Quantum mechanical model of the atom Quantum mechanical model of the atom The atom consists of a small nucleus (containing the protons and neutrons) surrounded by a much larger volume of space containing the electrons. An electron is described by four parameters: 1. Principal energy level 2. Sublevel 3. Individual orbital • This space is divided into regions called principal energy levels (“electron shells”) • Principal energy levels are designated by the letter n, where n is a positive integer 4. Spin -- the lowest energy level corresponds to n = 1 -- higher energy levels correspond to n = 2, 3, 4,.... • As n increases: -- the energy of the electron increases -- the electron is found on average farther from the nucleus Analogy: Airspace zones used in air traffic control Principal energy levels As n increases: n=4 • the energy of the electron increases • the electron is found on average farther from the nucleus Energy n=3 n=2 In our ladder analogy, the principal energy levels correspond to the rungs on the ladder that is climbed by the electrons in an atom electron (e-) = Example: Class D airspace • Surface to 2500 ft • 5 mile radius n=1 The electron can occupy one of the ladder rungs -- but not any of the spaces in between Principal energy levels Quantum mechanical model of the atom Energy levels The principal energy levels occupied by electrons in an atom are like the rungs of a ladder n=7 n=6 n=5 Increasing energy n=4 • but the rungs are not spaced evenly n=3 As the principal energy level increases: n=2 An electron is described by four parameters: 1. Principal energy level 2. Sublevel 3. Individual orbital 4. Spin • distance from the nucleus increases • the difference in energy n=1 floor nucleus between successive levels becomes smaller Energy Sublevels (“subshells”) Each principal energy level is divided into sublevels (“subshell”) f d p s n=4 d p s n=3 Analogy: Airspace zones used in air traffic control • subshells are indicated by the letters s, p, d, or f For an atom with more than one electron: • subshells within a given principal energy differ in energy s < p < d < f p s n=2 s n=1 (the difference in energy between subshells is small relative to the difference in energy between principal energy levels) Each subshell contains orbitals of a specific type Example: Class D airspace • Surface to 2500 ft • 5 mile radius Orbitals Types of orbitals: s orbitals Remember that in quantum mechanics, it is not possible to specify the exact location of an electron • an orbital defines the region in space around the nucleus where there is a high probability of finding an electron There are four types of orbitals: • s orbitals • p orbitals • d orbitals • f orbitals Different types of orbitals have different shapes • the surface of an orbital encloses the space around the nucleus where there is a 90% probability of finding an electron in that orbital Each s sublevel contains one s orbital An s orbital is spherical in shape The spherical surface encloses a region of space around the nucleus where there is a 90% probability that an electron in the orbital may be found • orbitals have indistinct boundaries (electron “cloud”) Types of orbitals: p orbitals Types of orbitals: p orbitals Each p sublevel contains three different p orbitals • The three p orbitals share a common center Each p sublevel contains three different p orbitals • each p orbital has two lobes • The three p orbitals point in different directions Types of orbitals: d orbitals Types of orbitals: f orbitals Each d sublevel contains five different d orbitals • the five d orbitals all point in different directions Each f sublevel contains seven different f orbitals Review: Quantum mechanical model of the atom Quantum mechanical model of the atom d p s n=4 The n = 1 principal energy level contains only one sublevel f d p s • the 1s sublevel contains one s orbital n=3 p s n=2 s n=1 Energy Energy f d p s Text 1s orbital d p s The n = 2 principal energy level contains two sublevels n=4 • the 2s sublevel contains one s orbital • the 2p sublevel contains three p orbitals n=3 2s orbital p s n=2 s n=1 2p orbitals Quantum mechanical model of the atom Quantum mechanical model of the atom n=4 • the 3s sublevel contains one s orbital • the 3p sublevel contains three p orbitals f d p s n=4 d p s n=3 n=3 p s n=2 p s n=2 s n=1 s n=1 • the 3d sublevel contains five d orbitals Points to remember about orbitals The n = 4 principal energy level contains four sublevels • the 4s sublevel contains one s orbital d p s Energy Energy f d p s The n = 3 principal energy level contains three sublevels • The 