Classes of materials POLYMERS CERAMICS METALS DUCTILITY Varies Poor Good CONDUCTIVITY (ELECTRICAL & THERMAL) Low Low High HARDNESS/STRENGTH Low – medium Very high Medium – high CORROSION RESISTANCE Fair – good Good Fair – poor STIFFNESS Low High Fair FRACTURE TOUGHNESS Low – medium Low High MACHINABILITY Good Poor Good MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 Why study bonding? • Because the properties of materials (strength, hardness, conductivity, etc..) are determined by the manner in which atoms are connected. • Also by how the atoms are arranged in space Æ Crystal ……….Structure What determines the nature of the chemical bond between atoms? • Electronic structure (distribution of electrons in atomic orbitals) electronegativity (tendency for an • Number of electrons and ……………… atom to attract an electron) MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 BOHR ATOM orbital electrons: n = principal quantum number 1 2 n=3 Adapted from Fig. 2.1, Callister 6e. Nucleus: Z = # protons = 1 for hydrogen to 94 for plutonium N = # neutrons Atomic mass A ≈ Z + N MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 ELECTRON ENERGY STATES Electrons... • have discrete energy states Increasing energy • tend to occupy lowest available energy state. n=4 4s n=3 3s n=2 n=1 2s 1s •s, p,d and f signify the subshells which the 4p 3d electrons occupy. 3p 2p • Different types of subshells have different numbers of energy states •Within each energy state there are two possible spin orientations Remember that n is the principal quantum number MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 Stable electron configurations... • have complete s and p subshells • are unreactive. Z 2 Element Configuration He 1s2 Adapted from Table 2.2, Callister 6e. 10 Ne 1s22s 22p6 18 Ar 1s2 2s22p63s23p6 36 Kr 1s2 2s22p63s23p63d10 4s24p6 Valence electrons are the electrons that occupy the outermost filled shell. MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 SURVEY OF ELEMENTS • Most elements: Electron configuration not stable. Element Atomic # Hydrogen 1 Helium 2 Lithium 3 Beryllium 4 Boron 5 Carbon 6 ... Neon 10 Sodium 11 Magnesium 12 Aluminum 13 ... Argon 18 ... ... Krypton 36 Electron configuration 1s 1 (stable) 1s 2 1s 22s 1 1s 22s 2 Adapted from Table 2.2, 1s 22s 22p 1 Callister 6e. 1s 22s 22p 2 ... 1s 22s 22p 6 (stable) 1s 22s 22p 63s 1 1s 22s 22p 63s 2 1s 22s 22p 63s 23p 1 ... 1s 22s 22p 63s 23p 6 (stable) ... 1s 22s 22p 63s 23p 63d 10 4s 24 6 (stable) • Why? Valence (outer) shell usually not filled completely. MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 Increasing Electronegativity MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 accept 2e accept 1e inert gases give up 1e give up 2e give up 3e THE PERIODIC TABLE • Columns: Similar Valence Structure H Li Be Metal Nonmetal Intermediate He Ne O F Na Mg S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Se Br Kr Rb Sr Te Y Cs Ba I Xe Po At Rn Fr Ra Electropositive elements: Readily give up electrons to become + ions. MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Electronegative elements: Readily acquire electrons to become - ions. Fall 2008 ELECTRONEGATIVITY • Ranges from 0.7 to 4.0, • Large values: tendency to acquire electrons. Smaller electronegativity Larger electronegativity IONIC BONDING • • • • Occurs between + and - ions. Requires electron transfer. Large difference in electronegativity required. Example: NaCl Na (metal) unstable Cl (nonmetal) unstable electron Na (cation) stable + Stable because the s and p subshells are filled! MECH 221 Coulombic Attraction PM Wood-Adams Cl (anion) stable Fall 2008 EXAMPLES: IONIC BONDING • Predominant bonding in Ceramics H 2.1 Li 1.0 Na 0.9 K 0.8 Rb 0.8 Cs 0.7 Fr 0.7 NaCl MgO CaF2 CsCl Be 1.5 O F 3.5 4.0 Cl 3.0 Mg 1.2 Ca 1.0 Sr 1.0 Ti 1.5 Cr 1.6 Ba 0.9 Fe 1.8 Ni 1.8 Zn 1.8 As 2.0 Br 2.8 I 2.5 At 2.2 He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn - Ra 0.9 Give up electrons Acquire electrons Adapted from Fig. 2.7, Callister 6e. (Fig. 2.7 is adapted from Linus Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond, 3rd edition, Copyright 1939 and 1940, 3rd edition. Copyright 1960 by Cornell University. COVALENT BONDING • Requires shared electrons • Example: CH4 C: has 4 valence e, needs 4 more CH4 H: has 1 valence e, needs 1 more H H C H Electronegativities are comparable. shared electrons from carbon atom H shared electrons from hydrogen atoms Adapted from Fig. 2.10, Callister 6e. MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 EXAMPLES: COVALENT BONDING H2 H 2.1 Li 1.0 Na 0.9 K 0.8 Be 1.5 Mg 1.2 Ca 1.0 Rb 0.8 Cs 0.7 Sr 1.0 Ba 0.9 Fr 0.7 Ra 0.9 column IVA H2O C(diamond) SiC Ti 1.5 Cr 1.6 Fe 1.8 Ni 1.8 Zn 1.8 Ga 1.6 C 2.5 Si 1.8 Ge 1.8 F2 He O 2.0 As 2.0 Sn 1.8 Pb 1.8 GaAs F 4.0 Cl 3.0 Br 