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Arizona Content and Performance Standards
Articulated by Grade
Sample Standard Matrix for Master Teaching Demonstration
Strand I:
Reading Process
Strand III: Writing
Concept 6:
Employ strategies to comprehend
Concept 5: Literary Response
Literary response is the
writer’s reaction to a literary
selection. The response
includes the writer’s
interpretation, analysis,
opinion, and/or feelings about
the piece of literature and
selected elements within it.
PO 1. Participate in a group
discussion, based on a
literature selection, that
identifies the:
a. character(s)
b. setting
c. sequence of events
PO 1. Make predictions based on
title, cover, illustrations, and text.
PO 6. Connect information and
events in text to life experiences
and to related text and sources.
(See R00-S2C1)
PO 2. Write a book report or
review that may identify the:
a. main idea
b. character(s)
Standard 4:
Students work individually
and collaboratively within
team settings to accomplish
Students will demonstrate
politeness and adaptability
in their relations with other
Students will demonstrate
teamwork skills by
contributing ideas,
suggestions and effort;
c. setting
d. sequence of events
e. problem/solution
PO 5. Connect information and
events in text to experience and to
related text and sources.
PO 5. Connect information and
events in text to experience and to
related text and sources.
PO 4. Connect information and
events in text to experience and to
related text and sources.
resolving conflicts; and
handling peer pressure.
(See R03-S2C1)
PO 2. Write a book report or
review that identifies the:
a. main idea
b. character(s)
c. setting
d. sequence of events
e. conflict/resolution
(See R05-S2C1)
**No PO articulated to
Students will exert a high
level of effort and
perseverance toward goal
attainment, as a team
member. (4WP-E3)
PO 1. Write a literary analysis Students will demonstrate
ability to work with others
a. analyzes the author’s use of from diverse
literary elements (i.e., theme,
backgrounds, including
point of view, characterization, identifying individual
setting, plot)
interests, aptitudes and
b. analyzes different elements skills; teach others new
of figurative language (i.e.,
skills. (4WP-P1)
simile, metaphor,
personification, hyperbole,
symbolism, allusion, and
imagery) in a literary selection
c. compares the illustration of
the same theme in two
different literary genres, using
their structural features as the
basis for the comparison (e.g.,
novel and play, poem and
short story)
d. identifies how an author's
choice of words and imagery
sets the tone and advances the
work's theme
PO 4. Connect information and
events in text to experience and to
related text and sources.
Example: Write an essay
explaining Gwendolyn
Brook’s use of word choice in
“We Real Cool” to
communicate its theme.
(See R10-S2C1)
Concept 5: Literary Response
Literary response is the
writer’s reaction to a literary
selection. The response
includes the writer’s
interpretation, analysis,
opinion, and/or feelings about
the piece of literature and
selected elements within it.
*These standards are not yet articulated by grade, as the reading and writing standards are.