Comparing the competitive advantages between Macdonald and KFC, for young consumers in Hsinchu area. Professor: Dr. Trappey Students: 陳嘉麟 9562503 蔡林龍 9562502 吳晉瑋 952028 1 1. Introduction Now if we standing before the train station, or nearby the ramp or exit of highway, you can always see McDonald or KFC is there. western fast food chain stores. In the downtown, you will see more There used to be many fast food brands in Taiwan: Wendy’s, Hardy’s, Texas chicken, Burger King…, but now, these brands were only in memories. We had some discussion with many friends about those fast food chains, “What’s wrong with those famous brands had been ?”, “Why only McDanold or KFC were left in Taiwan?”, “What are the factors to their success?”, “What if we compare McDonald with KFC?” We are curious about who will finally occupy most of Taiwan fast food market in the future, and by which competitive advantages? So, our research purpose is aimed at the comparing competitive advantages between McDonald and KFC. And we will have some literature review, questionnaire for data collecting, and have discussion for findings and suggestion. Problem define Literature review Collecting data Finding & Suggestion Figure 1.1 Process of research 2 2. Literature review As we mention above, there were several western fast food chains in Taiwan many years ago, but now we can only see a few of survivors in the market. In some research, we can find some reasons for their success. For instance, we found McDonald’s is successful with their flexible marketing strategies and QSC&V (Quality, Service, Cleanness and Value) (Guang-Shiash Hu, 2000). In terms of the factors which will affect consumer’s behavior and consuming amount, we can divide these factors in two specific parts: utilitarian and hecdonics values. Also, it is found the improvement of utilitarian and hecdonic values will raise consuming amount.(Yi-Wen Wang & Ming-Tsung Lee,2005) When it comes to pricing , most of time we will use price related strategies to raise sales volume or amount However, in research we found consumers who often go to McDonald will not increase their consuming amount despite McDonald strategy of cutting price. (Wei-Hua Chen, Chia-Chun Tsai, 2003). In a word, we choose six major factors and study what are the McDonald’s competitive advantages. 3 Environment Food Selection Price Customers’ Attitude Brand Image McDonald’s or KFC’s competitive advantages Service Taste of Food Figure 2.1 Concept of research 4 3. Methodology 3.1 Research Hypothesis When young consumers choose the fast food restaurants, from the literature, we selected six factors as the major factors, which are price, food selections, taste of food, environment, service and brand image. beliefs on the six factors. Table 3.1 And we consider that everyone has different Table describes the six hypotheses. The six hypotheses to be verified in this research Hypothesis1 Compared with KFC,”Environment” is a of McDonald competitive advantage Hypothesis2 Compared with KFC,” Food Selection.” is a competitive advantage of McDonald Hypothesis3 Compared with KFC,”Price” is a competitive advantage of McDonald Hypothesis4 Compared with KFC,”Brand Image” is a competitive advantage of McDonald Hypothesis5 Compared with KFC,”Service” is a competitive advantage of McDonald Hypothesis6 Compared with KFC,”Taste of Food” is a competitive advantage of Macdonald 3.2 Research Framework: This research is to understand how young consumers selected the fast food restaurants. On the other hand, this can help the two fast food restaurants to know their drawbacks and edges for improving and maintaining. The respondents have to be under 5 30 years old. The questionnaire is designed base on six hypotheses. After statistical analysis, the result will indicate if the hypotheses are confirmed or rejected, through which the advantages of two fast food restaurants and consumers’ perception will be revealed. Hypotheses Survey Statistical Analysis Research Findings Conclusions Suggestions Figure 3.1 Research Framework 3.3 Sample Frame A questionnaire was designed and used to verify the six hypotheses and it was conducted in Hsin-Chu city only. To aim at the young consumers purchasing behaviors, all respondents must be under 30 years old. Seventy questionnaires were planned to do the analysis. 6 3.4 Methodology This research used Minitab as the statistic software to analyze the data are collected from the questionnaires. The main statistical method is two sample t test. which is tested if the mean existed significant difference. Significant level α=0.05. . 7 4. Results and Findings Seventy respondents answered the questionnaires in this research. First, we discussed the beliefs of young consumers on the six factors we choose, the result was shown below: Note that the scores of beliefs is from 0 to 6. 