What amendment states “Neither slavery or involuntary servitude

What amendment states “Neither slavery or
involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for
a crime, shall exist with the U. S.”? What does it
13th Amendment and all enslaved people were
What amendment states “All persons born or
naturalized in the U. S. are citizens of the U. S.?”
What does it mean?
14th Amendment and citizenship to all enslaved
African Americans
Who would not benefit from the 14th Amendment
granting citizenship?
American Indians were not included
What happened to the southern economy during
the Reconstruction Era?
It suffered significant setbacks during and right
after the Civil War
When did the Reconstruction Era occur?
1865-1877 (fix this date in your green folder)
What was a major political focus of the
Reconstruction Era in the south?
Rebuilding war-torn states as well as restoring
southern state governments
Which secret society of former Confederate
soldiers used murder and intimidation to limit new
opportunities for freedmen after the Civil War?
Ku Klux Klan
What city along the Mississippi was a strategic
location for the Union to control the South and cut
off supplies to the Confederacy?
New Orleans
What amendment did Congress pass in response
to the Dred Scott decision?
13th Amendment…Neither slavery nor involuntary
servitude, except as a punishment for a crime,
shall exist within the U. S.
Describe the economic differences between the
North and South
North- industrial
South – agricultural
How did the ideas of Vice President Calhoun in the
Nullification crisis contribute to the outbreak of
the Civil War?
He claims that state governments have the right to
reject federal law or nullify federal law
How did Lincoln view the act of secession from the
national government?
It was illegal
What political party was supportive of Abraham
What political party split over slavery, had 2
candidates, and lost the 1860 Presidential
What came first? Nullification Compromise,
Kansas-Nebraska Act, Missouri Compromise,
Compromise of 1850
Missouri Compromise
What social concerns did Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The
North Star, and The Liberator have in common?
Opposed slavery …written by abolitionist
How did the writer Mark Twain reflect the culture
of the South before the Civil War?
He wrote using language and unique aspects of
Southern culture
How did Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
and Lucretia Mott become instrumental in working
for women’s rights?
They authored a variety of publications supporting
their cause
How did the women’s rights movement help bring
about change before the ability to vote?
Shortened the work day to 10 hours (especially
women in the textile factories)
How did the artwork of John James Audubon
contribute to a new understanding in science?
Inspired many new naturalists
How did the Second Great Awakening impact
American society?
It highlighted growing social and regional
differences (slavery)
What caused a growing number of Irish
immigrants to migrate to the U. S. in the mid1800?
An agricultural disease spreading across Irish farms
(potato famine)
What was a main factor contributing to Americans
exploring and settling both the new Oregon
Territory and Louisiana Territory?
A system of navigable rivers (Northwest Passage)
What political motivation led the U. S. to annex
Texas and divide the Oregon Country?
Limit the influence of Great Britain in North
How did Sacagawea contribute to the Lewis and
Clark expedition?
She acted as a translator and guide for the group
In what year did the U. S. purchase the Louisiana
How did many Americans act on their belief that
the U. S. in the nineteenth (1800’s) had a manifest
Many settlers moved west to start a new life
Where did many Asian immigrants arrive to the U.
S. in the 1800’s?
California and along the Pacific Ocean
Where was most of the territory the U. S. acquired
during the Era of Westward Expansion?
West of the Mississippi River
Where did the Mormons eventual settle?
What was the point of the Indian Removal Act of
To avoid conflict between white settlers and
American Indian tribes by creating new territories
farther west away from white settlers
Where did many of the American Indian tribes that
were removed eventually settle?
West of the Mississippi
Why did President Jackson oppose renewing the
charter for the Second National Bank of the U. S.?
The bank had too much power over the economy
and favored the wealthy
Why did the Democratic Party support Andrew
Jackson’s campaign
He rejected the national bank
How did President Jackson respond to the
Supreme Court decision in Worcester vs. Georgia?
He ignored the decision and forced the removal
What was the impact of President Jackson’s
attempt to reduce conflicts between American
Indians and white settlers during the 1830’s?
He forced American Indians to relocate farther
West past the Mississippi River