INSTALLING FAMILY TREE JOURNAL BACKUP The first order of business before you use this (or any program) is to create a backup copy of the disk(s). (If you are using a floppy disk system insert your MS-DOS system disk in drive A.) Use the normal procedure to bring your computer up to the prompt. If you have 2 floppy disks type: DISKCOPY A: B: <ENTER> If you have 1 floppy disk type: DISKCOPY A: A: <ENTER> The DISKCOPY program will instruct you to insert the source (original FAMILY TREE JOURNAL ) disk and the destination (blank) disk into the appropriate disk drive. It is a good idea to put a write protect tab on the original but not on the copies since the program will write data files to them. Put the original disks in a safe place and use the backups as working disks for all operations from now on. If you will be installing the program on floppy disks, you will need to format a supply of diskettes before starting the installation process. For a system that has only floppy drives you will need 4 blank disks. Use the normal procedure to bring your computer up to the prompt. Insert disk #1 disk into drive A and type A:<ENTER>. Type: INSTALL<ENTER> to install Family Tree Journal onto your system. As new features are added, the size of programs grow larger. Because of the many enhancements to the current version of Family Tree Journal, a hard disk is highly recommended. It is not possible to run this version of FAMILY TREE JOURNAL from only one 360K floppy disk. There is not enough space on the program disks for data files. If you have a system that only has two floppy drives (and no hard drive), you should use the A drive for the program disks and the B drive for your data files. UPDATING FROM AN EARLIER VERSION The data files from earlier versions of FAMILY TREE and FAMILY TREE JOURNAL are fully compatible with this, and future versions of the program. This means that you do not have to perform any conversion on previously entered data in order to use it on FAMILY TREE JOURNAL. OTHER INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS During execution, the program may have more than 8 files open simultaneously. This is the normal maximum for MS-DOS. If you are running FAMILY TREE JOURNAL and some other function in the system also has files open, you may experience some problems. I mention this early because it produces some of the most mystifying bugs that have been reported to me. This can occur if you have a utility in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file that stays resident when you boot your system such as one of the "menu" or "window" programs. CONFIG.SYS will allow you to increase the default. Increasing the number of files that may be opened is a relatively harmless operation that does not degrade the operation of your computer at all (and in this instance, actually will improve it!) The only price you pay for this change is a few extra bytes of memory that are used by the system. I recommend that you make FILES=20 (or more). See your MS-DOS manual for information on CONFIG.SYS. (You must restart your system after making any changes to CONFIG.SYS before they will work.) PRINTER REQUIREMENTS FAMILY TREE JOURNAL will work with any printer that can be used by your computer. You may have to experiment a little in order to align the paper properly. Different printers treat <CARRIAGE-RETURN> and <LINEFEED> characters differently. You may have to change the option switches on your printer to make the lines properly spaced. The program assumes that you are using 8 1/2" X 11" paper and that your printer will print 66 lines of up to 80 characters per line. This is the standard for most printers. If your paper is aligned correctly, there will be equal margins on both the left and right side of each sheet and the page number should be centered near the bottom. The program will allow you to select the type of printer you will be using to further enhance your printouts. This page layout allows you to punch the paper and use binders to form a book. Most copy machines will also accept this size paper to allow you to make copies for your relatives. I would like to have provided a way to print charts that would extend more generations but the size of the paper was the limiting factor. Each generation of ancestors doubles the number of names needed and each generation of descendants produces an arbitrary number of people. I found that 4 generations of ancestors would fit on one page without too much crowding and used 4 generations of descendants just to make things symmetrical. NOTE Many printers now available are equipped with a variety of fonts. You must use a "nonproportional" or "mono-spaced" font, otherwise, your printouts will be skewed. This is especially apparent when you print the charts and time-line. PROGRAM OVERVIEW GENERAL Before you begin, here is a brief synopsis of the information that you will need. In order to build genealogical charts, the minimum information required for each family member is the individual's name and the name of their parents. For each person, you should also try to find the names of spouses, dates of birth, death and marriage, and the places where these events occurred. You must enter this information separately for each individual. All other relationships between them is unimportant. You will not find entries for children or brothers and sisters. The program will determine those relationships. STARTING FAMILY TREE JOURNAL If you are using floppies, insert the FAMILY TREE JOURNAL disk into drive A and type A:<ENTER>. If you are using a hard disk, change your working directory to the one containing the FAMILY TREE JOURNAL program. Start the FAMILY TREE JOURNAL program by typing: FTREE<ENTER> The first time you start FAMILY TREE JOURNAL (and as long as your file name is set to SAMPLE10 ) you will be asked if you want to print instructions. After answering the question (and possibly printed instructions), a setup screen will appear. The first time you use the program, you should leave the default information as it is. You can always come back and change it later. In the setup screen you are asked for a file name to use for your data files. I recommend that you use a family surname such as "SMITH" or "JONES" but you may use any valid file name including a drive specification and full path name. This will allow you to use another disk or sub-directory for your data files if you like. Again, in this example we will use the name SMITH. If you are using a separate data disk in the B drive, enter: B:SMITH in the prompt for the file name. If you are using a hard disk, type: SMITH in the prompt. This name will be used as the base name for the data files. (The program supplies the extensions so type the name without any '.'). If you find that your data files have grown too large, you may use another file name for a different branch of your family. There is no limit, other than disk space, to the number of family branches that may be entered. This name will replace <FILE> in the references throughout this manual. Included on the FAMILY TREE JOURNAL disk is a set of files called "SAMPLE10". This is the initial default name that will appear in the prompt. I suggest you use SAMPLE10 for practice before entering your own data. (If your name happens to be Sample, you will have to erase these files before you get down to serious business!) The next prompt on the setup menu allows you to specify the format that you prefer for entering dates. The default is month-day-year. If you enter N to the prompt, the program will properly sort dates entered in the day-month-year format. Only dates that you enter using a number for the month are effected by this flag. Dates such as 6 FEB 1845 or FEB 6 1845 will both work regardless of the USA flag setting. Printing is normally routed to your printer through the first parallel port on your computer. This port is designated LPT1 or PRN. You may want to direct the printouts to some other port or to a file. You can change the destination to any of the following: AUX SCREEN LPT2 or LPT3 FILE_NAME The serial port Your monitor screen One of the other printer ports Any file name All subsequent printouts will then be directed to the destination that you specify. NOTE: If you specify a file name, you should be aware that the file will be reopened each time that you start a new print operation and the previous information that may have been in that file will be lost! Before you begin printing, you must specify the type of printer that you are using. (Your printer must be able to print both upper and lower case and recognize form feeds to be used with FAMILY TREE JOURNAL. Most modern printers will qualify.) There are three basic type of printers that FAMILY TREE JOURNAL supports: Type 0 - "No frills" - this type will work on almost any printer. It does not use any special graphics nor does it print bold face, underlined characters or italics. Type 1 - Epson compatible - This type will work with most dot-matrix printers that have the IBM extended graphic characters. Type 2 - HP-PCL compatible - This type will work with most laser or ink-jet printers that are designed for IBM's and compatibles. (Apple LaserWriters were not designed to be IBM compatible so you will have to use type 0 for LaserWriters and use Courier mode - not PostScript). Two additional types are available that may be necessary for some situations: Type 3 - Epson compatible without IBM graphics - This type may be necessary if you have a printer that uses the Epson escape sequences for bold, italics and underline but does not contain the IBM graphic character set. These printers were intended to be used with Apples, Commodores, Radio Shack Color Computers, etc. but are sometimes equipped on IBM's. Type 4 - This type may be selected if you have a laser printer with fonts that are not equipped with the PC-8 typeface. but does recognize the HP-PCL escape sequences for bold, etc. Before you select this type, carefully check your printer's documentation to see if there may be some way to select the PC-8 typeface and use type 2 instead. The results will be much better! One additional comment, if your printer has several fonts, select one that is nonproportional. Proportional fonts will produce skewed charts. Some printers treat the ends of lines differently. The program will change the way it terminates each line based on how you answer the next question. There are also option switches in some printers that will change the way they are handled. You may have to experiment a little if you get double-spaced printouts. In addition to the normal genealogical information for each individual, you may want to keep some miscellaneous information about each one. Five optional fields are available for this purpose. The first three headings will default to CAUSE OF DEATH, OCCUPATION, and CHURCH AFFILIATION. Two others are available for anything you may like to record. You may prefer to use some other statistics about your family. You may add or change any of the five headings to whatever you prefer. Several suggestions that I have received are CEMETERY or PLACE OF BURIAL, TELEPHONE NUMBER, POLITICAL PARTY, etc. You may also use this to enter such things as physical descriptions (color of hair, eyes, etc.), schooling or educational background, hobbies, etc. I even had a suggestion that FAMILY TREE JOURNAL could be used to document the pedigree for animals. I'm not sure that all the information would be appropriate for this application (information about marriages might seem a little odd) but, you could use these miscellaneous fields to record the