Welcome to Biological Inquiry! Advanced Placement Biology 2013-2014
Mr. Braddy ebraddy@pasco.k12.fl.us www.campbellbiology.com
AP Expectations Night: May 29, 2013
Chapter 1 Due Date: July 5, 2013
AP Boot Camp: August 8, 2013
Chapter 2 Due Date: August 19, 2013
(first day of school)
Things to do before you leave, June 2013:
Get a copy of the AP Biology textbook (Campbell Biology , 9th edition) for summer work
Register for the online site at www.campbellbiology.com
Get your summer assignment and understand what to do
Make sure you have entered your email and phone # in my email contacts
Summer Assignment:
Read and study chapters 1 and 2 (specifics below)
Complete on-line activities to be ready to design and conduct an experiment with isopods the first week of school (specifics below)
Part 1: Themes of Life
Complete the following by July 5, 2013.
Read and study chapter 1 in the Campbell text (learn how to read and study your text this summer; a lot depends on your ability to be an independent learner)
Write in answers to the AP Biology Reading Guide provided.
Read the concept check questions (pg 11, 18, 23, 25) and after you try answering them, check answers provided in the answer section in the appendix of the text
Check out all of the resources at the end of the chapter that are available to your for studying
Go online to www.campbellbiology.com
and click on Chapter 1. Review all of the sections called “activities” that you see there.
When you feed comfortable with the content of the activities, take the activities quiz and submit score.
Part 2: Chemical Context of Life
Complete the following by August 19, 2013
Read and study chapter 2 in the Campbell text (learn how to read and study your text this summer; a lot depends on your ability to be an independent learner)
Write answers to the AP Biology Reading Guide for Chapter 2 provided
Read all of the concept check questions after each section, and after you try to answer them, check the answers provided in the answer section in the appendix of the text.
Check out all of the resources at the end of the chapter that are available to you for studying
Go online to www.campbellbiology.com
and click on Chapter 2. After reading and studying the chapter, review all of the activities on the text website for chapter 2.
When you feel comfortable with the content of the activities, take the activities quiz and submit score.
Part 3:
Getting ready for inquiry:
Use any available resources to develop notes as you:
" Observe and describe isopods (two “you tube” videos below)
" Explain the concepts of “kinesis” and “taxis” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWW8Caur8Co http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8T5CB2pQ-w&feature=related
Go to The Lab Bench at http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/index.html
Click on Lab 11: Animal Behavior
Review all of these parts of this laboratory:
Concept 2: Observing Behaviors: Pillbug Behavior
Concept 3: Scientific Sketching
Concept 4: Response to the Environment
Analysis of Results
Design of the Experiment
The Controls
Sample Size, Results, and Replication
Other Considerations
Lab Quiz
Next step:
Develop a scientific question about isopod behavior that you would like to answer by designing and conducting an experiment!!! (Have your questions and ideas ready for day 2)
Overview: Summer Due Date, AP Boot Camp and the first week of school in AP Biology
July 5
Chapter 1 Assignments
Due Date
July 5 All assignments for Chapter 1 complete as per above
August 8 AP Boot Camp
Day 1 8/19 Part 1 (See assignments above)
Chapter 1: Introduction: Themes in the Study of Life
Part 2 (See assignments above)
Chapter 2: The Chemical Context of Life
Day 2 8/20 In the Laboratory: Inquiry with Isopods
Day 3 8/21 Exam: Chapters 1 and 2
Day 4 8/22 Chapter 3: Water and Life
Help on Summer Assignment Available
# Reading Guide complete, Ch 1: August 19
# Reading Guide complete for Ch 2 and online submission by class time Aug 19
# Get August Assignment Calendar
TBA on Assignment Calendar
I am available during the summer if you have questions, or want to just say hi!! (Cell: 813 300 3980)