Seismology: The Instrumental Study of Earthquakes Marek Chichanski, Ph.D. Christopher DiLeonardo, Ph.D. Earth & Space Sciences De Anza College E arthquakes are dynamic events that can alter the landscape, bring down civilizations, and change the course of history. They are constant reminders of the awesome forces involved in the ongoing movement of the lithosphere beneath our feet. Scientists study these events by looking at the seismic waves radiating out from the focus (center point of rupture generating the earthquake). The study of seismology is an attempt to understand these events by studying and interpreting the instrumental recordings of seismic waves. Lone Pine Fault Scarp The Lone Pine earthquake of 1872 was one of largest in California history. Because of the damage caused and the geographical area over which it was felt it is estimated to have been between a Magnitude 7.6 and 8.0 event, similar in size to the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906. Movement along this fault scarp outside of Lone Pine, California in the area of the Alabama Hills records this dynamic event in the landscape. Photo of student on fault scarp from Foothill-De Anza field excursion. Objectives By completing this exercise you will be able to: • • • • Read and interpret a seismogram. Using travel time curves and seismograms determine the focal distance for an earthquake. From focal distances determine the epicenter of an earthquake. Determine the Richter Magnitude (ML) of an earthquake. © 2010 C. G. DiLeonardo & M. Chichanski Materials: Pencils; eraser; millimeter-scale ruler/straight edge, drawing compass. Determining the Epicenter of an Earthquake The three seismograms on the following page are from an earthquake that occurred somewhere in the Bay Area. Using these seismograms, you will determine the location of the earthquake's epicenter and plot the epicenter on the map. (See the map titled `Three seismographic stations and major faults of the Bay Area'.) To find the location of the epicenter, do the following FOR EACH OF THE THREE SEISMOGRAMS: Step 1 Measure the S-P lag time to the nearest 0.1 seconds. (Note that you have a time scale on each seismogram that will allow you to do this. Think about how to identify the P and S wave arrivals on each seismogram, and how to measure the time interval between them.) Step 2 Take the S-P lag time to the graph (`TRAVEL TIME CURVES'), and use it to figure out how far away that seismograph was from the epicenter. (Note: Think about which of the graph's axes shows travel time, and which one shows distance. How can you use a number on one axis, plus a line on the graph, to get the corresponding number on the other axis? Which of the three lines is the correct one to use?) Step 3 When you have drawn all three circles, they should intersect at one point, and this is the earthquake epicenter. 1. Did the earthquake occur on one of the Bay Area's major faults? If so, which one? 2. If you only had the data from Mt. Hamilton, would you have been able to determine which fault was the source of the earthquake? 2. If you If you add the Berkeley data to the Mt. Hamilton data, does it become easier to guess on which fault the earthquake occurred? Estimation of Magnitude The well-known Richer magnitude scale was developed in 1935 by Charles Richter of the California Institute of Technology as a means of comparing the magnitude of earthquakes on a quantitative scale that is independent of the damage caused. Richter defined the magnitude of an earthquake (ML) in such a way that as the amplitude of the recorded seismic wave increases by a Introductory Geology Laboratory Seismology 2 factor of ten, the magnitude goes up by 1 unit. The energy released by the earthquake, however, guess up by a factor of 31.5 with each whole number increase in the Richter magnitude. The size of a wave is called its amplitude. It decreases as the wave moves away from its point of origin. As an example, think of decreasing loudness of a sound wave as it travels from its source. Because seismographic stations are located at various distances from any given earthquake epicente, Richter devised a way of compensating for the attenuation (reduction in amplitude). The figure on the next page is a nomogram for obtaining the magnitude of a local earthquake once the epicentral distance and amplitude have been determined. 4. Let’s use the Mount Hamilton (MHC) seismogram from the previous problem. It was recorded on a standard seismograph, and the actual ground movement was 1/2800 of the amplitude traced on the paper. Measuring the peak-to-peak distance on the seismogram and dividing by 2 most accurately determines the amplitude. What is the maximum amplitude of the seismic waves on the MHC record? _______mm 5. What is the distance from MHC to the epicenter? ____________________km 6. What is the local Richter magnitude of the earthquake? ML = ____________________ 7. Suppose a different seismogram was recorded at Mt. Hamilton with the same maximum S-wave amplitude as the value you just measured, but the epicentral distance fort he earthquake was 450 km. What ML value would you assign for that earthquake? ML=_________________ Acknowledgements Seismic traces adapted from data provided by the Oklahoma Geological Survey. About the Earth Discovery Project The Earth Discovery Project is a collaborative effort to integrate hands-on discovery-based learning with modern research tools in undergraduate geoscience education. The approach is to develop and disseminate a comprehensive set of learning resources and experiences supporting systemic educational reform. The logo of the Earth Discovery Project portrays the earth as a threedimensional puzzle. The globe used in the logo is from NASA’s Blue Marble Project. The Blue Marble is a unique view of the earth, which integrates numerous data sets to construct a “truecolor” three-dimensional globe. Introductory Geology Laboratory Seismology 3 Three Seismographic Stations & Faults of the Bay Area Nomogram for Determining Richter Magnitude Example For an earthquake 20 km away the S-wave amplitude is measured as 20 mm. By connecting the distance bar to the amplitude bar a line crosses the magnitude bar at 3.