4. Heat Capacity of a Free Electron Fermi Gas Prediction from classical statistical mechanics (for N free electrons): Cv,free electrons ~ (3/2)NkB However, the observed electronic contribution to the heat capacity at room temperature is usually less than 1% of this predicted value. The reason for this discrepancy is that the free electrons in a metal must obey the Pauli exclusion principle. When a metal specimen is heated from absolute zero, not every conduction electron gains an energy ~kBT, T as expected classically classically. kB T kz F .......... ............... .................. ...................... ......................... ........................... ............................. F ............................... ................................ kF ................................. …............................... …............................... …............................... .......... ............... .................. ...................... ......................... ........................... ............................. ............................... ................................ ................................. …............................... …............................... …............................... …............................... kBT 1/2 F ky kx For a simple, qualitative argument: If there are N free electrons in the metal, only a fraction (in the order of kBT/F ) can be excited thermally, the energy of each electron is increases by ~ kBT upon thermal excitation. kB T F The total thermal energy of the electrons k T U N B F The electronic heat capacity: C ele T k BT N k BT TF T U Nk B T TF Celel is proportional to T, T agreeing with experimental measurements. At room temperature Cele is smaller than the classical value NkB/2) by a factor ~0.01. Clearly, electrons cannot be treated as classical particles. 1 The quantitative expression for Cele can be derived for kBT<<F When the temperature is increased from 0 K to T, the energy of the system is increased by: F 0 0 U U (T ) U (0) d D ( ) f ( ) d D ( ) D() 1/2 Df T=0 For a system y with N free electrons: F 0 0 N d D ( ) f ( ) d D ( ) T>0 which can be rewritten as: d F F d D( ) f ( ) F d D( ) F F 0 0 F The expression of U can then be written as: F F F F U d D ( ) f ( ) d D ( ) d F D ( ) f ( ) d F D ( ) F 0 F 0 0 0 F F 0 d F D ( ) f ( ) d F [1 f ( )]D ( ) Since the only temperature dependent term in U is f(), we have Cele df ( ) dU df ( ) F df ( ) d F D ( ) d F D ( ) d F D ( ) 0 0 dT dT F dT dT F The electronic heat capacity C ele d F D ( ) 0 df ( ) dT For T << TF, the term df()/dT is only significant around = F, so Cele D ( F ) d F 0 f ( ) 1 e ( ) / k BT 1 df ( ) dT df ( ) F e ( F ) / k BT dT k BT 2 e ( F ) / k B T 1 2 At low temperatures T<< TF, ≈ F, independent of T, We have: F e ( ) / k T Cele D ( F ) d F k B2TD ( F ) 0 k BT 2 e ( ) / k T 12 F F Since kBT << F, and finally dx x 2 e Cele k B2TD ( F ) ex x 1 2 dx x 2 B B F / k BT d dx e x 2e x x 1 2 2 3 ex 1 2 k B2TD ( F ) 3 e 1 x 2 2 Cele k B2TD ( F ) dx x 2 e ex x 1 2 1 2 k B2TD ( F ) 3 D() Using the relationship: D ( ) 3 N ( ) 2 We get: 1 2 Nk B2T 2 Nk BT C ele 2 D ( F ) k B2T 3 2 F 2TF F Cel is proportional to D(F), the density of states at the Fermi level, this is because only these electrons can be excited. Experimental heat capacity of metals At low temperatures (T << and T << TF) the heat capacity of metals can expressed as the sum of the electronic contribution and the phonon (lattice vibration) contribution: C =C C +C = T + AT3 A l A = slope ele l pho h is called the Sommerfeld constant. 2 Nk B2 2 Nk B 2 F 2TF To obtain the values of A and , plot C/T as a function of T2: intercept C/T= + AT2 C = T + AT3 2 Nk B2 2 Nk B 2 F 2TF measured predicted mth/m Experimentally measured results on simple metals show that the Free Electron Model can reasonably bl predict di the h electric contribution of to the heat capacity. 