CHE 230 Organic Chemistry Exam 3, November 17, 1999 Name Student ID No. Before you begin this exam: First: You are allowed to have a simple model set at your seat. Please put away all other materials. Second: Place your student identification on your desk. A proctor will come around to check everyone’s ID. Third: Read through the entire exam. Your goal, as always, is to score as many points as possible. Do not waste time on problems that you can’t do if there are others that look easy. Fourth: It is critically important that your answers be written in a clear, unambiguous manner. Answers in which your intentions are unclear will not receive credit. Fifth: READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH PROBLEM. You have until 8:50 to complete this exam. There will be no extensions, so budget your time carefully. Problem Number Points possible 1. 4 2. 4 3. 30 4. 5 5. 24 6. 5 7. 10 8. 8 9. 10 Total 100 Score 1 1. (4 points) Rank the following species in order of INCREASING nucleophilicity. (i.e put a ‘1’ by the most nucleophilic and a ‘4’ by the least nucleophilic) CN 1 2. O 3 CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 4 (4 points) Which of the following is the best electrophile in Sn2 reactions? (circle one) CH3 Br 3. Br 2 Br Br OCH3 (30 points) Provide the major organic product from each of the following reactions. You do not need to show mechanisms. In all cases, the final product is a neutral compound. Show stereochemistry wherever relevant. If you believe that no reaction will occur under the conditions shown, write No Reaction. a) t-BuO K Br t-BuOH b) CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2 C C H 1. NaNH2 2. CH3 CH2 CH2 Br CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2C CCH2CH 2CH 3 c) Br t-BuO K t-BuOH 2 d) N ClCrO3 H O O (PCC) OH H O CH2 Cl2 e) I Li CN H DMSO CN H f) 1. NaH OH 4. 2. O Br (5 points) In the E2 elimination of the labelled bromocyclohexane shown below, which cycloalkene is formed? (Circle one) Note: The reactivity of deuterium (D) is essentially the same as normal hydrogen (H). Br D H H D EtO Na H EtOH D H H D D H H 3 5. (24 points) The synthetic methods we have discussed can be used to make a wide range of compounds from simple starting materials. Provide the reagents needed to convert 1-butanol into each of the products shown below. More than one step may be required in some cases. OH 1. PBr3 2. NaCN PCC PBr3 CrO3 , H2SO 4 O CN H OH Br O 6. (5 points) Propose a viable synthesis of the ether below, starting with any nonether starting materials you wish. Only one or 2 steps is required. You do not need to show mechanisms, but be alert to conditions that favor substitution over elimination. O CH3 NaH CH3 -I OH O Na O CH3 This approach avoids competing elimination CH3 OH O CH3 ∆ This approach will work (although some E1 will occur) Br CH3 O Na Br This approach will result in E2 elimination, not substitution 4 7. (10 points) Propose a viable synthesis of the compound below. You may use any compounds of 3 carbons or less, and you may use any required acids or bases. CH2 C C CH2 CH3 HO CH2 H C C H NaNH2 H C C CH3 CH2 Br H C CCH2CH 3 NaNH2 O O C CCH2CH 3 C CCH2CH 3 H2O CH2 C C CH2 CH3 HO CH2 8. (8 points) Draw the mechanism for the Sn1 substitution reaction shown below. Be sure to use the mechanism arrows properly!!! CH3 OH Br ∆ OCH3 CH3 OH Br O H CH3 CH3 OH OCH3 5 9. (10 points) Provide a viable mechanism for the reaction shown below. Be sure that you make proper use of the arrows.. CH3 N CH3 CH3 N CH3 ∆ Cl CH3 N CH3 Cl CH3 N CH3 Cl Cl CH3 N CH3 CH3 N CH3 H CH3 CH3 N H H Cl I would accept either pathway END OF EXAM 6