Outside Novel Assignment: AP Long Form

AP English, CKM
The Long Form will require you to dig deeper into your chosen piece of literature than
you probably ever have, picking apart each literary element in order to come to a
complete understanding of the meaning of the work as a whole, without the aid of an
instructor. By the end of the assignment, you will have a fuller, more meaningful
understanding of your chosen work, and demonstrate that understanding on an in-class
AP essay. Your performance on the essay is the end goal; the Long Form and the group
meetings in general should be seen as your preparation for the AP essay on the meaning
of the work as a whole. This essay will carry greater weight than past AP essays so be
sure to come prepared to each group meeting and put your best effort into preparing the
long form.
Again, please take advantage of the opportunities you will have to meet in you groups
during class. You must rely on each other for discussion of the novels. Thus,
individually, you must complete each reading assignment and contribute to the group
discussion. It is through your discussions that you will be able to organize your thoughts
and reach a deeper level of understanding.
The First Steps:
1. Decide on reading assignments. You will have five meetings starting on
________________, and continuing weekly there after. Reading must be
finished on the day of your final meeting, but if the reading is done before
then there will be more time to discuss the big picture and re-read if
2. Talk about each one of the sections of the Long Form and find connections to
what we have discussed in Hamlet.
3. Break up responsibilities. Each member should be responsible for at least
three sections and at each meeting every member should be prepared to
discuss what they have found out about their topic in that weeks reading. Be
sure to divide responsibilities in a logical manner. Decide which topics are
best paired. Ex: Diction might go best with Syntax or for some this might be
too much of one type focus. Significance of the Title and Tone will be
counted as one section. Theme, Literary Criticism, and Bibliography will be
required of each member. Memorable Quotes will be part of your individual
notes, but not part of the Long Form (These quotes will help you determine
the Theme as well as a great bank of examples for your essay). Additional
Comments are not required.
4. At the last meeting, the group will be working together on Theme, Tone, and
the Significance of the Title. Each group member will be responsible for one
piece of literary criticism (make sure that they are varied). Each member will
be responsible for memorable quotes each week.
5. Each member will turn in their individual responses for the three or more
sections they are responsible for. In addition, every member must write a
response to the section on Theme and include it with their packet. Finally,
every member staple an annotated copy of their chosen literary criticism at the
back of their packet.