registration paper numbers, desirable traits etc. for show animals or to assist in farm animal breeding. FAMILY TREE JOURNAL consists of several programs that allow you to input, edit, change, and print information. Since these functions are quite complex, and because I wanted to create a program that would work with minimum size systems, the main program is split into several smaller programs that are executed from a file called FTREE.COM. This method of operation produces some delays between functions while the programs are swapped into memory from the disk. For those users who will be using 360K floppy disks, some of the functions must be selected from the UTILITIES disk. You will be prompted to insert the UTILITIES disk when you select the these functions. DATA FILES Seven data files are generated by FAMILY TREE JOURNAL for each different family name that you specify. <FILE>.DAT <FILE>.NAM <FILE>.GEN <FILE>.BIO <FILE>.REF <FILE>.ADR <FILE>.BBL Setup information Name list Genealogical information Biographies References Address book Bibliography Many of the functions create temporary files to do such things as sorting and editing. These files will have various names with the extension .TMP. Most of the time, these files will be removed after the function completes its task, but they may remain if the program terminates abnormally. All of the temporary files are written to the program disk even if you are using a separate data disk. This means that you need quite a bit of free space on the program disk. As a rule of thumb, the free space should equal about 5 times the size of <FILE>.NAM. EDITING DATA FILES Since most customers have a favorite editor or word processor that they feel comfortable with, it is important that you should not have to be forced to use anything different when using FAMILY TREE JOURNAL. All of the files generated by FAMILY TREE JOURNAL are ASCII. This means that they may be edited using almost any editor or word processor. The main requirement for editing FAMILY TREE JOURNAL files is that you must be able to read and save the files in ASCII format. The documentation for your editor should explain how to use ASCII format. Some word processors may refer to ASCII by other terms such as "non-document" mode. The file "INTRO.DAT" is a simple ASCII file that may be printed at the beginning of your book. You may edit this one as you would any other file. You may add as many lines as you like. The program will split the file into more than one page if necessary so don't worry about page length. There are additional files that may be printed at the beginning of each section of the book ("INTRO1.DAT, INTRO2.DAT" and "INTRO3.DAT"). These files may be also edited in the same manner to customize your book. You will probably prefer to use your own word processor to edit biographies. The program contains utilities to import and export ASCII files to and from FAMILY TREE JOURNAL biographies. If you center or justify text using the special word processor commands for these operations, it may or may not be able to retain the centering or justification when the file is saved in ASCII. Special fonts, underlining, bold print and italics probably won't work. You will have to experiment a little to see how your program deals with these things. DATA INPUT GENERAL FAMILY TREE JOURNAL is designed to allow you to compile information about your family. I tried to design the program to make it as easy as possible for us humans to enter information and let your computer do the tedious work of organizing and sorting your data. Certain keys on different keyboards are designated differently, depending on the manufacturer. Throughout this manual you will see <ENTER>. This refers to the key marked ENTER, RETURN or sometimes indicated with a picture of a bent arrow. Other keys are indicated using the same format such as <ESC>, <HOME>, etc. The designation <ARROW> refers to any of the four keys marked with pictures of arrows, grouped together and located on the right side of your keyboard. The <BACKSPACE> key is also sometimes designated with a left arrow but is usually located on the main part of the keyboard. These designations mean that you are to hit the appropriate key (rather than type the word). Entering information for FAMILY TREE JOURNAL is quite easy. Here are some of the things you'll need to know before you start. Unlike many other genealogical programs, Family Tree Journal data is structured around individuals rather than family group records. In its most refined form, genealogy is simply the study of human biology. Therefore, the only required information to produce a complete family tree is that each individual must have one mother and one father. With this information alone you may traverse through an entire family. Family groups are produced dynamically by locating and grouping children through parental linkages. Family Tree Journal does not record the sex of any individual. The sex is implied when a person is recorded as a father or mother which is loosely translated as husband or wife. (The marital status of parents is a cultural linkage that sometimes tends to confuse computers!) Family Tree Journal allows you to add, delete or modify the information for individual family members without regard to the impact that those changes may have on a particular family group. MAIN MENU SELECTIONS The main menu serves as a "home base" from which you may select any of the functions available in FAMILY TREE JOURNAL. Some of the selections on the main menu will prompt you for additional information and then begin the selected task, other selections will display an additional menu from which you may select a specific operation, which may, in turn, request additional information. In most cases, you can change your mind and cancel the operation