2.8 I 2.5 At 2.2 Ne - Cl2 Ar Kr Xe Rn - • Molecules of nonmetals • Molecules of metals and nonmetals • Elemental solids (RHS of Periodic Table) • Compound solids (about column IVA) It is possible for bonds to be partially covalent and partially ionic in nature. Look in Chapter 2 to see how to evaluate this aspect of bonds METALLIC BONDING • Arises from a sea of donated valence electrons (1, 2, or 3 from each atom). + + + + + + + + + Adapted from Fig. 2.11, Callister 6e. • Primary bond for metals and their alloys MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 12 SECONDARY BONDING Arises from interaction between dipoles • Fluctuating dipoles ex: liquid H2 asymmetric electron H2 H2 clouds + - secondary + bonding - H H Adapted from Fig. 2.13, Callister 6e. • Permanent dipoles-molecule induced -general case: + -ex: liquid HCl H Cl -ex: polymer secon d - a ry b secondary bonding + secondary bonding H Cl ondin g - H H secondary bonding SUMMARY: BONDING Type Bond Energy Comments Ionic Large! Nondirectional (ceramics) Covalent Directional Variable large-Diamond semiconductors, ceramics small-Bismuth polymer chains) Metallic Variable large-Tungsten small-Mercury Nondirectional (metals) smallest Directional inter-chain (polymer) inter-molecular Secondary MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 14 Bonding Forces and Energies Bond length, r F F r Net force is given by the sum of an attractive force and a repulsive force repulsive, attractive, and net forces Potential is given by the integral of the net force curve with respect to distance: E = ∫ F • dr Note: equilibrium separation occurs where the net force = 0 and the energy is at a minimum. MECH 221 repulsive, attractive, and net PM Wood-Adams energies Fall 2008 Bonding Forces and Energies Bonding energy: Minimum of the potential vs. distance curve. ¾ Indicates how much energy must be supplied to completely disassociate the two atoms ¾ Depth of the potential well indicates bonding strength • Deep well Æ strongly bonded • Shallow well Æ weakly bonded Energy (r) unstretched length ro r Eo= “bond energy” MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 PROPERTIES FROM BONDING: TM • Bond length, r F • Melting Temperature, Tm Energy (r) F r ro • Bond energy, Eo r Energy (r) unstretched length ro smaller Tm r Eo= “bond energy” MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams larger Tm Tm is larger if Eo is larger. Fall 2008 15 Example: Bonding energy and TM Use the data below to estimate the bonding energy of copper which has a melting temperature of 1084°C. E0, eV/atom TM, °C Hg 0.7 -39 Al 3.4 660 Fe 4.2 1538 W 8.8 3410 tungsten MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 Solution: Plot the data Melting Temperature (C) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 E0=3.6 eV/atom 0 -500 0 2 4 6 8 10 Bonding Energy (eV/atom) With this analysis we estimate E0 of copper = 3.6 eV/atom. The measured value is 3.5 eV/atom. PROPERTIES FROM BONDING: E • Elastic modulus, E length, Lo undeformed cross sectional area Ao ΔL deformed F Elastic modulus F ΔL =E Ao Lo • E ~ curvature at ro Energy unstretched length ro r E is larger if Eo is larger. smaller Elastic Modulus larger Elastic Modulus 16 PROPERTIES FROM BONDING: α • Coefficient of thermal expansion, α coeff. thermal expansion length, Lo unheated, T1 ΔL Lo ΔL heated, T2 = α (T2-T1) • α ~ symmetry at ro Energy ro r α is larger if Eo is smaller. larger α smaller α MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 17 Bonding Types: Summary A comparison of the type of bonding found in different materials: metallicsince it is a metal alloy. • For brass, the bonding is …….. Van der Waals covalent with some ………. • For rubber, the bonding is ……… Rubber is composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen atoms secon d a ry b ondin g • For BaS, the bonding is predominantly ionic ….. (but with some covalent character) on the basis of the relative positions of Ba and S in the periodic table. der Waals since xenon is an inert gas. • For solid xenon, the bonding is Van ……………. Van der Waals • For nylon, the bonding is covalent …….. with perhaps some ……….. Nylon is composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen • For AlP the bonding is predominantly covalent ……… (but with some ionic character) on the basis of the relative positions of Al and P in the periodic table. MECH 221 PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 SUMMARY: PRIMARY BONDS Ceramics Large bond energy large Tm large E small α (Ionic & covalent bonding): Metals Variable bond energy moderate Tm moderate E moderate α (Metallic bonding): Polymers Directional Properties (Covalent & Secondary): secon d MECH 221 a ry b ondin g Secondary bonding dominates small T small E large α PM Wood-Adams Fall 2008 18