Sample lab - eScience Labs

General Biology Lab Manual
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The experiments included within this lab manual are suitable for supervised or unsupervised learning environments. eScience Labs assumes full liability for the safety
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The General Biology lab manual and kit would not be what it is without the continued
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who have contributed towards creating a safer, more creative and informed lab manual. We appreciate your contributions and value the ability to serve students around
the world with you.
In furtherance, eScience Labs, LLC would like to acknowledge Johnson and Wales
for its gracious allocation of its general microscopy facility. The resulting histology
presents a valuable asset to students and opens the gateway to a molecular understanding.
Last, but certainly not least, eScience Labs extends deep gratitude to Sebastian
Uhde for his dedication to microscopy work. Your technique, ethic and forever curious
disposition enlightens our company.
Thanks to all for allowing us to create a lab kit that transforms an experiment into an
Table of Contents
Lab 1
Introduction to Science
Lab 2
General Lab Safety
Lab 3
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Lab 4
Introduction to the Microscope
Cellular Fundamentals
Lab 5
The Chemistry of Life
Lab 6
Diffusion and Osmosis
Lab 7
Enzyme Catalysis
Lab 8
Genetic and Biological Processes
Lab 9
Hierarchies of Life
Lab 10 Unicellular Organisms
Lab 11 Mitosis and Meiosis
Lab 12 Transcription and Translation
Lab 13 Genetics of Organisms
Lab 14 Biomolecular Techniques
Time and Materials
If you are allergic to nitrile, please contact eScience Labs at and we will
send you an alternative type of safety gloves. Small and large rubber bands include latex. Always
wear your nitrile safety gloves when working with these items!
Please note that the times listed are approximations and may differ. Please read
through the procedure and plan accordingly.
Lab 1 Introduction to Science
Time Required: 2 hours (plus 7 - 10 days for observation)
Additional Materials: Water and paper towels.
Lab 2 General Lab Safety
Time Required: 1 hour
Additional Materials: Water
Lab 3 Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Time Required: 2 hours
Additional Materials: Distilled water, 70% isopropyl alcohol, pencil, two
unique eluting solvents (more details provided in procedure), newspaper,
notebook paper, and scissors.
Lab 4 Introduction to the Microscope
Time Required: 1 1/2 hours
Additional Materials: Computer and Internet access.
Lab 5 The Chemistry of Life
Time Required: 2 hours (plus 24 hours for preparation)
Time and Materials
Additional Materials: Egg white, hot water, tap water, hot pad or towel,
hot water bath, paper towels, and scissors.
Lab 6 Diffusion and Osmosis
Time Required: 2 ½ hours
Additional Materials: Water, paper towels, scissors, two potatoes, kitchen knife, and cutting board.
Lab 7 Enzyme Catalysis
Time Required: 1 ½ hours
Additional Materials: Cutting board, two food products, kitchen knife, paper towels, saliva sample, hot water bath and water.
Lab 8 Metabolism
Time Required: 3 hours
Additional Materials: Warm water and paper towels.
Lab 9 Hierarchies of Life
Time Required: 2 hours
Additional Materials: Pencil.
Lab 10 Unicellular Organisms
Time Required: 2 hours
Additional Materials: 2 slices of bread, apple, cutting board, kitchen
knife, large microwavable bowl, sauce pan, stove or microwave, 1 - 2
dish towels, mixing bowl, 4 cups of fresh, pasteurized milk, 1/2 cup of
plain yogurt, and water.
Time and Materials
Lab 11 Mitosis and Meiosis
Time Required: 2 hours
Additional Materials: Computer and Internet access.
Lab 12 Transcription and Translation
Time Required: 45 minutes
Additional Materials: None.
Lab 13 Genetics of Organisms
Time Required: 2 hours (plus 7 - 10 days for observation and growth)
Additional Materials: Pen or pencil, water, and light source.
Lab 14 Biomolecular Techniques
Time Required: 3 hours (plus 3 - 4 additional hours for observation)
Additional Materials: Drinking glass or bowl, kitchen knife, scissors, cutting board, water, computer, hot water bath, and Internet access.