by typing an <ESC> and return to the previous menu. The <ESC> key works fairly intelligently so that it will not cause any mutilation of your data files. If you use it to stop printing, the printing will normally stop after completing the current page, so you will not always get an immediate response. The Main Menu contains 4 selections. They are: 1 2 3 4 DATA ENTRY PRINT UTILITIES MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES ADDRESS BOOK Selection 1 - DATA ENTRY You will always start data entry from the individual information screen. Data fields may display default data. If the default is your desired response, then you can simply type an <ENTER> without over-typing the default. The <INSERT> key will toggle between normal and insert mode. (The cursor is full size in normal mode and half size in insert mode). The left and right <ARROW> keys move between fields in normal mode and move between characters within a field in insert mode. The <HOME> and <END> keys move between the beginning and the end of the line in insert mode and between the beginning and end of the screen in normal mode. The <ESC> key will return you to the previous menu or screen. Names, dates and places are critical when compiling genealogical information. Because computers require more stringent rules than people when interpreting information, I had to apply some restrictions to the way data must be entered. I did, however, try to make the rules conform more to normal human usage and force the computer to read our language rather than the other way around. NAMES - You should try to include full middle names and titles such as Jr., II, 3rd, etc. Married women should be listed using their maiden names. If you do not know their maiden name, enclose their married name in parenthesis i.e. Mary (Smith). Any other names that you are unsure of, such as nicknames, stage or professional names, that are not the names that appear on birth, death, etc. certificates, should also be enclosed in parenthesis. The parenthesis will flag the name as incorrect for the audit feature of the program. You should enter names in their natural order, that is: first namemiddle name-last name. If a surname has more than one word, the name may not be sorted as you would expect when it appears in the book. As an example, the name "Wernher von Braun" would appear in the sorted lists as "Braun, Wernher von". Titles (Jr., II, 3rd, etc.,) should be preceded by a comma and a space, i.e. "John Smith, Jr." This will appear as "Smith, John, Jr." when sorted by the program. (If you don't include the comma, the name would appear as "Jr., John Smith"). (Only one title per name please - John Smith, Jr., M.D. won't work, and I doubt that his degrees would appear on his birth certificate anyway!) Names are limited to a total of 30 characters. This should be enough for most names. If anyone has a longer name, you should use abbreviations where possible, (Wm. instead of William for example) and enter the full name as a note in their references. If you type a number in the NAME prompt (instead of a name), the name that is assigned to the number will appear in the blank. This can be helpful when you are entering the information for someone who has a large number of children. Instead of retyping the father's and mother's name, just enter the number instead. This can help to prevent spelling errors and also makes data entry easier especially for long names. When you enter a new name, the bell will sound and a flashing name and number will appear for that person. This indicates the number that will be assigned to the person. A typing mistake can also cause this to occur. If you do not wish to add this name to the name list, the <ESC> key may be used to cancel the save. A quick name search may be made by typing a question mark <?> as the FIRST character in any name prompt followed by a name or partial name. Either upper or lower case letters may be used for the name, they will match either way. The first name that matches the name or partial name that you entered will appear in the prompt. If there is no match, the prompt will turn blank. PLACES - Try to list the city or county where birth, death, and/or marriage occurred or the name of the church, hospital etc. Many records are kept in these places that could provide additional information. Except for the size of the field, there are no other restrictions on places. DATES - Dates should be as complete as possible. If you only know the approximate date, use the abbreviation 'c.' for circa, followed by the year i.e. c. 1850. You may also use the abbreviations ABT, BEF and AFT for ABouT, BEFore and AFTer if you wish. Dates may be entered in any of the following ways: mm-dd-yyyy dd/mm/yyyy (If non-USA format in setup) yyyy c. yyyy ABT yyyy AFT yyyy BEF yyyy dd MMM yyyy MMM dd yyyy where 'mm' is the month number (1-12), MMM is the first three characters of the name of the month (JAN-DEC), 'dd' is the day number (1-31) and 'yyyy' is the full year number (note: don't assume 19--). The month and day may be one or two digits. The '-' and '/' in the example may be any single character except a digit. If you know only part of the date, you should put a '?' in the missing field, i.e. 5/?