Name: The World Since 1945 Review Sheet Cold War: 1. The tensions between the US and USSR (Soviet Union/SU) after WWII was called?__ ____________COLD WAR_______________________________________________ 2. After WWII, the two SUPER POWERS that emerged were: *__UNITED STATES_ *__SOVIET UNION___________ 3. The area of the world that the Soviet Union had the most influence on after WWII, was:______EASTERN EUROPE________ 4. List 3 events that would describe the period of the Cold War. *_DIVISION OF GERMANY________ *_NUCLEAR ARMS RACE____ *_CUBA AND COMMUNISM____________ 5. During the COLD WAR, in what 2 ways did the Super Power of the_US_________________ and the Super Power of the _SOVIET UNION________________ compete? *_ECONOMICALLY____ *_MILITARILY (SPACE RACE) 6. Define NATO (NORTH ATLATIC TREATY ORGANIZATION)- _ORGANIZATION FORMED TO PROTECT WESTERN WORLD FROM SPREAD OF COMMUNISM 7. Define Warsaw Pact-_EASTERN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION TO SAFEGAURD THE SPREAD OF COMMUNISM 8. Define Truman Doctrine-_GAVE AID TO EUROPEAN NATIONS TO STOP THE SPREAD OF COMMUNISM. 9. Who was George Marshall and why is he important? SECRETARY OF STATE WHO PROPOSED THE ECONOMIC PLAN THAT WAS TO HELP REBUILD EUROPE 10. Define the Marshall Plan:_ GAVE ECONOMIC AID FROM THE UNITED STATES TO HELP REBUILD THE NATIONS OF EUROPE AFTER WWII. 11. NATO and the Truman Doctrine were created to stop the spread of COMMUNISM 12.Why was the Berlin Wall constructed? _TO KEEP GERMANS FROM THE EAST (COMMUNIST) FROM COMING TO THE WEST(NON COMMUNIST) 13.What did the fall of the Berlin Wall symbolize? _TYRANNY____________________________ 14. What area of the world made up NATO? NATIONS OF WESTERN EUROPE_ 15. What area of the world made up the Warsaw Pact? EASTERN EUROPEAN NATIONS_ 16. What was the common reason for revolts in Hungary (1956) and Czechoslovakia (1968) and the Solidarity movement in Poland? _TO RESIST COMMUNIST LEADERSHIP INTO THEIR NATIONS 17. What does the concept of arms race mean? A COMPETITION BETWEEN THE US AND SU WITH THE BUILD UP OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS 18. What does non alignment mean? WHEN A NATION DID NOT TAKE SIDES WITH EITHER THE US OR SU DURING THE COLD WAR._ 19. Why would nations choose to be nonaligned with other nations during the Cold War? SO AS NOT TO MAKE EITHER THE US OR SU ANGRY (CAUING A WAR OR CONFLICT) OR TO RECEIVE AID FROM BOTH._ 20. Name 2 nations that remained nonaligned during the Cold War? * INDIA * EGYPT 21. What was the purpose for the creation of the United Nations (UN)?_TO CREATE A PEACE KEEPING ORGANIZATION AND SOLVE INTERNATION PROBLEMS WITHOUT HAVING ANOTHER WORLD WAR 22. Define Communism:_ECONOMIC SYSTEM WHERE THE GOVERNMENT CONTROLS THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION. (WHAT, WHERE AND HOW GOODS ARE PRODUCED) 23. What is another term for communism?_COMMAND ECONOMY_ 24. What was Joseph Stalin’s program for establishing production and agricultural goals in the Soviet Union? _5 YEAR PLAN_ 25. What was Mao ZeDong’s program for establishing economic improvements in China? GREAT LEAP FORWARD _ 26. What was Mikhail Gorbechev’s plan for economic progress in the Soviet Union? _PERESTROKIA 27. Define Capitalism: ECONOMIC SYSTEM BASED ON BUYING AND SELLING OF GOODS (SUPPLY AND DEMAND) 28. What is the purpose of constructing canals? _TO SHORTEN SHIPPING ROUTES FOR TRADE PURPOSES. 