. CERTIFICATE IN EUROPEAN LAW ON IMMIGRATION AND ASYLUM ORGANIZED BY THE “ODYSSEUS” ACADEMIC NETWORK FOR LEGAL STUDIES ON IMMIGRATION AND ASYLUM IN EUROPE ACADEMIC YEAR 2007 / 2008 AT THE UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES (U.L.B) ATZORI, Walter (23 years old, Italian) He graduated in 2005 with a degree in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Sassary (Sardinia, Italy). He has a Master Degree in European studies from the Universities of Siena, Strasbourg and Krakow. Currently he is working at the Assembly of the European Regions (AER) in Brussels on EU interregional programmes and is involved in the AER Observatory on Migrant Women. CAVALLIN, Vera (25 years old, Italian) She graduated with a degree in contemporary history from the University of Venice, having completed her dissertation on the geopolitics of Romania . She worked for the Embassy of Romania in Brussels as an Intern. She also volunteered for "Una Casa per l'Uomo,” a cooperative created to support immigrants, mostly eastern European, in Italy. Currently, she is an assistant for a Member of the European Parliament, focusing much of her work on issues concerning relations with Russia and the Caucuses. CHAIGNE, Pauline (26 years old, French) She graduated with a degree in Politics and International Relations from the University of Southampton. She has a Master in Contemporary European Studies from the Sussex European Institute in Brighton. Since finishing her studies, she has been working as a Parliamentary Assistant for the French MEP and Vice President of the European Parliament Martine Roure who is a very active member in the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee. DE TOMMASI, Fabio (32 years old, Italian) He studied Law at the University of Bologna (Italy), with an extension at the University of Leicester in UK. He is a lawyer (admitted Italian Bar Association) and since 2003, he has worked at the Rome office of an Italian law firm, where he has been involved in matters related to contract law, labour law, tort law, immigration law and family law. DOS SANTOS SILVA, Adriana (31 years old, Brazilian) She finished her studies in Law. She has a Master and a Ph.D of Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, specializing in Arbitration, Human Development and International Law. She was a professor in International Law at the University of Itajai´s Vale in Brazil and a researcher at International Relations Institute at Federal University of Santa Catarina. FELLNER, Andreas (43 years old, Austrian) He studied law at the University of Vienna. Currently, he is a Councellor for Justice and Home Affaires (Asylum, Migration) in the permanent representation of Austria to the E.U. FOURNIER, Katja (22 years old, Belgium) She has a Bachelors degree in Political Science from l'Université Libre de Bruxelles and a Certificate of European Political Studies obtained at l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Strasbourg. She is currently pursuing a Master degree in public policy and public management at l'Université Libre de Bruxelles. She speaks Dutch, French, English, German and has a basic skills in Russian. She has worked as a volunteer for a NGO handling social integration issues in Strasbourg (AFEV) and participated in political studies for CEVIPOL (Brussels -ULB). GILLIS, Charles (28 years old, Belgian) He finished his university studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in June 2006, in the field of social sciences. He has a professional background in the field of immigration and asylum acquired while working as a social worker with the Human Rights League of Belgium French Community. IOANNOU, Angela (51 years old, Greek) She is an EU official (Council - Translation). A former member of the Schengen Translation Service, she is currently seeking a job in the EU administration relevant to JHA. She holds a postgraduate diploma in European Studies and would like to study Law at the graduate level. She attended ODYSSEUS Summer School in 2006. KOCHAROV, Anna (27 years old, Finnish) She studied business and commercial law in Åbo Akademi University in Finland. In 2005-2006 she worked with members of the European Parliament. Currently, Anna is pursuing her doctoral research in the field of commercial and immigration law, focusing on highly-skilled and business immigration. She is also a visiting researcher at the Institute for European Studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. KOHLMANN, Irene (29 years old, German) She studied Law at the University of Berlin and Hamburg with a major in Public International and European Law, and completed her postgraduate judicial service training at the High Court of Brandenburg. In August 2007, she took her Second State examination. Irene has experience working in the field of Migration Law with a law firm in Berlin and with the Commissioner’s Office for Integration and Migration of the Senate of Berlin. MALGARINI, Maddalena (24 years old, Italian) She finished her studies in International Relation at the University