Wren High School Biology Honors Course Syllabus Instructor: Mrs. Ali Wienke Email: wienkea@anderson1.k12.sc.us Phone: 864-850-5900, ext. 227 Materials Needed: 1. 3 Ring Notebook specifically for this class 2. Loose leaf paper 3. Pencils only 4. Textbook These materials are needed for each class period. UNITS OF STUDY: 1. Introduction to Biology (Characteristics of Life, Chemistry of Life, and Taxonomy) 2. Cells (Structure and Function, Cell Division) 3. Genetics (DNA+RNA, Protein Synthesis, Heredity and Human Genome) 4. Diversity of Life ( Evolution and Natural Selection) 5. Metabolic Pathways (Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration) 6. Ecology (Ecosystems, Environmental Science, Populations) ****After the End of Course Test**** (if time allows) 7. Human Body Quest Classroom Procedures: Beginning Class: 1. Come in Quietly 2. Sit down in your seat; be seated by the tardy bell 3. Take out your notebook and pencil 4. Begin “ Biology Bell Ringer” assignment on the board 5. Work quietly Classroom Expectations: 1. Be punctual and prepared 2. Respect others 3. Be polite 4. PARTICIPATE 5. Take charge of your own learning! STANDARDS: B1.1-1.9; B3.4-3.5 B2.1-2.8 B4.1-4.9 B5.1-5.7 B3.1-3.5 B6.1-6.6; B3.6 Offense 1st 2nd 3rd Consequence Warning/Teacher Conference Detention/Parental Involvement Office Referral Note: Any serious infraction of the classroom procedures or other school rules or guidelines will be dealt with immediately and seriously. No food or drink in class. Clear water bottles with a lid are allowed in class, but not near the computers and never in lab. Students will earn a grade based on their performance in these categories: Course Grade: Tests/Projects 60% Quizzes/Labs 20% Classwork/Homework 20% Grading and deadlines will be announced well in advance. Yearly Average: Semester 40% 2nd Semester 40% Biology EOC 20% 1st Homework will be given almost every class period and should be completed at home. Classwork includes any and all assigned work in class in a variety of formats. End of Course Test (EOC): In May, students will be given the End of Course Test in Biology. The test is given statewide and will count 20% of the student’s final grade in this class. We will cover all topics and spend time reviewing and taking practice tests. You will be given information periodically concerning the test throughout the year. Class assignments can be found and printed from my website Website: http://asd1.schoolwires.com/wrhs/site/default.asp Click on classrooms tab @ top; select Ali Wienke from the list. Student and Parents are welcome to sign up for e-alerts. These will let you know when the website is updated. Students grades may be viewed via Power Schools website. Please contact the main office to receive your personal password to gain access. IF A STUDENT IS ABSENT…it is the students’ responsibility to check with classmates for notes and me for any missed handouts. It is the students’ responsibility to seek out missed information, and to ask me questions about any assignments. It is the students’ responsibility to complete assignments missed during school absences. Student Signature________________________ Parent Signature______________________________