Lab 3
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Molecule Pictured: Arginine
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Concepts to Explore
x Matter
x Electron Configuration
x Atoms
x The Periodic Table
x Protons
x Chemical Bonding
x Electrons
x Polar and Non-Polar Molecules
x Neutrons
x Acids and Bases
Myriad reactions are constantly occurring within each living organism regardless of the size of that organism.
These reactions allow the organism to reproduce, grow, move, eat, and perform a great many more functions.
In order to properly study these biological reactions a general understanding of chemistry is necessary.
The term matter is used to describe anything that occupies space and has mass. Take a look around, everything you can see and touch is matter (including you). The atomic theory states that all matter is made of
atoms. Although physicists and other scientists have developed ways to split atoms to produce nuclear energy, atoms are considered the smallest indivisible unit of all matter. The word atom, in fact, comes from the
Greek word atomos meaning ‘cannot be cut’ or ‘indivisible’.
Subatomic Particles
Atoms contain three types of subatomic particles:
electrons (negatively charged particles), protons
(positively charged particles) and neutrons
(uncharged, neutral particles). Within an atom, the
subatomic particles are arranged so that the proton
(s) and neutron(s) form a nucleus. The electrons
orbit around the nucleus in a very specific manner.
This atomic structure is analogous to the manner in
which the planets orbit around the sun in our solar
system. In this example, the nucleus represents the
sun and the electrons represent the orbiting planets.
However, instead of gravity holding the atom to- Figure 1: Diatomic oxygen molecules share four vagether, positively-charged proton attract negatively- lence electrons through covalent bonding. Note the
electron orbitals and the proton-nucleus bundle located
charged electrons in an electrostatic manner.
near the center of each atom.
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
The configuration of electrons associated with an atom determines the chemical properties of that atom. Having a basic understanding of electron configuration aids in the overall comprehension of how atoms interact. As mentioned above, electrons are found in orbits that surround the nucleus. There are specific orbits (or
“shells”) that contain electrons. These shells get filled from the innermost (closest to the nucleus) to the outermost shell. An atom is most stable (or, unreactive) when the outer shell is filled. Some atoms, such as helium,
have a filled outer shell. Because of this, those atoms are not reactive. Most atoms do not have filled outer
shells. In order to fill their outer shell, atoms can either gain or lose electrons to other atoms, or they can
share electrons with other atoms.
Elements are pure substances that are made of only one type of atom. For example, gold is only made up of
gold atoms. There are over 100 known elements, each with different chemical and physical properties. Interestingly, the number of naturally occurring elements is unclear as elements continue to be developed and/or
detected in laboratories. The periodic table has been used to categorize elements.
Color Key:
Figure 2: The periodic table. Check out the interactive periodic table in your Student Portal account!
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
The periodic table contains useful information for performing chemistry. It is organized similarly to a typical
data table, and contains individual cells (compartmentalized squares) that are arranged logically in rows and
columns according to specific trends. Each cell contains information about a particular element. In the middle
of the cell is a one or two letter abbreviation for a particular element called a chemical symbol. For example,
Au is the symbol for gold and Na is the symbol for sodium. Above an element’s symbol is the atomic number, which is the number of protons that exist in an atom of that element. Each element has its own unique
number of protons. For example, gold atoms have 79 protons while all sodium atoms have 11 protons. The
number of electrons is normally equal to the number of protons. Therefore, the number of electrons in a gold
atom is 79 and the number of electrons in sodium atoms is 11.
As you go across a row (called a period) moving left to right in the periodic table, you will find that the atomic
number of the elements increases by one. This means the number of protons in the elements increases by
one. The addition of that single proton changes the properties of the atom. On the other hand, when moving
down a column (called a group) of the periodic table you will find that the number of electrons in the outer
shell remains the same. This is why the atoms within a group have similar chemical behavior.
Chemical Bonding
In nature, most elements are not found alone; atoms of most elements combine to make molecules. A molecule is a mixture of two or more atoms in definite proportions. A compound forms atoms from different elements combine. These atoms are held together by
chemical bonds, bringing them to a stable state. Keep
in mind that a stable state is accomplished by the filling
of the atoms’ outermost shell. Electrons involved with
the chemical bonds between atoms are called valence
Ionic Bonding
The two most common bonds are covalent bonds and
ionic bonds. Ionic bonds form when an atom or molecule carries an electrical charge, which attracts an atom or molecule of the opposite charge. This electrical
charge is created when an atom gains or loses electrons in an attempt to fill its outer shell. The resulting
ions have opposite charges and attract one another
via electrostatic attractions.
Ionic compounds are formed when anions (negatively
charged chemicals) and cations (positively charged
chemicals) bind together with ionic bonds
(electrostatic attraction). Sodium chloride, NaCl (table
Figure 3: In order to undergo ionic bonding, an electron must transfer between the Na and Cl atoms. This
gives the atoms opposing positive and negative
charges, resulting in electrostatic attraction.
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
salt), is an example of an ionic compound. A sodium ion, having given up an electron (e-) in an attempt to obtain a filled outer shell, is positively charged since the number of protons exceeds the number of electrons.
Na ї Na+ + eChloride, on the other hand, accepts an electron to fill its outermost shell.
Cl + e- ї ClThe sodium ion (Na+) is the cation and the chloride ion (Cl-) is the anion. A bond can now form between the
negatively-charged Cl- and the positively-charged Na+. The above reaction can be written as:
Na+ + Cl- ї Na+Cl-
Covalent Bonding
Covalent bonds form when two atoms share valence electrons. These electrons can be either shared equally or unequally between atoms. When electrons in a covalent bond
are share equally, the resulting molecule is non-polar.
There is not overall charge associated with that molecule.
Unequal sharing results in a polar molecule. There exists
a positive and negative “pole” or area within polar molecules. Fats are typically non-polar while water is a polar
molecule. Polar molecules can readily interact with other
polar molecules. The positive area of one polar molecule
and the negative area of another polar molecule attract
each other in an electrostatic manner. What happens when
oil is added to water? Do they interact? Polar and nonpolar molecules do not, in fact, interact.
Figure 4: Molecular polarity is present in water
molecules. The negative region is focused near
the oxygen molecule, while the positive region
is focused near the hydrogen molecules.
Physical Properties of Bonds
Ionic and covalent bonds have very different physical properties. For example, ionic compounds have higher
melting and boiling points. Ionic compounds also tend to be electrolytes. This means that they contain free
ions which make them electrically conductive.
We can use the knowledge that we have of valence electrons and the periodic table to predict which atoms
will make ionic bonds, and which will make covalent bonds. Elements on the left side of the periodic table in
columns 1A and 2A are electron donors. These atoms form ionic bonds with atoms from the right side of the
chart. Compounds that are made up of two or more atoms from the right side of the chart form covalent bonds
with each other. These atoms only share electrons. An important exception the “right-hand, left-hand” guideline of bonding is hydrogen. Hydrogen only has one valence electron, and it will always share its electron to
form covalent bonds.
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Acids and Bases
Acids and bases are two important classes of compounds. They
have physical and chemical differences that can be observed and
tested. An acid is a compound that ionizes (produces ions) in water
and releases hydrogen ions (H+). Bases tend to dissociate in water
to produce hydroxide ions (OH-). The acidity or alkalinity (how basic
something is) of a compound can be measured on a scale called
pH. pH is a measure of the “power of hydrogen”, or potential hydrogen. A solution that contains a lot of hydrogen ions is considered to
be very acidic. In contrast, a solution that contains few hydrogen
ions is considered to be very basic. Typical pH values range from 1
- 14. pH 1 is highly acidic, pH 14 is highly basic, and pH 7 is neutral.
Figure 5: pH scales often begin with a
red color (low pH values) and move
towards a darker green or blue color
as the pH increases.
Hydrogen chloride (HCl) is an example of a strong acid. Each HCl molecule ionizes in water to form one hydrogen ion (H+) and one chloride ion (Cl-). Conversely, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is a strong base and ionizes
in water to form one sodium ion (Na+) and one hydroxide ion (OH-).
Pre-lab Questions
1. List the atomic numbers for each of the following elements.
2. What determines if a bond is polar?
3. Is potassium chloride (KCl) formed through covalent or ionic bonds?
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Experiment 1: Paper Chromatography
Chromatography is routinely used to separate components of a mixture. In this experiment, you will perform
a paper chromatography procedure. The objective for this experiment is to determine the best solvent (ionic,
polar covalent or non-polar covalent) for the dyes found in candy-coated chocolate pieces. The chromatography paper acts as the stationary phase for the procedure, and a variety of mobile phases (solvents) will
be tested. Multiple tests with different eluting solvents must be run to determine the best eluting solvent to
separate the food dyes. Some of the factors you will investigate include polarity and electrical charge (ionic
Chromatography is based on two phases: the mobile phase and the stationary phase. The mobile phase is
the phase which moves up the chromatography paper. This is also referred to as the eluting solvent, which
the mixture of analytes is placed in.
The stationary phase is the material held in place for the chromatography procedure. Think of the mobile
phase as a moving stream and the stationary phase as the stream bed. If you were to toss in a leaf, a stick,
and a large rock, what would happen? Each different component would travel at different rates along the
stationary phase, using the mobile phase as a vehicle. Many properties affect the affinity of a substance for
the mobile or stationary phase, including polarity, solubility, particle size and electrical charge. Chemists can
use their knowledge of these properties to separate a mixture effectively.
(3) 50 mL Beakers
0.2% Sodium Chloride (Salt), NaCl solution
1 Pipette
*Distilled Water (eluting solvent)
1 Stir Rod
*70% Isopropyl Alcohol, C3H8O
10 mL Graduated Cylinder
*Create Your Own: Use your knowledge of eluting
solvents to create two additional eluting solvents
(30 mL each).
100 mL Graduated Cylinder
(6) 5.5 x 9 cm. Pieces of Chromatography Paper
3 Capillary Tubes
*20 mL 70% Isopropyl Alcohol, C3H8O
600 mL Beaker
*36 M&Ms® (12 Blue, 12 Green, and 12 Red)
30 mL of each of the following eluting solvents:
*Note: The individual candies have been repackaged by eScience Labs. Do not eat the candies.
*You Must Provide
0.5% Sodium Chloride (Salt), NaCl solution
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
1. Gather three 50 mL beakers, one for each color candy you will test.
2. Place two M&Ms® candies of one color into a beaker.
3. Repeat for each color of the candy you will test. You should have two green candies in one beaker, two
red candies in a second beaker, and two blue candies in the third beaker.
Preparation of the Analyte
4. Use a pipette and the 10 mL graduated cylinder to add one mL of 70% isopropyl alcohol to each beaker.
5. Stir gently with a stir rod until the candy’s white undercoating appears. Remove the candies. Be sure to
rinse the stir rod every time you insert it into a new beaker.
6. Allow the solutions to sit and concentrate while stationary phase is prepared.
Preparation of Stationary Phase
7. Obtain a piece of chromatography paper that is approximately 5.5 cm wide and 9.0 cm long.
8. Using a pencil, mark the paper according to the sample provided in Figure 7 at the end of the procedure.
9. Using a capillary tube, place small spots of the analyte equally spaced along the marked line. Since
there are three colors to be tested, there will be three spots on the line (use one capillary tube per color;
save the tubes for the additional trials).
Note: Capillary tubes are extremely thin tubes. They are useful when working with very small
amounts of a sample, and collect liquid samples through capillary action. To use the capillary tube,
simply place the open end of the tube in the sample. The liquid molecules will be drawn into the tube
and stick to the inner walls. Figure 6 provides a references for this process.
Figure 6: Capillary tubes use capillary action to pull up liquid.
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
10. Allow the spot to dry, and re-spot the analyte in the exact same area as done in Step 9. Repeat this process at least five times, or until the colored dots appear distinct on the paper.
11. Pour the deionized water (your eluting solvent) into the 600 mL beaker until it has reached a height of approximately 0.5 cm. This will take approximately 20 - 30 mL.
12. Place the paper (line-side down) into the 600 mL beaker with the eluting solvent for 3 - 5 minutes. Your initial line should be above the solvent. When complete, the original spots near the bottom of the paper
should be dissolved (as the colors traveled up the solvent front).
13. Mark the edge of the solvent front (the edge of the mobile phase) and the location of the analytes with a
pencil (see Figure 7 for reference). Record your data and any additional observations in Table 1.
Note: Some M&Ms® colors may have more than one spot. The distance travelled by each spot should
be measured and recorded.
14. Repeat the procedure five more times, incorporating one of the remaining eluting solvents (0.5% NaCl,
Distance travelled by the mobile phase
0.2% NaCl, 70% isopropyl alcohol, and the two solvents that you create) each time.
Trace the edge of the mobile phase
(solvent front) as soon as you remove it from the solvent.
Measure to the center of each analyte to
determine how far each analyte has
Analytes are initially spotted along a line on the bottom of the
paper. This line is typically hand-drawn on with a pencil and
located one cm from the bottom of the paper.
Figure 7: Sample paper chromatography results.
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Table 1: Experiment 1 Variables
Distance Traveled by
Mobile Phase (mm)
Distance Traveled by
Each Analyte (mm)
1. Distilled Water
Additional Observations
2. 0.5% NaCl Solution
3. 0.2% NaCl Solution
4. 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
5. Student Creation:
6. Student Creation
Post-Lab Questions
1. Which solvent provided the best separation?
2. Explain which characteristics of the solvent were used to effectively separate the analytes.
3. Which solvent provided the second-best separation? Try to identify some similarities between the two
solvents that could account for the success of separation.
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
4. Some children have reactions to Yellow 5 or Yellow 6 dye. Yellow 5 is a pale yellow color and Yellow 6 is
more orange. Use the colors seen on the chromatograms to determine which M&Ms® candies you tested
contain Yellow 5.
5. We have mentioned that chromatography has many applications. Research one application of chromatography and explain how it is used and what characteristic is utilized for the separation of the analyte(s).
6. Traditionally in chromatography the eluting solvent is an organic compound, such as hexane or acetonitrile. Explain, in terms of green chemistry, why this experiment uses environmentally friendly compounds,
such as table salt, water and isopropyl alcohol. Research an alternative solvent that is currently being
used in chromatography to reduce costly wastes and describe the benefits of that solvent, as well as any
complications that may be related to the use of the alternative solvent.
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Experiment 2: Slime Time
Although you may not realize it, the inks which are used in writing utensils are chemical solutions which include different molecules. Some inks are polar, while others are non-polar. A polar solvent will attract polar
inks, while a non-polar solvent will attract non-polar inks. In this experiment, you will use inks to identify slime
and silly putty as polar or non-polar. You will also use paper chromatography to verify the inks are correctly
identified as polar or non-polar.
(1) 250 mL Beaker
1 Popsicle Stick
5 mL 4% Borax Solution, Na2B4O7·10H2O
Dry Erase Marker
Silly Putty®
(1) 10 mL Graduated Cylinder
Stir Rod
(1) 100 mL Graduated Cylinder
Uni-ball® Roller Pen
Filter Paper (Disk)
*Distilled or Tap Water
Filter Paper (Rectangular)
0.5 g Guar Gum
*Notebook Paper
Permanent Marker
*You Must Provide
Part 1: Making Slime
1. Transfer the 0.5 g of guar gum into an empty 250 mL beaker.
2. Use the 100 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour 50.0 mL of distilled water into the 250 mL beaker with the guar gum.
3. Use the stir rod to thoroughly mix the solution.
Note: It may take a few minutes to fully dissolve the guar gum in the water.