of Milano. After working with an Italian NGO in the field of immigration and asylum, she decided to focus her studies in this subject. Currently, she is working as a trainee at the Madariaga European Foundation. MOLONEY, Theresa Carol (28 years old, Irish) She finished her Master in European Integration in 2003 at the University of Limerick, Ireland, where her main area of specialisation was migration and asylum policy of the EU. Recently, she completed a stage at the European Commission in DG Research in a Communication and Information post. Through her experience in Brussels, she is looking to deepen her knowledge and gain practical experience in the field of migration. NEKIPELOV, Julia (24 years old, French) She completed her undergraduate studies in Political Science at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. In 2003 she worked for the General Commission for Refugees and Stateless Persons (Commissariat Général aux Réfugiés et Apatrides –CGRA), which inspired Julia to “play a greater part in helping resolve the problems of immigrants and asylum seekers.” PANISSET, Juliette (23 years old, French) She completed her undergraduate studies in Political Science, with a specialty in European studies at the Lyon Institute for Political Studies. She studied International criminal law and participated in a European module at the University of Copenhagen for a semester. She worked with an NGO for Human Rights in Guatemala and an NGO focussing on the promotion of democracy in Romania. Currently, she is pursuing a Master’s Degree in European studies at the Lille Institute for Political Science. STEGE, Ulrich (33 years old, German) Having grown up in East Germany, the breaking down of the wall offered him new opportunities and had a great influence on his studies, professional choices and his commitment to Europe. After completing his studies in law in Germany and France, he worked as a legal adviser on immigration and asylum law in Germany and Morocco. Since 2003, he has been working at a European Federation in Brussels, focusing especially on certain aspects of Justice and Home Affairs policies. SUCIU, Oana (23 years old, Romanian) She completed her undergraduate studies in sociology at “Babes Bolyai” University, Cluj , Romania and received a Master in Sociology at “ Lund University ," Sweden . Currently, she is studying Law at Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania. She has worked with various NGOs, particularly in the field of youth and youth-related issues. VANDERBERGHE, Ina (26 years old, Belgian) She studied Political science with a focus on International Relations and Economics. Now she works as an advisor on immigration and asylum for the study center of a Belgian political party, namely the Flemish Christian Democrats. VARGA, Agnes (25 years old, Hungarian) She graduated in European Affairs at Sciences Po Paris, France and in International Relations at Budapest Corvinus University, Hungary. She wrote her Master's thesis on possible developments in the EU asylum policy (2005). After graduation she did an internship at the Financial Solidarity for Asylum, Immigration and Borders Unit (B4) in DG Justice, Freedom and Security in the European Commission. Currently she works at the Secretariat-General of the same Institution and ensures the follow-up of the work of the European Parliament's Human Rights Subcommittee. WEINBERG, Deborah (24 years old, Belgian) She finished her Law studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. In addition she completed a Master Degree in environmental and public real estate law at the Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis in Brussels. She is presently working as a lawyer at the Brussels Bar and is interested in focusing more on the field of immigration and asylum. ZALUCKY, Halyna (25 years old, Canadian) She graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in International Relations and Political Science. In 2004-2005 she worked with the International Organization for Migration in Ukraine with the Capacity Building in Migration Management program. Currently, she is pursuing a Master degree in Migration Studies at the Brussels School of International Studies, affiliated with the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. ZERZELIDOU, Eleni (23 years old, Greek) She is a graduate of the department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies from the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. She focused much of her work on immigration from the wider Balkan region to Greece and its impact on the Greek economy. She has a Master degree in European Studies at the Universities of Siena, Strasbourg and Krakow. Currently she is accomplishing her internship duties at the European Movement International. Eleni speaks English, French, Italian, Romanian, Turkish and has basic fluency in Polish. CONTACT FOR THE ODYSSEUS ACADEMIC NETWORK: Tel.: 00 32 (0)2 650 49 96 (afternoon only) - Fax: 00 32 (0)2 650 25 11 Email: odysseus@ulb.ac.be- Website: http://www.ulb.ac.be/assoc/odysseus