4p sublevel contains three p orbitals • The 4d sublevel contains five d orbitals • The 4f sublevel contains seven f orbitals Electron probability distribution defines orbital shapes Orbitals are not orbits (i.e., fixed paths around the nucleus) • the shape of an orbital defines a region in space around the nucleus where there is a high probability of finding an electron in that orbital • the shape of an orbital does not give any information about the actual path followed by an electron as it moves around the nucleus 1s orbital boundary surface Electron probability distribution Electron probability distribution defines orbital shapes Electron probability distribution defines orbital shapes 3d orbitals 2p orbital Points to remember about orbitals Each orbital is not a region separate in space from other orbitals • i.e., orbitals overlap one another Cross-section of the s orbitals of the first three principal energy levels showing their relative size and overlap Points to remember about orbitals Each orbital is not a region separate in space from other orbitals • i.e., orbitals overlap one another Individual orbitals of the s and p sublevels Combined orbitals of the s and p sublevels Atomic orbitals Quantum mechanical model of the atom An electron is described by four parameters: 2s orbital Nucleus 1. Principal energy level 2. Sublevel 3. Individual orbital 2p orbital 4. Spin 1s orbital 3s orbital An orbital can contain a maximum of two electrons Electron spin An orbital can contain zero, one, or two electrons You can think of an electron spinning on its axis (like a globe) If the orbital contains two electrons, the electrons must have opposite spin • it can only spin in two directions: --positive (represented by an up arrow) -- negative (represented by a down arrow) ee- positive spin e- negative spin An orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons, which must have opposite spins -- i.e., electrons with the same spin can not occupy the same orbital This rule is called the Pauli exclusion principle e- -- i.e., electrons with the same spin can not occupy the same orbital This rule is called the Pauli exclusion principle Every individual electron within an atom has a specific “address” Just like a street address, the precise location is described by terms that become increasingly specific An orbital can contain a maximum of two electrons A s sublevel can hold up to 2 electrons • 1 s orbital 1 x 2 = 2 electrons A p sublevel can hold up to 6 electrons • 3 p orbitals 2 x 3 = 6 electrons State: California Principal Energy Level: n = 2 A d sublevel can hold up to 10 electrons City: Oakland Sublevel: p sublevel • 5 d orbitals Street: Fallon St. Individual orbital: px Number: 900 Spin: +1/2 Each principal energy level can contain up to 2n2 electrons Principal energy level (n) Sublevels Number of orbitals in each sublevel Electron capacity of orbitals 1 s 1 2 2 s 1 2 p 3 6 3 4 2 x 5 = 10 electrons Ground state and excited states The lowest possible energy state of an atom is called its ground state 2 electrons 8 electrons • when an atom is in its ground state, its electrons fill the lowest energy orbitals completely before occupying higher energy orbitals s 1 2 p 3 6 d 5 10 Any state with energy higher than the ground state is called an excited state s 1 2 • when an atom is in an excited state, its electrons p 3 6 d 5 10 f 7 14 18 electrons 32 electrons occupy higher energy orbitals without having the lower energy orbitals completely filled Ground state and excited states Ground state and excited states n=4 n=4 4s 4p 4d n=3 Energy Energy 4f n=3 3s 3p n=2 2s n=1 2p 3d When an electron drops from an excited state to a lower energy level, it emits energy as a photon of light with a specific wavelength (energy) n=2 n=1 When an electron absorbs energy, it moves to a higher energy level (excited state) 1s Relative energies of subshells within a shell Spectral lines and transitions between energy levels 0 Lyman series (ultraviolet) (infrared) 4p 4d 4f n=3 1 Energy Balmer series (visible) 4s 2 Principal energy level, n Paschen series Energy n=4 6 5 4 3 3s 3p 3d n=2 2s 1s 2p For the hydrogen atom (1 electron), the energies of all subshells within a given principal energy level are the same n=1 Relative energies of subshells within a shell Homework problems n=4 Chapter 3 Problems: 4s 4p 4d 3.30, 3.72, 3.74, 3.75, 3.76, 3.77, 3.78, 3.79 4f Energy n=3 3s 3p 3d n=2 2p 2s For atoms with more than 1 electron, the subshells within a given principal energy level differ in energy: s < p < d < f This is due to electron-electron repulsive forces 1s n=1