Biological Plant Science Unit 1 Review

Biological Plant Science
Unit 1 Review – Biological Sciences in Our Lives
1.1 Define Terms
Match the following terms with their BEST definition listed below:
A. Biological plant science
B. agriscience
D. Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE)
C. life science
E. Science Fair
_____ 1. The term for a type of science that can be used interchangeably with Biology.
_____2. The knowledge obtained through systematic study of living plants.
_____3. The aspect of an agriculture program that provides opportunities for students to put
classroom instruction to practice in the real world.
_____4. Refers to the collective fields of science associated with agriculture.
_____5. An FFA event that provides opportunities for students interested in scientific research and
the sharing of their findings through written and oral presentations.
Match the following terms with their BEST definition listed below:
A. Agronomy
B. botany
C. entomology
D. forestry
E. horticulture
F. soil science
_____6. The study of plants.
_____7. The science, art, and business associated with the production of trees and their products.
_____8. The area encompassing the production of fruits, vegetables, flowers, turf, nuts, and shrubs
and other ornamental plants.
_____9. The theory and practice of field crop production, including soils.
_____10. The study of soil.
_____11. The study of insects.
1.2 Discuss areas of science that are a part of the biological plant sciences
12. Complete the following table of biological plant science areas by giving a brief description of
each type, and a possible career in each type.
Biological Plant Science Area
Soil Science
Brief Description
Possible Career
1.3 Identify ways in which the biological plant sciences affect our everyday lives
13. Briefly explain how genetic engineering has impacted the biological plant science industry:
14. Briefly explain how biotechnology has impacted the biological plant science industry:
1.4 List career opportunities in the plant biological sciences
Give a brief job description of each of the following careers.
15. Arborist:
16. Plant Scientist:
17. Plant Pathologist:
18. Plant Propogator:
1.5 Discuss FFA and supervised experience opportunities for students interested in the plant
biological sciences.
Identify at least three Career Development Events (CDE) that are directly related to Biological Plant
19. _____________________
Identify at least two possible Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) projects that could be related
to Biological Plant Science:
22. ____________________________
Briefly explain a possible Agriscience Fair project that could be related to Biological Plant Science: