are
completed during lab or in class. However, homework will
be assigned as needed within the current unit.
Homework should last 10-15 minutes.
Ø Cooperative group work encompasses most every lab and
Ø 6th grade Science does not have a textbook. Each
student is required to use the packet given to them with
each unit. The packet will usually remain in the room.
Ø Students will need to provide:
• A folder to hold packets and class work that
does not fit in the science notebook/log
There are many helpful links to sites to help with class work and
projects provided on Mrs. Long’s webpages located on the LM website.
Homework assignments and information about class activities are
listed weekly, and copies of work handed out in class are available to
download if needed for assignments and/or projects.
To find Mrs. Long’s Linn-Mar web pages for Science and Social
Studies: Open the Linn-Mar homepage (, click on
Excelsior Middle School, click on Staff Directory, Scroll down to 6A
team – EX, and finally click on Andrea Long.
Math 6A
Mr. Koenen
Holt McDougal Math
Operations and Properties
Fraction Operations
Proportional Relationships
Intergers and Coordinate Planes
Introduction to Algebra
Number Theory and Fractions
Data Collection and Analysis
Measurement and Geometry
Assignments will be given daily and are expected to be completed for
the next class unless otherwise stated. Assignments should be used as
practice for the lessons and to prepare for the quizzes and test in each
Students are encouraged to use the online text’s interactive
quizzes/tests to as a resource in order to prepare themselves for the
assessments. The assignments, which are given during the chapter, are
also good sources to use when studying for the quizzes and tests.
Most of our math and work is available online. The web address is Each student will have their own username and password.
Meet the 6A Team:
Mrs. Bancks
Welcome! My name is Debbie Bancks, and most recently, I
taught at Linn Grove as a Title 1 Reading and Math teacher with small
groups of K-4 students and a Reading Recovery teacher working with
first graders. Prior to that, I worked at Bowman Woods in the same
roles. Earlier in my career, I was a fifth and sixth grade teacher in
Albany, New York and a fourth grade teacher in my hometown of
Peoria, Illinois.
I earned my M.S. in Developmental Reading at the State
University of New York at Albany and my B.S. in Elementary Education
at Illinois State University. In 2006-07, I was trained in Reading
Recovery through the University of Iowa.
My husband and I have two boys. Our older son is an engineering
student at Iowa State University, and our younger son is a senior at
Linn-Mar. In my free time, I enjoy kickboxing, reading and spending
time with my immediate and extended family.
Building relationships with students and their families is
important to me, so please don't hesitate to reach out when you have
questions or concerns.
Mr. Koenen
My name is Dennis Koenen, and I teach Math and Social Studies. I
graduated with my BA in Elementary Education from UNI and with my
Master’s in Educational Leadership from Drake. This is my 19th year of
teaching. My wife also works in the district and we have three
children. I enjoy watching Penn State football and movies.
Mrs. Long
Hello! I’m Mrs. Andrea L. Long and I have been teaching middle
school Science, Language, Reading, and Social Studies for 25 years.
This is my 16th year at Linn-Mar. My husband Dan and I have two
children. Our son is in college at the University of Iowa and our
daughter is a senior in high school. In my free time when I’m not
spending time with my family, I love to read and/or to knit, to cheer on
the Chicago Cubs & the Iowa Hawkeyes, to watch movies, and to ride
my bike.
My educational background includes a BA degree from Mt. Mercy
College (now Mount Mercy University), majoring in Art and Biology. At
the University of Iowa, I received a MA degree in Elementary
Education with an endorsement in Science, a specialization in Reading,
and a middle school endorsement. I look forward to working with you
and your child this year!
Mrs. Henricksen
My name is Kathleen Henricksen and I teach 6th grade Language
and Social Studies. I have taught or worked in classrooms around
Iowa from Kindergarten to sixth grade as well as jobs as a reading
consultant and education specialist at the Mississippi Bend Area
Education Agency in the Quad Cities. I did my undergraduate work at
the University of Northern Iowa where I majored in Elementary
Education (K-6) and minored in Reading Education (K-8). I completed
my graduate work in Curriculum and Instruction/Literacy and Language
Education at Purdue University.
After many moves, my husband, Bill and I settled in Cedar Rapids
15 years ago. My son will be an 8th grader at Excelsior and my
daughter will be a junior at Linn Mar High School. I love to read,
write, do yoga, cook, garden and read some more.
Mrs. Shaw
My name is Vicki Shaw. This is my 12th year at Excelsior. I am
the Student Support Services teacher on team 6A. I co-teach with
Mrs. Henricksen in Language, Mrs. Bancks in Reading and with Mr.
