11th Grade Physics Syllab

2015-16 Physics
Syllabus and Procedures
Welcome Back!
It is the assumption that students who attempt to take this physics course are
planning to major in mathematics, engineering, technology, or science in college. With
this assumption the main objective of this course is to help the student develop skills in
all four of these areas. Therefore the emphasis is placed on real world skills that will aid
you in the future; skills such as critical thinking, data analysis, cooperation, problem
solving, as well as oral and written communication.
The course will also cover major topics in an introductory physics class to include
but are not limited to 1 dimensional and 2 dimensional kinematics, elementary dynamics,
momentum, energy, static electricity, current electricity, basic circuits, electromagnetism,
waves, light, and modern physics.
 Daily before school starting at 6:30 a.m.
 You can also reach me via e-mail: monroe.watson@gilbertschools.net
 During lunch daily
Laboratory Notebooks: A composition notebook will be kept in this class. All lecture
notes, assignments, and labs will be recorded in the composition notebook.
Warm ups: There will be a daily warm up placed on the overhead at the beginning of
the class. Please use a pink highlighter to highlight the word “Warm Up” on a daily
Homework: Homework is a very important aspect of your grade. It is critical for you to
complete the homework assignments if you wish to pass this class.
Most of the homework assignments will consist of either a handout or problems assigned
from the textbook. If an assignment is to be completed in your composition notebooks,
please highlight the word “homework” in yellow. The day after the homework is
assigned, I will walk around the room and give the student a stamp if the assignment has
been completed without missing or incomplete problems. At the end of each unit the
homework assignments will be collected and graded. If the unit assignments are a day
late, a deduction of 50% will be given. If the unit assignments are two days late, a 90%
deduction will be given.
Lecture Notes/Classwork: The title of any classwork or lecture notes that are to be
completed in your composition notebooks is to be highlighted in blue.
2015-16 Physics
Syllabus and Procedures
Laboratory Activities: It is critical for you to attend. If you happen to miss the
laboratory experiment, you are expected to arrange with me to come in at a prescribed
time to complete the experiment.
Class Activities: The most essential tools that a scientist, engineer, mathematician, etc..
has is their peers. In fact, I challenge you to find one piece of high technology that has
not been discovered or invented without the aid of thousands of people working either
together or contributing. The point is, cooperation, teamwork, and working together is
the only way to achieve greatness. I believe that working with others to achieve goals is
the best way to learn therefore, I have assigned a grade to it. The composition notebooks
that you will be keeping this semester is also graded and will be a part of your "Class
Activities" grade.
Exams: At the end of each section, there will be a section examination. During the
examination the student will not be allowed to use any notes, materials, or textbooks. A
calculator will be permitted however, please refer to the expectations policy.
Quizzes: There will be quizzes both announced and unannounced throughout the
semester. The announced quizzes will be at the completion of each unit. The quizzes
will be brief and are designed to make sure you pay attention, participate, read, and study
Grades and Grading:
The student final grade will be determined by a weighted system and are as follows:
Unit Tests
Class Activities
Laboratory Activities
The breakdown for grades are as followed:
Letter Percentages %
Awarded for work of such a character as to merit special
Indicates that the student is above average for the class.
An average grade and the lowest recommended grade for
Indicates that the work is below average and fulfills only the
minimum essentials of the course.
A grade that indicates the student does not meet the minimum
requirements for a course. No credit is given.
Expectations Policy
My expectations for you are simple. You are expected to be here and be here on time. I
expect you to be respectful, not only to me but to your peers and especially to yourself.
You are expected to be honest, to participate in class, to take responsibility for your own
Absences: I have no problem with excused absences and days you cannot attend for
other activities however, I want to make this as clear as possible. It is not my
responsibility to make sure that you have made up the work. When you return from an
absence, the expectation is that you check with a peer to see what you have missed.
 Lecture notes: If you missed a lecture, you are expected to get notes from
a peer. You are also expected to get the warm up from a peer.
 Homework: If a homework assignment has been missed during your
absence, you must obtain the missing assignment. You are responsible for
getting the assignment and it must be turned in within 1 day after your
return. If, however you miss more than a few days, we will schedule a due
date for all of the missing materials.
 Laboratory assignments or daily activities: All laboratory work can be
made up before school or during lunch on your own. If you miss a
laboratory, you must make up the assignments or receive a zero.
 Exams or quizzes: All missed exams and quizzes will be given the day
you return to school.
Homework: Homework is expected to be completed before class begins. If the student
fails to turn in homework a verbal warning will be given. A second offense will result in
parental contact. A third and subsequent offence will result in more serious disciplinary
actions such as referrals, conferences, etc…
Tardies: You are considered tardy if you arrive to class after the last tardy bell has rung.
After your first offense, you will be given a verbal warning. The second offense will
result in a phone call to your parents or guardian. A third offense will result will result in
a conference with the student, the parents, and myself. If the student continues to be
tardy in class, the student will be referred to the front office for administration
Classroom Time Management: One of the biggest reasons why students fail in college
is because they are poor time managers. You are expected to utilize class time to its
fullest. In other words, students must stay on task when appropriate. If a student is
caught off task or not utilizing their time wisely will be given a verbal warning. I will
make a note of the offense in my roster book and it will reflect your class activities grade.
A second offense will result in a phone call to your parents and it will further affect your
class activities grade. A third offense is a conference with your parents and a fourth
offense is subject to a referral.
Calculators: Calculators are required for this class. TI-83 Plus or TI-84 calculators are
preferred however, any scientific calculator will do.
Cell Phones: Cells phones are absolutely positively not permitted in class unless you
have permission from me. I have little tolerance for cell phones. You are to turn off all
cell phones before you enter this classroom. Once the bell has rang, you are to put the
cell phone in your backpack. The backpack will be placed on the floor or other
designated area. If I hear or see your cell phone I will politely ask you to turn it off. If
the phone becomes a problem in class, I will contact your parent or guardian and will
have a conference to resolve the issue.
Restroom breaks: You may go to the restroom as needed at my discretion. If I see a
trend that the student is taking advantage of the policy, I will deny the student the
Exams & Quizzes: If you are allowed to use calculators during an exam or quiz. I
reserve the right to check your calculators and delete information that I feel is cheating.
If I am not permitted to check your calculator, you will not be able to finish the exam.
You are not allowed to share calculators, you must have your own during an exam or
quiz. Cell phones are absolutely not permitted during an exam. You may not use them.
There are just a couple more details to elaborate upon:
 I will not tolerate the destruction of property or stealing. This includes the
school’s property, my property, or the property of others. If it is not yours, don’t
break it, steal it, write on it, or destroy it.
 I do abide by the rules and policies set forth by the school and district, therefore, it
is a good idea to read them when you have a chance.
Physics Syllabus and Expectations
I have read and understand the expectations for Mr. Watson’s class and agree to abide by
Name of student:
Signature of student:
Parent’s name: _____________________________________________________
Parent’s contact information: _____________________________________________
Parent’s signature to acknowledge that they have carefully read and understand this
The expectations policy is to be returned to Mr. Watson promptly.
A copy of the document will be provided if requested.