Agronomy Textbook List ‐ Spring 2012 Agry Class 105 Instructor L. Snyder Title / Edition Introduction to Crop Production 204 Housley (suggested text) Weeds of the Northeast 210 Bigelow Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management 251, 255, Graveel & Elements of Nature and Properties 270, & NRES VanScoyoc of Soil 255 Responders 285 320 Tuinstra Stuart/Ma Edition Author L.J. Unruh Snyder ISBN 978-1-60904-025-3 Publisher Stipes Publishing RH Uva, et al 0-80148-334-4 Cornell Univ Press 4th Nick Christians 978‐0470587317 Christians Wiley Press 3rd Brady and Weil 978‐0‐13‐501433‐2 Prentice Hall Responders Introduction to Genetic Analysis Griffiths # ISBN‐10: 1429229438 # ISBN‐13: 978‐ 1429229432 1‐4292‐5390‐8 2nd Koliantz & Szymanski 978‐0891185611 American Society of Agronomy 2nd RB Stull 0‐534‐37214‐7 Brooks‐Cole Thomson Learning 10th Genetics Portal 321 335 337 365 365T Koliantz Genetics: A Laboratory Manual (suggested text) Meteorology for Scientists and Engineers (suggested text) Severe and Hazardous Weather, An Into to High Impact Meteorology Bowling Environmental Hydrology Joern Soil Fertility Responders Turfgrass Soil Fetility and Chemical VanScoyoc Problems: Assessment and Management Responders Niyogi Griffiths et al. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company Rauber, Walsh, Charlevoix 2nd Ward and Trimble Foth and Ellis Carrow, Weddington, and Rieke W.H. Freeman and Company 1‐56670‐243‐7 Lewis Publishers CRC Lewis Ann Arbor Press Agronomy Textbook List ‐ Spring 2012 Agry Class Instructor Title / Edition 505 Johnson Alfalfa Mgmt Guide; Newest Edition Corn Silage Production, Mgmt, and Feeding; Newest Edition Forages, Introduction of Grassland Agriculture Edition Author ISBN Item #B40702 Item #B40306 6th Barnes, Collins, Moore, Nelson Publisher American Society of Agronomy American Society of Agronomy 8‐13804213 Purdue Extention AY-328 and ID-317 525 Volenec Crop Ecology (paperback) 2nd Grant 536 Grant An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics‐ (paperback) 540 Johnston/S chwab The Chemistry of Soils Second Edition 544 L. Lee Environmental Organic Chemistry 555 Schwab Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3. Chemical Methods 580 Turco Principles and Applications of Soil Microbiology 585 Steinhardt To be determined 598 Adv. Topics Bowling To be determined 978-0-521-74403-4 Cambridge Univ Press Roland B. Stull 978‐9027727695 Kluwer Academic Publishers Gaylon S. Campbell, John Norman 978‐0387949376 Springer; 2nd edition 2nd Garrison Sposito 978‐0‐19‐531369‐7 Oxford University Press 2nd Schwarzenbach,Gschwend, Imboden An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology 535 David Connor, Robert Loomis, Cassman 2nd Wiley‐Interscience D.L. Sparks ISBN‐10: 0891188258 ISBN‐13: 978‐ 0891188254 Sylvia, Fuhrmann, Hartel, Zuberer 978-0130941176 Soil Science Society of America Agronomy Textbook List ‐ Spring 2012 Agry Class Instructor Title / Edition 650 Schulze To be determined Edition Author ISBN Publisher