29. Identify the following canals: In South America (PANAMA), In Africa (SUEZ) 30. Explain the role that Japan’s geography has had on the island nation: _MOUNTAINS HAVE FORCED JAPAN TO IMPERIALIZE AND THEN TRADE WITH OTHER NATIONS FOR NATURAL RESOURCES 31. Define Meiji Restoration: _THE MODERNIZATION AND INDUSTRIALIZATION OF JAPAN LATE 1860’S 32. What does OPEC stand for? ORGANIZATION OF PETROLIUM EXPORTING COUNTRIES 33. What is the purpose of OPEC? TO REGULATE THE PRICE OF OIL ON THE WORLD MARKET_ 34. What type of political/economic system did Fidel Castro and Ho Chi Minh use in their nations? _COMMUNISM_ China: 35. Whose support did Mao have, which allowed him to come to power in China? _PEASANTS__ 36. During the 1970-80’s how did China limit its population? ONE CHILD POLICY_ 37. Why did nations feel the need to limit their populations? TO INCREASE ECONOMIC GROWTH AND IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR THEIR PEOPLE 38. Who do the ideas of communism stem from? __KARL MARX_ 39. Name 5 world leaders that were inspired by socialist/communist ideals? * LENIN * STALIN * GORBECHEV * CASTRO * MAO ZE DONG 40. What was the goal of Mao’s Cultural Revolution? TO RE-ENFORCE THE IDEALS OF COMMUNISM AND MAO IN CHINA. 41. Who enforced the ideals of the Cultural Revolution?__RED GUARD_ 42. In China, what are 2 major beliefs of Confucianism? * importance of Group before the individual * filial piety 43. What happened at Tiananmen Square in 1989 STUDENT PROTESTERS (FOR Democracy, individual rights and freedom of expression) WERE KILLED BY RED ARMY India: 44. In 1947, after India had been partitioned (divided), what negative affects resulted? * civil unrest * religious conflicts b/w Hindus and Muslims * territorial disputes 45. What was the major reason for Great Britain granting India their independence?__COULD NOT AFFORD TO KEEP AFTER WWII___________________ 46. What was India’s position during the Cold War? _NON-ALIGNED_______________________ 47. Whose side did they take? __DID NOT TAKE ANY ONE SIDE_______________________ Africa: 49. What nation corresponds with the ruler? Kwame Nkrumah: GHANA_ Jomo Kenyatta: KENYA__ Kenneth Kaunda: ZAMBIA_ Define Imperialism: WHEN A LARGER NATION TAKES OVER A SMALLER NATION FOR RESOURCES IT DOES NOT HAVE. 48. What did each of these men have in common? _LED INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS FOR THEIR NATIONS 50. The mass killings that occurred in Rwanda and Burundi in the 1990s were an example of what type of conflict? ETHNIC CONFLICT 51. What does Pan-Africanism mean? _THE JOINING TOGETHER OF AFRICAN NATIONS TO SOLVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS. 52. What was the reason that Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? _OPPOSITION TO APARTHEIRD IN SOUTH AFRICA 53. Define genocide: THE MASS KILLING OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR RACE, RELIGION, OR GENDER 54. Genocide, discrimination based on religion or race, and Purges are examples of HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Asia: 55. Why did the US get involved in conflicts in Asia in the 1950-1970s?_TO STOP THE SPREAD OF COMMUNISM 56. What was a similarity faced by both Vietnam and Korea during the late 1950s and early 1960s?_BOTH NATIONS WILL BE DIVIDIED INTO A COMMUNIST NORTH AND NON COMMUNIST SOUTH 57. List 2 examples of movements that were a show of resisting colonialism (imperialism): * GANGHI’S SALT MARCH * INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS AND UPRISINGS IN NATIONS (VIETNAM, KENYA, SOUTH AFRICA) 58. Who were the Khmer Rouge? POL POT’S COMMUNIST GROUP THAT MASSACRED CAMBODIAN PEOPLE 59. Who was Pol Pot ?