/1887. Dates must be in one of these formats in order to calculate life-spans correctly. FUNCTION KEYS While you are entering data, it is sometimes necessary to review previously entered information and, possibly, make additions and/or corrections "on the fly". The function keys (F1-F10) provide a quick way to quickly search, modify and navigate around your data files. The keys are displayed at the bottom of each screen with a one word description of the function. Each screen or window will normally have some additional help available by pressing the F1 key. F2 NAMES - Display and edit your name list. The name list may viewed, searched and modified. The <ARROW>'s, <PAGE-UP> and <PAGE-DOWN> keys will scroll through the list. The <HOME> and <END> keys will move the cursor to the first or last line on the screen. If the cursor is already in the first line, the <HOME> key will cause the first page of the name list to be displayed. If the cursor is in the last line, the <END> key will display the last page of the list. The F3 key will search the name list for a matching name or partial name. The F8 key saves any changes that you have made, including spelling changes, deletions or additions to the list. The F9 key will display a blank screen where you may add names. The F10 key will allow you to select the name that is under the cursor and insert it into the field from which this function was selected. F3 SEARCH - Search all data files for information. You may enter any string of text or numbers. All of your data files (names, numbers, genealogical information, biographies, references and address book information) will be searched to find a match. The search is not case sensitive, so upper, lower or mixed case occurrences of the string will match but the string must be otherwise exact, there are no wild cards. F4 BBL - A data file called [FILE].BBL can be created using the F4 key. You should enter bibliographies just as you normally find them in most reference books. ie. Title, subtitle, author, publisher, publication date, etc. If you want to refer to these entries from within your biographies or references here is what you do, (Pay close attention!) The first character of the bibliography entry should be a '@' immediately followed by a short, unique keyword, then a space followed by the title of the source document. For example: @ROOTS "The Roots of the Cherry Tree" by Marjorie Loomis Cherry Published 1955 will create a bibliography entry that is identified by the keyword 'ROOTS. The above example will print in the bibliography as: "The Roots of the Cherry Tree" by Marjorie Loomis Cherry Published 1955 To cross-reference this source document in your biographies or references, the entry: @ROOTS Pages 123-125 will be printed in your biography or reference as: "The Roots of the Cherry Tree" Pages 123-125 You may have as many bibliography entries as you need as long as the keyword is unique for each entry and the '@' character is the very first character on the line. F5 and F6 MOTHER and FATHER - Changes the screen to display the genealogical information for this person's mother or father. F7 TREE - Shows a family tree for this individual that includes mother, father, spouses, children and siblings. This display may be used to navigate through the entire family. The cursor defaults to the name of the key individual represented in the tree. You may enter a name (or number) in this prompt to display the tree of any individual in your files. The function keys F5 and F6 (MOTHER and FATHER) will change the key individual to the Mother or Father of that person. In this way you may quickly travel back through ancestral family lines. The F7 (TREE) key will display the tree of the person that is currently under the cursor. Since the <DOWN-ARROW> moves first to the key individual's children, you may move almost as quickly through the descendant family lines as well by hitting the <DOWN-ARROW> and then the F7 key. The <PAGE-UP> and <PAGE-DOWN> keys will scroll the CHILDREN and SISTERS AND BROTHERS fields to display (and allow you to choose) more names than could fit on one screen. The F10 (SELECT) key is used to exit the screen and select the individual under the cursor to be displayed in the Genealogical Information screen from where this function was first called up. F8 SAVE - Saves the genealogical information for this screen. F9 BIO - Quick way to add biographical information. F10 REF - Quick way to enter references to genealogical information entries. These functions (F9 and F10) allows you to quickly enter up to 10 lines of biographical information or a short reference for the individual. If you want to review and/or edit the complete biography or references for this individual, the F4 key (EDIT) will allow you to enter the text editor. The reference is context sensitive so the first line of the reference will default to the information contained on the line you were at when you entered this selection. The first line also defaults to bold print (you can change that by removing the ^B and ^b characters) and will be followed by a blank line. You must save any changes with the F8 key or they will be lost. NOTE: F9 and F10 will not work when the Genealogical information screen is blank. PRINT UTILITIES The print utilities are divided into three sections, reports, charts and books. The first 8 selections on this menu will allow you to print some of the book sections as separate reports. These reports serve as easy references while you are researching your information and may also be used to update books. Selections 9 through 12 will produce charts that display your information more graphically than do the reports. If you specify the starting page number to be 0 for the ancestor and descendant charts, you can create some interesting wall charts. The real flexibility of Family Tree Journal can be found in the books section of this menu. Selections 13 through 16 will bring up the book outline screen. Selection 13 defaults to an outline that produces a book similar to the one produced by earlier versions of Family Tree Journal and selection 14 defaults to the "booklet" format from the earlier versions. Selection 15 produces an outline of a traditional format that is typically used in genealogical publications such as The National Genealogical Society Quarterly. Selection 16 accesses the book outline screen and allows you to