Parent Information booklet

Little Eagles Nursery School
Little Eagles
011 079 6370
071 190 9970 / 078 751 2995
31 Without Street,
Weltevreden Park
Parent Information booklet
Dear Parents,
We would like to use this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to you and your
child. We are sure that your association with us will be a long and happy one.
Our main focus is your children and their holistic development. You are welcome to
pop in any time to see what we are up to.
This booklet includes the core of what you should know about our school. Rules and
regulations are stipulated. Please keep it safe for future reference.
Thank you for letting us be a part of your child’s life.
Yours truly,
The Little Eagles Team
 31 Without street, Weltevreden Park Ext 9, 1709  011 079 6370  078 751 2995 or 071 190 9970
Today’s children, tomorrow’s leaders!
School readiness does not just happen. It is a development process that starts very
early in life. At a nursery school, the foundation for learning in later life takes place.
The program followed was developed to educate the child in all aspects of life.
Physical, emotional, social, creative, intellectual and cognitive development only
takes place through experience. We aim to provide practical experiences in the
above based on a themed week structure to develop each child to his or her full
Each child is unique and develops differently and learns at a different pace. This is
recognized, and through the learning activities and play offered, each child can
extend, enrich and adapt his existing knowledge and experiences.
Total involvement and participation on the part of the child and the educator is
required. The parent’s roll is just as important and an active interest in the child’s
learning world is vital.
The range of activities are carefully planned to encourage learning on a multi
dimensional level whilst at the same time, a stimulating, secure and loving
atmosphere is created.
Playing is important, Mom!
Play is the natural way a child learns and it is recognized as one of the most effective
kinds of learning.
The value of play as an educational tool lies in multi facetted development:
Intellectual development:
Concentration, reason, organized thinking,
problem solving
Social development: Making turns, giving and receiving, share, listen and
co-operate, working in teams or groups
Physical development:
Can express himself/herself through movement,
exercise, getting rid of tension and stress. Relieves excess energy buildup.
Language: Communication and new concepts
Emotional: Can assist the child in expressing his/her emotions, self-control,
relieves tension, and develops a good self image.
Routine creates structure and a positive and secure atmosphere.
The key to successful groups and learning is organization and good preparation.
A routine is set at the school that helps a child to recognize what to do when and
 31 Without street, Weltevreden Park Ext 9, 1709  011 079 6370  078 751 2995 or 071 190 9970
School Times:
Our official times are from 6am to 18pm for Full Day and 6am to 1pm for Half Day
Our school day starts at 8am with breakfast.
Morning snack is served at 10am and afternoon snack at 3pm.
At 12pm we serve a nutritious lunch to the children.
We request you to be punctual as to not disturb the rest of the class with a late
Please advise the school timeoulsy if you are not able to keep to the collection
Please check your child’s communication book regularly for updates from the class
teacher. Important information related to the school and events will also be shared
using the communication books.
Extra-Mural Activities:
Baking days are on every second Friday. Make-and-Bake is included
in the school fees and is usually theme related. All ‘baking’ takes
place in the classes with the assistance of the teacher.
Computer Classes are presented once per week for all the little ones
3yrs and older. Computer Classes is included in the school fees and
classes takes place in the Owl class with the assistance of the teacher.
Science Classes are on every second Friday for all the little ones 3yrs
and older and are alternated with Baking days. It is included in the
school fees and takes place in the classes with the assistance of the
External Extra-murals: We currently offer Monkeynastix, Little Kickers
(Soccer), Bee sharp Beetles (Music), Funky Frogs (Dance), Swimming
and Pottery. These extra murals are not compulsory and are at an
additional cost directly to the 3rd party. Little Eagles merely provide the
opportunity and venue.
Sick Policy:
Please note NO medicine will be administered without a signed Permission
form. The permission book will be in front at the reception and must be
completed with specific instructions regarding the type and dosage.
All medication bottles must be clearly marked with your child’s name.
A child who is not feeling well, has a fever or a bad cold or has been ill during
the previous evening should not attend school. No child must be brought to
school when he/she has a contagious disease or illness (such as chicken pox,
meningitis, gastro-enteritis, skin infections, lice etc.)
 31 Without street, Weltevreden Park Ext 9, 1709  011 079 6370  078 751 2995 or 071 190 9970
Your child cannot be re-admitted in the class before he/she has fully
recovered from the contagious disease or illness.
Toilet Training:
Toilet training will commence when the child is ready and can verbalise the
need to go to the toilet. We require pull-ups for hygienic reasons and to deal
with accidents more effectively. Please note that no potty training will be
started during winter months, as the many layers of close makes it difficult to
start training. Potty training is a combined effort between the school during
the day and parents during the afternoons and weekends at home. Please
make the necessary arrangements with your class teacher before
commencing with potty training.
General Items:
Birthdays: We would love to celebrate your child’s birthday and make
a big fuss of the birthday boy or girl. A crown is made and a birthday
ring is held during which Little Eagles will present your child with a small
educational gift to make the day even more special. Should you wish
to bring something (there is no obligation), please keep it simple and
not too much. Cupcakes are preferred and/or a small snack pack with
a few sweeties that can be taken home.
