Ms.Tanedo Grade 12 University Course Outline 2016 Course Breakdown: Knowledge/Understanding 1. Comprehension of works (ideas, themes, opinions) 2. Comprehension of literary criticism, terminology, theories, forms of text etc. 20% Thinking 1. Quotation analysis; interpretation and inferences of literary works etc. 2. Generating ideas and focusing research Communication 1. Spelling, grammar, punctuation (use of conventions) 2. Quality of written and oral communication etc. 3. Organization of ideas and information 30% Application 1. Applying skills in new formats 2. Personal connections 3. Extending concepts learnt etc. 20% Unit of Study Short Story Unit 1. “The Rockinghorse Winner” 2. “The Bet” 3. “Roselily” 4. “Araby” 5. “The Lottery” 6. “Bluebeard” Evaluations 30% Projected time line 1. Literary Criticism Seminar 2. Comparative Essay 4 weeks (These are subject to change) Shakespeare Unit King Lear 1. Seminar Presentation on Passage Analysis 2. Mini Unit Tests 5 weeks Drama Unit A Doll’s House 1. Demand papers 3 weeks Writing Unit Essay 1. Comparative Essay 1 week 1. Seminar Presentation 2. Test 2 weeks 1. Analysis of Ad 2 weeks Novella “Handmaid’s Tale” or “Awakening” Media Culminating Task EXAM TBA 10% 20%