produce a book of your own design using any or all of the features available. BOOK OUTLINE The book outline serves as the primary screen for printouts. You may create reports using any combination of features of FTJ for only one individual, a group of individuals, a subgroup or a complete book containing all individuals. A title page will be produced if any of the title, subtitle or author information is not blank. BOOK OUTLINE CODES AND OPTIONS Using the codes and options listed below, you can compose books, booklets and other printouts in almost any format. PAGE - Start page numbering with the number in the options field. The default is page 1. If the number is 0, pages will not be numbered. HEAD - The heading will be centered in upper case, bold print at the top of the next page or, if you are using the two-sided print option, on the next odd-numbered page. The heading will then be entered into the Table of Contents. FILE - Print the file named in the options field. This should be used in conjunction with a heading as an introduction to each section of your book. TREE - Print trees and data as specified in the options field. BIO - Print biographies as specified in the options field. GRPS - Print family group sheets as specified in the options field. REF - Print references as specified in the options field. AHN - Print Ahnentafel charts as specified in the options field. DESC - Print tabular descendant charts as specified in the options field. BOX - Print box type descendant charts as specified in the options field. TRAD - Print traditional genealogy as specified in the options field. FORM - Print FTJ information form as specified in the options field. NAML - Print the name list as specified in the options field. AUD - Print the audit of missing information as specified in the options field. MISC - Print the miscellaneous information. TIME - Print the time line. TC - Print the Table of Contents. INDX - Print the Index. BBL - Print the bibliography. The options field is provided to supply additional information to some codes. It may contain a reference number or a list of numbers separated by spaces. You may also use a combination of keywords to select the information that will be included. OPTIONS KEYWORDS SORT DOBS - Sort the information by dates of birth. (default) SORT NAMES - Sort the information by surname. SORT NUMBER - Sort the information by reference number. TC LONG - Print the names and numbers of the key individuals as a subheading in the Table of Contents. (default) TC SHORT - Don't print names in the Table of Contents. SUBGROUP x - Use only names flagged with the subgroup character (x). EXPAND - Expand the information to include all names that have appeared in the previous codes. ALL - Use all the names in the name list. (default) NGSQ - This option is only used with the traditional genealogies to indicate that you will use the National Genealogical Society Quarterly numbering system. If NGSQ is not specified, the names will be numbered using the REGISTER system. BLANK - This option only applies to the FORM code. It will cause a blank information form to be printed. The above codes and options are used as a command language to the book printing function of Family Tree Journal. Except for the Index and Table of Contents, which are always printed last, the codes will be executed in the order that you specify. Not all options apply to every code. The default for most codes is all individuals sorted by date of birth and a long Table of Contents with names. Most of the main sections will start on a new page (odd-numbered page for 2-sided). The options remain in effect until superseded by a subsequent option entry. Because of the cryptic nature of the codes, you may also enter comments into the options field to make the book outline easier to understand. Comments are introduced with a / character. Anything entered after the / will be ignored by the print routine. Also, if the code field is blank, the options field will be ignored and may be used for comments (without the /). Using PAGE 0 will cause the DESC, AHN and BOX charts to have no page breaks at all. This is useful when you would like to create wall charts. Most of the other codes will split the pages but not print page numbers when PAGE is 0. Use this when you would like to insert new sections into existing books without reprinting the entire book. Obviously, the Index and Table of Contents will not be of any value when PAGE is set to 0! FUNCTION KEYS The F4 key will format and print a single sided book. The F5 key will print the book on both sides of your paper. The F6 key will check the validity of the dates of birth, marriage and death. Errors, such as someone being shown as born before their parents, will be printed and a warning message will be displayed on the screen. The F7 key will fill in the book outline screen with a previously saved template file. The F8 key saves your outline as a template file. The base file name defaults to the current base name for your data files. The F9 key will allow you to change the setup. The F10 key will clear the outline. The name for the template files may be any valid file name. The extension is always .TEM. MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES This selection provides a group of utilities that allow you to reorganize your data files, search for information, and also includes some other miscellaneous functions that may be useful. Miscellaneous selection 1 allows you to combine the information for two branches of your family into one group of files. The reference numbers of the people will be changed so that there will be no duplication of numbers in the resulting set of destination files. The source files will be unchanged. The newly created file will become the default. Miscellaneous selection 2 will