Koenen in Math. I also co-teach in social studies. I graduated from the
University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Elementary Education
and an endorsement in Special Education. I grew up in Iowa. My
husband and I have two children: Jessica and Justin. I enjoy playing
the piano, singing, gardening, baking, camping and just spending time
with my family.
TAG - Science
Teacher: Sara Stiemel
Heath/P.E Teachers
Barry Whitson, 6th grade Health
Kali Gassmann, 6th Grade Physical Education
Quarter (Specials) Teachers
Fuf Renfer, Art
Mary Thomas, Computers
Kelsey Brown, General Music
Anna McNabb, World Languages
Health and Physical Education
Health and physical education are rotated with even/odd cycle days.
On their schedule, it will state what cycle days are health and what
cycle days will be physical education.
6th Grade Health
Barry Whitson
Supplies needed for Health class: Pencil, pen, paper, a ream of paper,
a 3-ring binder and a box of Kleenex (in addition to the one listed on
the 6th grade supply list).
Sixth grade health class involves the following units:
Exercise/Nutrition, Eyes/Ears/Teeth, D.A.R.E (with Officer Daubs),
Personal Hygiene, Diseases, Sexual Harassment and Character
Education. Students will be graded on the following areas:
Assessments, Classwork/Homework, Responsibility and Extra Credit.
Health class is about learning how to make healthy choices to stay
safe, and it is about knowing the consequences for not making healthy
6th Grade Physical Education
Kali Gassmann
Sixth grade physical education involves fitness, wellness, sports, and
lifetime activities. Participation by the student plays a very important
part in our program. Students will receive study guides over activities
which contain the major rules, skills and strategies. Students may
have written work such as lab assignments, quizzes and final tests.
It’s the goal of the Linn-Mar Physical Education Program to provide
enough experiences to develop a healthy self-image and a wholesome
attitude toward activity; enough so that the student will want to
continue to participate on their own in some physical activity outside
of school hours and in later life. Please understand that our activities
are safe and very healthy, but as with any physical activity – there is
always a risk of injury. Please remember SAFETY!
A separate uniform (clothing not worn during the day) is required for
physical education.
Quarter Classes/ Specials
Each quarter your child will attend one of the specials offered for
sixth graders at Excelsior. Sometime during the year your child will
attend art, computers, general music and world languages. At the end
of each quarter, the guidance office will post which class they will be
attending next.
Please check power school regularly to check on your child’s grades
and assignments. Grades for quarter classes do not show up on emails
you may set up on power school and will need to be checked online.
Fuf Renfer
6th Grade Art focuses on three main areas:
*Art Careers
- graphic design
- animation
- Fine Art: Portrait Art
* Art Making Connections
- art & science (perspective)
- art & math (geometric string art)
- art & language arts (narrative art)
* Cultural Art
- art from Oaxaca, Mexico
- art from the San Blas Islands of Panama
- ancient Mayan & Aztec art
I hope your students will enjoy their time with me in the art room.
Mary Thomas
The 6th grade computer class is exploratory in nature. It is often
referred to as a “specials” or “quarter” class. We meet for nine
weeks. Check out our class website at – look
at the tab for 6th grade classwork. Links and descriptions are
provided for our units. Most of our work is collaboratory in nature and
done online with ample time provided during class.
In 6th grade computers, we have a variety of units including:
• Internet / online safety
• Keyboarding (home row only) what is touch typing?
• PowerSchool use
• Iowa AEA Online sources of information (encyclopedia, etc.)
• Using digital images
• Linn-Mar student school accounts & drives: LM U-Drive, Office
365 & Outlook e-mail, Google account.
• Giving credit / EasyBib citations
• Presentations – and PowerPoint
• Surveys using Google forms
• Cameras and photography / graphics
General Music
Kelsey Brown
6th Grade General Music is a course designed to give the student
a great amount of musical knowledge in a short period of time.
The students study music theory, rhythm and music history. We
use partner projects, group work, games, and worksheets to test
our learning. Students will use computer programs such as
Powerpoint, GarageBand, iMovie, and iPhoto in a project that
allows the student to research their favorite type of music!
Students will study the history and making of musicals. We will
study one popular classical composer and his works and
contribution to the world. We will also take a look at the history
of the recording industry and end the 9week session in world
music! General music is a class that allows each student to
engage in learning through activities that include bouncing balls,
friendly contests, fishing and even eating cake!
World Languages
Anna McNabb
World Languages is a dynamic nine-week course in which students
explore the origins of language and culture. Students will be exposed
to at least two foreign languages, learning basic conversation words,
numbers and colors. They will also learn what it looks like, feels like
and maybe even tastes like to study a foreign language. The class
focuses on verbal communication. The goal of the course is to get
students excited about the language learning experience so they have
a desire to learn more when other language classes are available to
them in the future.