-Theatre buildings and traditions date back to ancient civilization Greek Theatre -Eccyclema: platform wagon -Periaktoi: triangle shaped scenery -Pinakes: painted drops -Machina: a bucket that was lowered from the Skene Roman Theatre -Auleum: a curtain in the front that was lowered into slots -Siparium: a curtain in the back that acted as a painted background for the show -probably not specific to show but type of show, had slits for entrances -coliseums used elevators, moving platforms, and trapdoors -After fall of Rome organized, secular theatre was virtually dead. Only traveling entertainers and jugglers kept theatrical traditions alive Medieval theatre -ran by the church for teaching purposes -pageant wagons:platformed stages adjacent to church (audience stood in town square) -mansions: small buildings on stage that indicated location (action took place in front on the Platea) -Sets were identical in concept for each productionn -variety of stage mechanics -trap doors -rigging -other realistic effects Renaissance theatre -completely indoors -theatres were modeled after Greek and Romans -forced perspective, raked stage, proscenium opening -stock sets, painted drops -Renaissance/ Jacobean/ Elizabethean -large open air -completely surrounded -three story structures -used trapdoors and some rigging -not much scenery -special effects included smoke, clouds, sound, music -attempts at controlled lighting -1650 to 1900 -more elaborate scenery (still just background not environment) -wings and borders -raked stage -proscenium theatres firmly established as norm -more complex attempts at lighting control 20th century -revolution in scenery; scenery becomes environment not just background. Set design becomes an individual art within “theatre arts” -”Little Theatre Movement” leads to found spaces -found spaces lead to other theatre arrangements -Arena -Thrust -environmental theatre -Electricity and light bulb gives even greater control of lighting -with invention of dimmers, lighting design takes off -ability to replay recorded sound gives way to sound design Proscenium Theatre -proscenium arch -apron -wings -stage -fly system -fly rail -fly loft -auditorium -modified thrust Stage directions Center Stage Upstage Downstage Stage right Stage left Upstage Right Upstage Left Downstage Right Downstage Left Proscenium -Stage Drapes/ Masking -grand drape (main rag) -grand valance (grand teaser, Main border) -false proscenium -teasers -tormentors -borders -legs -scrim -cyclorama -travelers (mid-stage, upstage) -full stage backdrops or full stage blacks -painted drops -side tabs Arena Stage Arena Stage: -action has to play to play to all sides -Stage directions are usually appointed ahead of time. Usually a physical part of theatre is chosen to represent Down Stage or the Plaster line. -very little scenery -furniture, props, costumes, and scenery must be well done and finished*. -vomitories -ability for audience members to see each other ‘s faces is considered an attribute. It is often a part of the directing process. -scene changes are normally quick -lighting and costumes take on greater role in absence of major scenery. Thrust Stage: -action has to play to play to three sides -more scenery than arena stages, but still limited -furniture, props, costumes, and scenery must be well done and finished*. -vomitories -ability for audience members to see each other ‘s faces is considered an attribute. It is often a part of the directing process. -back wall and side masking allows for more complex scene changes than Black box (flexible space) - Found spaces Performance production process terms. -audition -call backs -casting -read through -run through -spacing rehearsal -tech rehearsals -dress rehearsals -previews -opening night -the run -closing night -strike For tech: Design deadline Build period -hang and focus -load in -strike Other terms -plaster line and center line -sight lines -blocking -entrance and exit -aside -m0nologue -soliloquy -upstaging -cue -flat -platform -wagon -trap -revolve -masking -objective -notes -production meetings -design meetings -on stage/ off stage -electics Other terms -electrics -find your light -project -cheat out -hang and focus -load in -strike -rake -