Ch22Study guide

Robert W. Strayer
Ways of the World: A Brief Global History
Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources
Chapter 22, The Rise and Fall of World Communism, 1917-Present, Study Guide
(Original: pp. 659-688; With Sources: pp. 1029-1058)
Global Communism: Comparing Revolutions as a Path to Communism
1. Where did communist governments exercise state power and various degrees of
influence besides the Soviet Union, China, and Eastern Europe during the 20th
2. Identify the major differences between the Russian and Chinese Revolutions.
3. Why were the Bolsheviks able to ride the Russian Revolution to power?
4. How did the Chinese Communist Party adapt its ideology and strategy during its long
struggle to power?
Building Socialism in Two Countries
5. In undertaking the push for modernization, how were China and Russia able to
construct a socialist societies? In economic terms?
6. What changes did communist regimes bring to the lives of women?
7. How did the collectivization of agriculture differ between the USSR and China?
8. What were the achievements of communist efforts at industrialization? What
problems did these achievements generate? (Results of The Great Leap Forward and
The Cultural Revolution)
9. Explain the Great Purges.
East versus West: A Global Divide and a Cold War
10. In what different ways was the Cold War expressed?
11. How did the United States and the Soviet Union court third world countries?
12. In what ways did the United States play a global role after World War II?
13. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the communist world by the 1970s.
Comparing Paths to the End of Communism
14. Explain the economic and moral failures of the communist experiment. (Could
the USSR match the West in quality and availability of consumer goods?)
15. What was the result of the reforms instituted by Deng Xiaoping?
16. Describe China after communism.
17. How did the end of communism in the Soviet Union differ from communism’s
demise in China?
18. Impact of glasnost on the Soviet allies in Eastern Europe?
Reflections: To Judge or Not to Judge: The Ambiguous Legacy of Communism
19. (On the one hand…On the other hand…p. 688)
Explain the significance of each of the following:
Berlin Wall—
Warsaw Pac—
Collectivization of agriculture—
Great Leap Forward—
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution—
Deng Xiaoping—