3 The discrepancy between the measured values and predicted values using the free electron model is caused by the approximations made in the model. The concept of a “thermal effective mass” is introduced to interpret experimental data. measured predicted mth/m 2/3 3 N The conduction electrons in metals are F 2 mel V not completely free, interactions (with ion cores, phonons and other electrons) make the electrons appearing more “massive”, with an effective mass, mth. 2/3 2 Nk B2 2 Nk B2 V 2mel 2 2 mel 2 F 2 3 N 2 2 The thermal effective mass mth is defined as 2/3 measured 2 Nk B2 V 2 mth 2 3 2 N 2 measured mth free mel Heave Fermions (Steglich et al., 1976) For most metals mth~ 1-2 mel, meaning that the electrons are basically free to move throughout the lattice. However, some materials (metallic compounds) have mth~ 100 -1000 mel. These are called heavy fermion materials. For example measured - These are known as highly correlated electron systems, and they arise from complicated f-electron physics. - These materials often show bizarre behaviors, such as strange magnetic order and strange superconductivity. 4 The Principal Quantum(Energy level): n = 1, 2, 3, … … Angular Momentum Quantum Number (Orbital shape): l = 0, 1, 2, … (n-1) l: 0 1 2 3 4 5 Name: s p d f g h The Magnetic Quantum Number (# sub-orbitals): ml = -l… 0…+l The Spin Quantum Number: ms = -1/2 or +1/2 Depending the chemical environment, felectrons can be localized or delocalized. 5 5. Electrical Conductivity and Ohm’s Law The conductivity σ is defined by j = σ E, where j = current density How to derive an expression for σ using the Free Electron Model? When in an electromagnetic field, an electron experiences a Lorentz force: 1 F e( E v B ) c p mv k The momentum of a free electron is: In the case B = 0, the eE dv dk or dk dt eE F m equation of motion is: dt dt k (t ) If the electric field is applied at t = 0, then at eE t dk dt time t, the k vector will change according: k (0) 0 Equilibrium q - no field ky v kx -v With applied pp field ky eE k t E k kx Every electron feels a shift in its k-value by k. Net flow of electrons No net flow of electrons eE k t With applied field ky This simple theory predicts that the velocity of the electrons would keep increasing under a constant electric field, which would suggest that, when an electric field is applied to a metal wire, the electric current would grow with time, time with no limit limit. E k kx Net flow of electrons Question: What stops the electrons from moving faster and faster in the electric field? The velocity of the electrons is limited by collisions with - Impurities in the lattice. - Lattice imperfections. - Phonons. Phonons If the average time between two collisions is τ, then the average electron velocity will be eE v k m m Strained region by impurity exerts a scattering force F = - d(PE) /dx I 6 eE v k m m v E The current density is eE ne 2 j nqv n(e) E m m j E The Ohm’s law where n is the density of conduction electrons The electrical conductivity The electrical resistivity ne 2 e ( ne) m m Collision time Charge density determines the acceleration 1 m ne 2 vy Electrical conduction Classical picture: the current is carried equally by all electrons, each moving with a very small drift velocity vd. Quantum-mechanical picture : the current is carried only by a very small fraction of electrons, all moving with the Fermi velocity vF. , since k is very small. E ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... vF ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... ……………………………... vx vF ~ 106 m/s Experimental electrical resistivity of metals ne 2 m 1 m 1 ne 2 Strained region by impurity exerts a scattering force F = - d(PE) /dx At T ~ 300 K, is dominated by collisions between conduction electrons with phonons At T ~ 4 K, is determined by collisions between conduction electrons with impurities. i I L The collisions with phonons and impurities are often independent of one another, therefore the collision time can be expresses as: 1 1 L 1 i L i (Matthiessen’s rule) Phonon contribution T-dependent impurity contribution T-independent As T => 0, ρL=> 0 therefore ρ= ρi, called the residual resistivity Sample purity can be estimated by the Resistivity ratio = ρ(RT)/ρ(0) Large for pure specimens. Small for impure specimens. 7