5.04 5.03 4.99 4.81 5.26 5.27 0 Environm e nt Food Se le c tion Pric e Bra nd Im a g e Se rvic e Ta ste of Food Figure 4.1 Histogram of Beliefs in young consumers What do the young consumers care most? From the Histogram, it shows that the young consumers care about the service and taste of food most. Moreover, the respondents scored the two fast food restaurants, McDonalds and KFC. Note that the score of rating is from 0 to 10. The t-test was conducted by “belief times rating” of McDonald as well as KFC and this would help us to confirm or reject our hypotheses. Base on the results, we could understand the competitive advantages of each fast food restaurants. The t-test result was shown below: 8 Table 4.1 Factors T-test for difference on six factors Mean Belief (Belief times Rating) STDDV (Belief times Rating) T-value P-value McDonald KFC McDonald KFC Environment 5.04 33.50 33.46 8.05 6.2 0.04 0.486 Food Selection 5.03 33.74 33.76 7.08 5.59 0 0.5 Price 4.99 34.00 30.87 11.3 8.81 1.81* 0.037* Brand Image 4.81 34.40 32.16 9.76 8.91 1.44 0.076 Service 5.26 38.21 35.96 8.82 8.51 1.54 0.063 5.27 37.66 36.79 8.01 7.36 0.74 0.231 Taste of Food The statistical results show that there are no significant difference on environment, food selection, brand image, service and taste of food and that means they are not the competitive advantages of McDonald. advantage of McDonald(P=0.037<α). However, the price of McDonald is a competitive Young consumers generally considered that McDonald provides a more reasonable food price of food. standard deviations of McDonald were greater than KFC. Moreover, almost all the One more thing should be noted is that we got a very marginal P-value on the brand image and service. Conservatively speaking, brand image and service could be latent competitive advantages of McDonald. 9 5. Conclusions and Suggestions 5.1 Conclusions This research studies the competitive advantages of two fast food restaurants, McDonald and KFC, from young consumers’ perspective. Through statistical test, we got the summary table.: Table 4.1 Summary of hypotheses test Hypothesis1 compared with KFC ,”Environment ” is a advantage of McDonald competitive Hypothesis2 Compared with KFC,” Food selection” is a competitive Rejected advantage of McDonald Hypothesis3 Compared with KFC,”Price” is a competitive advantage of Supported McDonald Hypothesis4 Compared with KFC , ” Brand image ” is a competitive Rejected advantage of McDonald Hypothesis5 Compared with KFC,”Service” is a competitive advantage of McDonald Hypothesis6 Compared with KFC,”Taste of Food” is a competitive Rejected advantage of MaDonald Rejected Rejected (1) When young consumers selected a fast food restaurant, they care about the service and taste of food most. In order to increase the market share of young consumers, restaurant managers have to put plenty of efforts on the service and taste of food. 10 (2) Young consumers consider that the McDonald provides a more reasonable food price than KFC. To McDonald, it’s an advantage against KFC and should be maintained. On the other hand, KFC should do a detail research about the reason why young consumers have such perception about the price of two restaurants. (3) We found that every factor, the all standard deviation of McDonald were greater than KFC. It possibly means that young consumers give the more diverse rating on McDonald. (4) We got the marginal p-value on service and taste of food and that could be the latent competitive advantages of McDonald. 5.2 Suggestion This is just an explorative research. Seventy questionnaires maybe not sufficient to get the precise results. Enlarge the number of the respondents is the first suggestion in future research. Moreover, most our respondents are senior high school students, we may lack the opinions of college students and others who are under 30 years old. Why young consumers think the price of McDonald are more reasonable, a detail research is needed. 11 Appendix—Questionnaire First of all, thanks for your time to fill this questionnaire which is used to survey the key factors affecting customers' preference when they choose western fast food restaurants, like McDonald or KFC. After reading the following questions, please choose the answers. The importance level of the factors: 1-least important 2-less important 3-unimportant 4-very important 5-more important 6-most important. Evaluation points of KFC or McDonald:1-9 points(when one get more points on each item, one performs better on that item.) 1. When you choose fast food restaurants, is “Clean environment?? the factor that attracts you to consume? ( ) At McDonald's(KFC), how many points you will give them in terms of clean environment? 2. McDonald( ) KFC( ) When you choose fast food restaurants, is “multiple choices” of food?? the factor that attracts you to consume?( ) At McDonald(KFC), how many points you will give them in terms of multiple choices of food? McDonald( ) KFC( ) 3 When you choose fast food restaurants, is “price” the factor that attracts you to consume? ( ) At McDonald(KFC), how many points you will give them in terms of price? McDonald( ) KFC( ) 4. When you choose fast food restaurants, is “brand” the factor that attracts you to consume? 12 At McDonald(KFC), how many points you will give them in terms of brand?( McDonald( 5. ) KFC( ) ) When you choose fast food restaurants, is “service quality” the factor that attracts you to consume?( ) At McDonald(KFC), how many points you will give them in terms of service quality? McDonald( ) KFC( ) 6 When you choose fast food restaurants, is “food” the factor that attracts you to consume? ( ) At McDonald(KFC), how many points you will give them in terms of food? McDonald( ) KFC( ) Background information 1.Gender: ___male,___female 2.Education degree: ___junior high school, ___senior high school, ___bachelor's degree, ____master's degree, ___doctor's degree 3.Age:___15~20, ___20~25, ___25~30, ___above 30. We do appreciate for your assistance. We benefit a lot from your help. 13