create a new group of files for any branch of the family that you have previously flagged. The resulting files will include all of the information for the names that you have flagged including the names of spouses that may not be flagged. Miscellaneous selection 3 allow you to search for information. You may enter any string of characters. They will be displayed in upper case but will match either case. Selection 4 prompts you for two individuals and displays their relationship to each other. Selections 5 and 6 provide a way to pass information between FAMILY TREE JOURNAL and some other genealogy systems. A standard for GEnealogical Data COMmunication information interchange has been established called GEDCOM. GEDCOM files may be created by FAMILY TREE JOURNAL and exported to other programs that support the standard, and FAMILY TREE JOURNAL will import information from GEDCOM files that have been created by other programs. Selection 7 will convert all of the dates in your data files to either MMM dd yyyy or dd MMM yyyy format. Only complete dates will be changed. Dates such as c. 1870 will remain the same. Selection 8 allows you to convert names in your data files to one of several formats. There may be some problems if you exchange data files with someone who has used a different format for entering names. Some people prefer to use all upper case names, some enter only surnames in upper case, while others prefer to enter the names as they are normally written with mixed upper and lower case. I have added a function that will convert all of the names in your name list to any of these formats. When converting to mixed and upper case surnames, the program will capitalize the first letter of each word in the name. You may find a couple of problems in the conversion process. Some names (McAdams) normally are written with more than one upper case letter. These names will only have the first letter capitalized (Mcadams). Conversely, some surnames contain two words (von Braun) with the first word normally written in lower case. These names will have both names capitalized (Von Braun). All titles (except Jr., Sr. and numbers) will be converted to upper case to allow things such as Roman numerals to look right (III instead of Iii). A fourth option, to convert only certain surnames to upper case, is useful to highlight principle family lines in your printouts. You may convert more than one surname to upper case. Selections 9 and 10 allow you to import and export ASCII biographies. This will let you to edit biographies using your favorite editor or word processor and import the files directly into <FILE>.BIO without having to worry about the FAMILY TREE JOURNAL formatting requirements while you are editing the files. The only thing to remember is to save the file in ASCII format out of your word processor. Selection 11 will read the <FILE>.GEN and copy the complete dates of birth to the <FILE>.NAM dates. If any discrepancies are found, you will be prompted for the correct date of birth for that person. If you have updated from an earlier version of FAMILY TREE JOURNAL, you should run this selection once on each of your earlier data files to bring them up to date. Selection 12 will prompt you for two name spellings that you have used for one person. The program will then locate all references that you have made to the person using the incorrect spelling and re-reference the name correctly. It will then remove the incorrect name and number from the data files. Selection 13 provides a relatively painless way to add the sex flags for each individual. You will be prompted for the sex of any family member that the program cannot determine either by already having the flag entered, or by deducing the sex from other relationships such as having been shown as a mother or father of someone. ADDRESS BOOK This selection provides a menu with selections that allow you to keep a record of names, addresses and phone numbers of family members. You may print address labels and address books to assist in corresponding with your relatives. The names on your labels may be different than the names used in your name list to make the labels less formal. A new file with the extension ".ADR" is used to save this information. This group of selections is handy for generating mailing lists and labels for planning family reunions and sending books and booklets to your relatives for their feedback. GETTING THE MOST OUT OF FAMILY TREE JOURNAL If you would like to insert photographs or other documents into your biographies, references or introductions (INTROx.DAT), a special sequence of characters entered into the text will produce an outlined box in the printout with an optional title centered below the box. Here are some examples: [5.25x7] text... [5] text... [0] text... The first example will produce a 5 1/4" by 7" box, the second will produce a 5" square box and the third example will output an essentially blank page (except for the person's name at the top and the page number at the bottom). The program will determine if there is enough room on the current page to print the box or eject the page and start on the next page. The box will not be split across two pages. In each example, whatever text is entered after the "]" will appear centered under the box or, in the case of the blank page, centered near the bottom of the page. The "[" must be the first character on a line and the box cannot be bigger than about 6" by 8". If you have: 1. A scanner such as a Logitech SCANMAN or SCANMAN PLUS, 2. A hard disk with PLENTY of free space and 3. A printer that will print bit-mapped graphics (HP-PCL laser compatible recommended) connected to LPT1, LPT2 or LPT3, you can print photographs or documents directly in your biographies and references. The first thing that you must