4. Use the 10 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour four mL of the 4% borax solution into the 250 mL
beaker with the guar gum solution.
5. Use the stir rod to stir the solution until it forms a slime. This will take a few minutes. If the solution remains too runny, add an additional one mL of the 4% borax solution. Continue to stir until the solution is
the right consistency.
6. Once you are satisfied with the slime’s consistency, use the popsicle stick to carefully transfer it from the
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
beaker into your hands. Be sure not to drop any of it on to the floor!
7. Manipulate the slime in your hands. When you are done, write down observations about how slime pours,
stretches, breaks, feels, etc. in the Data: Part 1 section at the end of the procedure.
Caution: Slime is slippery and if dropped it can make the work area slick.
8. Transfer the slime back into the beaker and wash your hands.
Part 2: Slime and Putty Ink Tests
1. On a piece of notebook paper make one, 20 - 25 mm long mark of each of the inks you are testing. Space
the marks at least one inch apart. Use a pencil to label each mark with the name of the ink source.
a. Water soluble inks include those in highlighters and certain pens.
b. Water insoluble inks include those in a permanent pen/markers, newsprint, and a Dry Erase
2. While the inks are drying, select a passage or a picture in the newspaper to test with the slime.
3. Break off a small piece that is 3 - 5 cm in diameter of slime. Gently place this piece on top of the newspaper print, then carefully pick it up again.
4. Observe and record in Table 2 whether or not the ink was picked up onto the slime.
5. Break off another small piece of slime. Once the inks from Step 1 have dried, gently place the slime on
top of the first spot on the notebook paper, then carefully pick it up.
6. Repeat Step 5 for each of the inks. Observe and record which inks were picked up (dissolved) by the
slime in Table 2.
7. Repeat Step 6 ink testing two more times for accuracy.
8. Before performing ink tests on Silly Putty®, in the Data: Part 2 section hypothesize which inks the silly putty will pick up.
9. Perform ink tests on Silly Putty® in the same manner as above. Record your results in Table 2.
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Part 3: Chromatography of Ink Samples
1. Use a pencil or scissors to poke a small hole in the center
Folded wick
of a piece of filter paper disk (see Figure 8).
2. Use a rule to spot the filter paper with the two soluble ink
Ink spots
sources, and the two insoluble ink sources used in Part 2
(four total). Each spot should be approximately two cm
from the center hole, and should be evenly positioned
around the circumference of the hole.
3. Cut the rectangular piece of filter paper in half. Fold the
paper in half (length-wise) several times to create a narrow wick.
4. Insert the wick into the hole of the filter paper disk so that
it the top of the wick is approximately two cm from the
5. Fill a 250 mL beaker 3/4 full with water (between 100 and
150 mL of water).
Figure 8: Chromatography apparatus for
Procedure Part 3.
6. Set the filter paper disk on top of the beaker so that the bottom of the wick is submerged in the water.
The disk should extend passed the circumference of the beaker with the spotted side facing up.
7. Allow water to travel up the wick until it is approximately one cm from filter paper disk. Remove the filter
paper set-up from the beaker.
8. Observe which inks moved from where they were originally spotted. Record your observations in the Data: Part 3 section at the end of the procedure.
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Part 1
x Slime Observations:
Part 2
x Hypothesis for Silly Putty ® (Procedure Part 2, Step 7):
Part 3
x Observations of inks following chromatography:
Table 2: Results of Ink Testing for Silly Putty®
Name of Ink
Picked up (dissolved)
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Did not pick up
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Uni-ball® Roller Pen
Sharpie® Marker
Dry Erase Marker
Chemical Bonding Fundamentals
Post-lab Questions
1. Did the slime pick up water soluble or water insoluble inks in Part 2? From these results, what can you
conclude about the polarity of slime molecules?
2. Explain how you determined your hypothesis about whether or not Silly Putty® would pick up water soluble inks. What scientific information did you incorporate to formulate the hypothesis? Was your hypothesis
3. Were the inks you used properly classified as soluble and insoluble? Explain your answer.
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