Animal Farm Final Project

Animal Farm
Final Project
Name: ________________________________________
Date: _________________________
Directions: You have now finished reading Animal Farm and completed the worksheets. Through this work and our discussions you should now understand some of the reasons Orwell wrote this book, which is both a fable and a warning. This project will demonstrate your understanding of the theme(s) in Animal Farm, the symbolism Orwell used, and
its relevance to our lives today.
• Summarize what you think would have happened the story continued. Include such things as what
would happen to the pigs, to the other animals, to the neighboring farms. Explain what things might
change and what might stay the same on Animal Farm. Prepare a visual device (such as a slideshow,
website, etc. that you can share with the class.
• Identify the major symbols used in the book. Describe how and why each one was used. Develop a
visual device to display and illuminate your points. Prepare a presentation to share your learnings with
the class.
• Describe the similarities between the concepts in Animal Farm and what happens in America today.
Use specific examples to support your ideas. Include the major themes in Animal Farm as well as the
similarities in characteristics of the main characters to modern figures. Prepare a presentation with a
visual device to share with the class.
My project includes:
A one to two page written summary of the topic I chose................................................................................. 20 _____
A brief, written outline of the class presentation.................................................................................................. 10 _____
An activity to involve the class.................................................................................................................................. 10 _____
Evidence of a thorough understanding of the book.............................................................................................. 10 _____
My presentation includes:
At least ten pictures illustrating the main points .................................................................................................
10 _____
The major points of the project clearly defined.................................................................................................... 10 _____
A timeline or description of the significant scenes I created.............................................................................. 10 _____
A well-planned, well-executed speech ....................................................................................................................
20 _____
MAINE LEARNING RESULTS ADDRESSED: English Language Arts, Secondary Grades:
B. Literature and Culture, Students will use reading, listening, and viewing strategies to experience, understand, and appreciate
literature and culture. Students will be able to:
5. Identify and analyze the details and effects of complex literary devices on the overall quality of a work (e.g., foreshadowing, flashbacks, time frames in the future or past).
7. .Apply mature strategies to the reading and interpretation of lengthy adult level fiction, (e.g., satires, parodies, plays, poems, novels)
using texts that are complex in terms of character, plot, theme, structure, and dialogue and sophisticated in style, point of view, and
use of literary devices.
Worksheet by Jim Braley, 2005
Study collections