do is scan the picture or document into a file in PC Paintbrush (PCX) format using the highest resolution available with your scanner. The software for this procedure is usually provided with the scanner. Consult the documentation for your scanner for the details on how this is done. Black and white photographs usually produce better results than color pictures. The main subject should be centered near the top of the scanned image. You may want to use the software provided with the scanner to adjust your picture, just make sure that the final file is in PCX format. The picture may be printed in your FAMILY TREE JOURNAL books using a procedure that is similar to the format used to print the boxes in biographies and references. Here are some examples: [3,4,filename.pcx] text [3,filename.pcx,1] text [filename.pcx] text The first example will print the picture in an area not to exceed 3" by 4". The file may contain a picture that is larger or smaller. If the picture is larger than the area specified it will be "cropped" equally on both sides and at the bottom. This will produce an image where the subject of the picture will still appear centered on the page. The second example will print the picture in a 3" square. The third example will print the picture in it's entirety (but not larger than 7" by 9"). The 1 after that is one effectively the printed default for printers is DPI for dot the file name in the second example will use a resolution half of the default resolution of your printer. This will magnify the image to twice normal size but still restrict area of the picture to, in the example, a 3" square. The laser printers is 300 DPI and the default for dot matrix 240 DPI. Using 1 will print at 150 DPI for lasers and 120 matrix printers. Just as with the box feature of the program, the text will appear centered beneath the picture. If the picture file cannot be printed, (missing or wrong format) the program will revert to printing an empty box. You may create bold, underline or italics in your biographies, references or introductions. The ^ (tilde) character is used by FAMILY TREE JOURNAL to specify that the following characters will be printed using one of the special typefaces: ^B ^b ^I ^i ^U ^u Starts bold print Stops bold print Starts italic print Stops italic print Starts underlining Stops underlining The special type will include all text that falls between the start sequence and the stop sequence, including spaces. Underlining can be a problem if it occurs across more than one line because your printer will underline the indenting spaces that occur at the beginning of each line. I have a BBS system that will allow customers with modems, to get the latest version of FAMILY TREE JOURNAL (and other genealogical software) and upload and download genealogical data and related information. If you have a modem, you may dial 614-868-9039 to download the latest version of FAMILY TREE JOURNAL or leave me a message. Bulletins with fixes to common problems are also available on this board. Running RBBS - 8N1 - 300, 1200 or 2400 baud (24 hours a day). I hope you enjoy using FAMILY TREE JOURNAL. If you would like to offer comments or suggestions about the program write to me. Rick Cherry Cherry Tree Software Post Office Box 964 Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-0964 I tried to make the program bulletproof and allow for graceful recovery of most errors. But...... If you encounter something that causes the program to get hung up or go crazy, <CTRL-BREAK> or <ESC> should get you back to normal. Verify that your data files are intact and not corrupted then try the same thing again. Try reading the instructions, help screens and READ.ME files to see if there is anything that you may have over looked. Most problems can be solved by carefully rechecking these sources. If the problem seems to be in the program, write to me, include the disk if possible and describe the situation (not my ancestry!) and I'll attempt to fix things up for you. If you have a phone near your computer you may also call me after 5:00 PM EST at 614-868-9184. Solving problems works best when we can work together with the program and I don't expect you to wait patiently by your computer for a return phone call so if I am not at home when you call, please try again at a later time. SHAREWARE The concept of shareware parallels the nature of genealogy and, I feel, is an appropriate method of distribution for FAMILY TREE JOURNAL. For those of you not familiar with shareware, here is how it works: You are allowed to use FAMILY TREE JOURNAL and encouraged to make copies of the program and distribute those copies to anyone (as long as you don't modify the program or remove the copyright notice). You may distribute these copies in any manner you wish either directly or electronically. If you distribute FAMILY TREE JOURNAL to relatives, I suggest that you also include a subgroup of your data files appropriate for that person. If you have received a copy and, after using the program, you feel that it is worthwhile, you are requested to send a registration fee of $35 to Cherry Tree Software. In return, you will receive a copy of the latest version of FAMILY TREE JOURNAL (with enhancements), full access to the bulletin board, a complete instruction manual on disk, and you will be notified of periodic updates to the program. To order your registered copy of FAMILY TREE JOURNAL, please send a check, credit card information (Visa or MasterCard), or money order for $35 to the above address. You may also include a copy of the disk with any data files that you have created. These files will be added to the FAMILY TREE JOURNAL Bulletin Board. This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442- 9427 or send a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.