Music Theory Karen Wagner High School Instructor: Mrs. A. Harris School Number: (210) 662- 5000 Choir Office: (210) 662- 5017 Course Description: This course is for advanced music students who are interested in the systematic study of the structure of music through analysis, ear training and composition. Students will learn basic musical language and grammar including note reading, musical notation, harmonic analysis, and part writing which will lead to a thorough understanding of music composition and music theory. Students will also obtain and practice ear training skills and skills required for sight reading musical literature. Supplies: One binder (1 to 11/2 inch) Pencils/pens Highlighters One spiral Notebook (journal/ class notes) Loose leaf paper Dividers (5) I. GRADING POLICY Assessments vary according to the six weeks. Grades will include written work, binder checks, reports, essays, presentations, classroom participation and behavior. The categories are as follows: a. Exams/Projects: 40% (concert reports, tests, essays, projects, etc. b. Daily Grade/Participation/Quizzes: 50% (ear training/sight-reading test, timed quizzes, written quizzes, scores studies, binder checks, written work, etc.) c. Homework: 10% d. It is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed assignments or quizzes. II. ASSIGNMENTS a. Daily assignments will be due at the end of class unless otherwise stated by the teacher. b. Assignments are to be placed in the designated tray within the first 10 minutes of class. After that time, the assignment will be considered late. c. Assignments are designed to prepare the students for quizzes and exams. Failure to complete assignments may result in the receiving a failing grade for the grading period. III. CLASSROOM RULES a. Be IN your assigned seat with your materials and sharpened pencil when the bell rings. b. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized BEFORE you speak. c. Follow instructions the first time they are given. d. NO FOOD OR DRINKS during class. e. No profanity is allowed. f. No personal grooming is allowed. g. Be courteous, positive and supportive of your fellow classmates. IV. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES a. First offense: Verbal warning b. Second offense: Student/Teacher Conference/My Action Plan c. Third offense: written warning and parent contact d. Fourth offense: Administrative Referral V. EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS a. Wagner High School : (210) 662-5000 b. Choir Office: (210) 662- 5017 c. Email: WAGNER HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC THEORY STUDENT CONTRACT 2011-2012 Name_____________________________ Birthday_____________________________________ Address_____________________________ City_______________________________________ Parent/Guardian ________________________________________________________________ Email (student) __________________________ (parent) ________________________________ Parent Contact Info: (Day)_______________(home) ________________(cell) _______________ Policies and procedures: I have read and understand the grading policies and procedures. Behavior: I have read the class rules and disciplinary procedures. I understand that my behavior must be exemplary. I understand that if I am absent, it is my responsibility to complete any make up work and missing assignments. Both student and parent/guardian must sign and date below. __________________________ Student Signature __________________________ Date As parents/guardians of this student I/we agree to support these policies and help our child meet these requirements. ___________________________ Parent Signature ______________________________ Date ____________________________ Parent Signature ______________________________ Date