Lord of the Flies English IV J. Bailey 1.

Lord of the Flies Comprehension Questions
English IV
J. Bailey
1. Why does Ralph choose an easy path of firm ground to return to the platform to call and assembly?
2. What is Ralph discovering that he dislikes about the way he is living?
3. How does Piggy show disapproval as Ralph’s assembly is called?
4. What four complaints does Ralph bring up at the hastily called assembly?
5. Littlun Phil reports he saw something at night in the jungle. What was it?
6. What does Littlun Percival Wemys Madison reveal to the assembly?
7. What rationale does Piggy give for not believing in ghosts?
8. What do you think Simon means when he says, “Maybe there is a beast”?
9. What is meant by “…every path was an improvisation”?
CHAPTER SIX: (95-108)
1. What falls to the island during the night?
2. What has happened above the island to make this thing descend?
3. Who discovers this thing?
4. What do they think it is?
5. What excuses does Ralph give to let Piggy stay behind when the other boys go hunt for the
6. What is Golding saying about the outside world when he sends this “sign” down to the island?
7. Why is it necessary for Golding to prevent Piggy from going on the hunt for the beast?