American Government Chapter 17 Section 2 Other Foreign and Defense Agencies Organizations CIA - Central Intelligence Agency Function To coordinate all information-gathering activities in the federal Government Analyze and evaluate the data it receives Report data to the President INS - Immigration and Naturalization Service Function To deal with people who come to the U.S. to live and/or work Grant political asylum when appropriate Naturalize new citizens NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Function Plans and carries out the nation’s space programs toward both military and peaceful ends Selective Service System Function Administers the military draft for men between 18-26 - this only exists on a standby basis today What limits has Congress imposed on the operation of the CIA? The CIA is forbidden to operate within the United States How does the INS try to enforce immigration laws? The INS supervises ports of entry and U.S. borders Inspects people entering the U.S. Processes applications for immigration benefits and naturalization The history of military conscription in the U.S. 1. Most of our history we have depended on volunteers for the armed forces 2. Colonial and revolutionary times – men were required to serve in a militia 3. Civil War – North & South used conscription 4. WWI – national draft was first used 5. Reactivated before WWII – 1940 6. 1948 reactivated again – Cold War tensions 7. 1948-1973 – 5 million men – Korean & Vietnam wars 8. 1980 – President Carter – 18 year olds must register with the Selective Service Terms Draft - compulsory military service – when you reach 18 yrs. Old Espionage - spying Political asylum - safe haven – for those suffering persecution in their own countries