'1, cLAt'IW.3$nAG3 tfz ET1 Aee+seX At tae logryt frton tbi,r soumeo ?o cebfn flsb*? of fafmtf,ou l"a* wpfstc to E*tn gassa the surrl arbtec€ of rnrftsgp lt 1r fqeeaiLlo os tb tb Ln vtelr of t&o wrly t.B loaa to posaibilc sfrtct ibta 9ffiffil of attaak nry bo folld. 3. ir,i; of tb fuk bc6!h afts of th la c@ @sos Ln aa .*fo& es 40 Feres€, of t&o blss to get a lld.t sfam a tbr fc tlils fodnn la Ea$lryton d,s of Gfy blgs bsra sall ntlt 't'ho (ft Aag bm EsA fE dqg bolcg, msfas sd thp tura o,f ra htgb chm Foss*bly mtLs elang fD ted ebsds of !!Ed@.?y n.lacilGd a€as et ftcqmdl t&at trtoma,ls mfil so tftfd geod d8tc. CbG& f,on rlanagd ed r&te ?* btgb tl'& d cd,wtd lt* the snbcr 4o Dgs€er{ mrlf elrg tbtr ilut*f dtg ln ed sfffrrr ntll 5o Ir all of $a!rt to sc l,f en5r" rou, e lf tW beoaao cry lsleuttea @fd tbe cmdast of abaelrrtc ralwan lt os@t gE& g3 o|ffivtry rorc thea tbc rcb Elr',oc, follmal ,! tk *tab a susrqr of anto o@q staor tb rrlrt,fs g.etfrg of clan bslns ilug riltld to fsllar Ittoryt ct tbo ofdu rroelo 0bsematlon ad drtloa 3o Iflbrl rhcUp of frrerb$ lrqf ty maronal D*, $r tetrta. dfg8ctrt alal c sIX. of thc *ratr to Fcadatct €&G" ad rsrlnlto Soqt uttagt bs at bg;t plattvr ol aLcnco alat r@fd Sfw otfy Ent sould gtvE oorycr*f,r +ry fro yaar ,* to 3roar" grnra-E:[secs" lt'.' ti.:t.r . :l.:,.trf. lli" i ' .t l{e datc sre ec8llsb3,s a t&r Iffi Uadoabtedly ery Blscs ero fnftrcd dtb of afrDr dE to tbe rpart fkbclr. abrula aad wsw osgbt' dna to *p "-AF, tffilmrg@Bs*€ Alee ef,f sX€ea er€ tfug snd dne to thelr FlEs am elths' lefg {a t&s }sl.e crr dl.seess*d oa t&Eeb€aeho & ooeEsi,onc dlgger! iarp baoe obeemed aS €1reg of ged dlgg.tng Bo spad dtFG&ld $"er.L beem e?sEBaud e*ktrye tklr @ tho a€nn qr4t €tsh e tts,ig of r€*tr to drg ustll ersm hae booa tghsao Ono tdfv3daa,l ag€ret beil @ ,3 sl@ & tnfcret{an 30e 19P) t! tb saagfry ArE tbs r}rea. 6 !6strgn by tes d.l,egars Ef,Acr l*alry coAl1emd tbotleh tkto fg Ftbly Uagte bt tbs ellerg' flahcrf onfy t! tb (an Jw ad !6€e6dl E? a3 efona sE tho ke e6rk oarly to eEgr,E{B a*ry alae gbo past &@F €hce&@dMng tbe bcrob bu boeh se6 3.o6Efrrm tho rffiseoo s3.s*e nR&il be ratlh* to eggcec dlffi..nlt eCsrpn €eiild dercSd eeil dltbffid€d s3a6 bc cealdand to be thoec of, tho BForg dfggotre elvo fg sho8ld! e"leo bo nrtlonnd tbet mry tmr.Lste crs stl,ll peea!.on thst' tbey urgt ohsslss tls 3-yA ts& ad.m tld$ tbr trlp sab rfrt€b fc ufutt@y oaus{18 GoEryrdel ,H,nxW ths s@sgsl $sgw *{* cxa6 ea o rnlo h @ly om tlatencr, r}bs$ le ubsn the c,lsn S* of ecb-lryaL af.q laiury *o tk oqielnfg lart ra*&e tbsosa aBIr or 16f,9 lt*rg os tb ?,hree aXtarnatlves D{r bc follmdr tbe s8f, -al-" oa tbo earil, c ts elf trebcbflEtf to sths W sasd. t[s laads tbm la rt lrralrtorr lfbm as dcgtred fu tbs glen ft sl€a ts &g oq. of 1o rupllsoc tt !a tho eed3 a ibotr lt ln La aou otAc @ dttlnr of .t31 !* sr tr4 *.lgnury's m$s$ff rl' @,rF sscoDd multt ses to bo tho mst oopsa pactfe so fir & ry& thi qr es ceccd obr*retlq .:.' ttuuld tndtcate end tb tht$d dal scg6' aefmCfry o tb l!!tr'!g of tb lry*l ' ':1.':.: t:t- a -3l- :: t: ta obew34g tibs slm rsggleE .ons,,Sd th€ abgndsaoeof largg tL@o A8ot&sf, es€Fdas5r pnoe&ra pgffib {d €rush tho poatselo":* bas be* Gffimtsd ebm st tho tE t;hlob tbe dlggra of tho chclt Eo tbat thetr sJr6 neerfV lryooatble to aeasuFs Eemra efg .o&enaarllated, Tha aub-legal o].en prasea&c t,ha nost eea{qe probLa froo thc lattq c8. Jwo Ssn s gruten ?f afl3f*fusE of elan or gpcater untl.X lcte fdt eee hsa er*rrary awrd,s.1"sb31 Noswb eoneljre" bf odrere raglnrtd tht! ryleo E{rsiroarr elans !.S absi "s& er eerlgr rd.stcr Sea tbll :lrr ol^elf lgto tbg tldssy. b tb to the nors hsarlly uEatbsp codlt!.oa of rnsuSdarpaar to oqqr rn lgto oatobe sr cauai,ag hssy dug lusr d at qlt|r owmllrl realbeE of ths bsaob, dtfur, or tctr ttilsr of poe lagnftdo -0,5 or bngbm)" lt|re lB obtaintng dsts o& nran rastsge by epr'cd,cX d{rcgt b*e effos{e tosaBl0 tb poor lw badr ffu ',nal!. els,u nl..ll al,eo peeant a pblm df883!g !.e eestirlesd (wghly ehsm of t&s pmlme Fsrt t!do. ficbor1r &m ltis dtffi €m rbeld gl@ar anit f,sXt dlgg!"qg cs sel,l aa m\y p€rfsa! of ttm reld Frohqy cwatr t'b goctcat tblg Four6. s CharSsa& foelb Aqtstio Blolqlct ary toaa to tbo