Security goodies: A younger child is often attached to a blanket,
dummy etc. Please feel free to let your child bring it to school, just
label it and remember to take it home again.
Sun hats: We have a no hat, no play policy. Sunscreen will be applied
during the day, however, in summer months we request the parents to
please apply sun screen in the mornings before school as well.
Discipline: We use positive reinforcement and a time out policy if
necessary. We need to have a partnership and agreement between
school and home for discipline to be effective. Communication
between us is vital.
Assistants: Please do not place any requests with the assistants without
informing the class teacher as well.
Afternoon snack: Yoghurt can be sent every day.
List of items to bring to school: Please see Annexure A at the end of this
Important Events and Dates:
First Day at School: This is a very important milestone for both parents
and children. We believe that good byes should be short and sweet
with a promise that mommy or daddy will pick the little one up a little
later. Crying will quickly stop as soon as the parents are out of sight.
 31 Without street, Weltevreden Park Ext 9, 1709  011 079 6370  078 751 2995 or 071 190 9970
Parent Meetings: During our Parent meetings important information is
shared with our parents and you will have the opportunity to discuss
your child’s progress with their class teacher.
Eyes and hearing tests: This will be conducted on an annual basis at an
additional charge. It is not compulsory.
Photographs: Individual and class photos are taken annually.
Visits outside of the school: There will be no outings as the security of
your children are very important to us.
Reports: Written reports will be issued at the end of every term.
Newsletters: Our quarterly newsletter will be handed out to all parents.
Security is extremely important to us. A few simple rules will maximize the
security and safety of all children and staff:
Please do not drop your child at the gate, bring them to the class.
Please close and make sure the gate is latched behind you.
Please make sure that you sign your child in and out everyday.
Nobody, except the designated collectors, will be allowed to fetch
a child. Special arrangement will have to be made with the
principal before any other person will be allowed to collect your
Please hold your child’s hand when leaving or entering the
premises to avoid them from running into the road.
Please be considered when parking inside the gates and park
where your vehicle will not obstruct the flow of traffic.
Our school has been dedicated to Jesus Christ - all that is in it and all that it
has to offer. Our teachers are Christians and will teach the principals of
Christianity to your children.
Every week a Bible story will be told and explained. Our school operates on
a themed weekly program into which Christian Principals and values will be
Prayer is part of our daily program.
We thank you for taking the time to read the booklet.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question.
 31 Without street, Weltevreden Park Ext 9, 1709  011 079 6370  078 751 2995 or 071 190 9970
Annexure A - List of essentials to bring to school
(All items must be clearly marked with your child’s name on it!)
Baby Centre:
Nappies (5 to 6 per day).
3x Boxes of tissues (for the year)
Wet wipes. (2x per month)
Cream for baby’s bottom.
Bottles with milk (formula), water, juice, snack box
Extra milk (formula)
Dummies x 2
Your choice of baby food: Cereal, purity, yoghurt etc.
Favourite blanket and fluffy toy to sleep with.
2 sets of extra clothing besides what they are wearing for that day. Always
something warm in case weather changes.
Bibs and towelling nappy for burps.
Group 1 - 2 years:
Nappies (5 to 6 per day).
Wet wipes. (2x Per month)
3x Boxes of tissues (for the year)
Cream for baby’s bottom.
Bottle x 1 formula, juice, tea, water
Sippy cup.
1x snack yoghurt (per day)
Dummies if necessary. (Must be on dummy chain).
Favourite blanket. (no toy)
Sun hat & sunscreen.
2 extra sets of clothing besides what they are wearing for that day. Always
something warm in case weather changes.
Group 2 – 3 Years:
Nappies (5 to 6 per day).
3x Boxes of tissues (for the year)
Extra panties or under pants if toilet training.
Wet wipes (2 per month)
Cream for baby’s bottom.
Juice bottle, tea, water, milk
1x snack yoghurt (per day)
Sippy cup.
Dummies if necessary. (Must be on dummy chain).
Favourite blanket. (no toy)
Sun hat & sunscreen.
2 extra sets of clothing besides what they are wearing for that day. Always
something warm in case weather changes.
 31 Without street, Weltevreden Park Ext 9, 1709  011 079 6370  078 751 2995 or 071 190 9970
Group 3 – 6 years
Juice bottle
1x snack yoghurt
3x Boxes of tissues (for the year)
Sun hat & sunscreen
Favourite blanket (no toy)
2 extra sets of clothing besides what they are wearing for that day. Always
something warm in case weather changes.
Please provide the following on the first day of school
From Toddlers to Grade R
 2x Sets of Retractable crayons
 4x Large Pritts
 1x A4 72 page Hard Cover Book
 1x A5 72 page Hard Cover Book
 31 Without street, Weltevreden Park Ext 9, 1709  011 079 6370  078 751 2995 or 071 190 9970