_COMMUNIST DICTATOR OF CAMBODIA WHO LED THE KHMER ROUGE. Targeted Buddhist monks, Muslims, Western-educated intellectuals, educated people in general, people who had contact with Western countries or with Vietnam, the crippled and lame, and the ethnic Chinese, Laotians and Vietnamese. 60. What was Pol Pot guilty of? CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY-GENOCIDE Middle East: 61. What Middle Eastern waterways do OPEC nations use to transport oil: * STRAIT OF HORMUZ * PERSIAN GULF * SUEZ CANAL 62. What was the Camp David Accord? A PEACE AGREEMENT BETWEEN EGYPT AND ISRAEL 63. Who was involved? UNITED STATES (CARTER), EGYPT (ANWAR SADAT), ISRAEL (MENACHEM BEGIN) 64. Who has supported the nation of Israel since the 1940s? UNITED STATES_ 65. Why was this situation considered to be a Cold War event? _PITTED US AGAINST SU. US SUPPORTED ISRAEL, AND SU SUPPORTED SEVERAL ARAB NATIONS 66. What are the 2 major stumbling blocks to peace between Palestine and Israel? * LAND DISPUTES * RELIGIOUS CONFLICTS 67. What has been a primary cause of conflicts in the Middle East and in Northern Ireland? RELIGIOUS DISPUTES 68. What event occurred in Iran in 1979?_OVER THROW OF SHAH REZA PAHLAVI/ REVOLUTION 69. What was the cause for the Iranian Revolution? _REZA PAHLAVI WESTERNIZED IRAN…MADE IT A LESS TRADITIONAL NATION. FUNDAMENTALISTS REVOLTED 70. Who came to power in Iran in 1979? _THE AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI_ 71. What is the definition of economic embargo? _TO STOP TRADE WITH A NATION TO SEND A MESSAGE…ISOLATE THE NATION AND CAUSE PROBLEMS INTERNALLY 72. What would be the purpose of imposing an economic embargo on a nation? _TO BRING ATTENTION TO THE WORLD THAT A NATION MAY BE VIOLATING HUMAN RIGHTS OR MISTREATING CITIZENS WITH OPPRESSIVE GOV’T. 73. What was the purpose of the Persian Gulf War in 1991?_TO PROTECT OIL INTERESTS___ 74. Define Theocracy: A GOVERNMENT RUN BY RELIGION_ 75. What Middle Eastern nation became a theocracy in 1979? _IRAN_ 76. What were the 2 reasons the US and Great Britain used to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003? * WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION * TERRORIST NATION Soviet Union: 77. Who became leader of the Soviet Union in 1985? _MIKHAIL GORBACHEV_ 78. Why was the above leader coming to power considered a turning point in Soviet history? BROUGHT AN END TO COMMUNISM IN SOVIET UNION….WORLD DECLINE OF COMMUNISM 79. Why was the tearing down of the Berlin Wall so significant in world history? (symbolism)_IT BROUGHT AN END TO TYRANNY..FALL OF COMMUNISM IN EASTERN WORLD Latin America: 80. In the past 10 years, what new type of leadership has come to the South American continent? _ELECTION OF LEADERS (DEMOCRATIC)_______ _ 81. Define Liberation Theology: _Christian mission to bring justice to the poor and oppressed, particularly through political activism 82. In Latin American nations, what type of governments became popular after WWII? _MILITARY DICTATORSHIPS (JUNTAS)_ 83. What Latin American nation had a revolution in 1959?__CUBA_______________________ 84. Who led the above revolution? _FIDEL CASTRO___________________________________ 85. Who was the inspiration for the above revolution? _KARL MARX_______________________ 86. What was his economic ideal? _SOCIALISM= COMMUNISM________________________