1. European contact with Native Americans led to massive deaths from disease
2. The primary economic pursuit of early settlers in New France was fur trapping/trading
3. The radical American group which first emerged during the Stamp Act crisis was known as Sons of Liberty
4. The Battle of Saratoga was a key victory for the Americans because it brought an alliance with France
5. English citizens who agreed to exchange their labor temporarily in return for payment of their passage to an American colony were called indentured servants
6. The Proclamation of 1763 declared no colonial settlement west of Appalachian Mtns.
7. Thomas Jefferson was conscience-stricken about the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France because he thought it was unconstitutional
8. The purpose behind Andrew Jackson’s spoils system was to reward your political supporters with govt jobs
9. The Wilmot Proviso, introduced into Congress during the Mexican War, declared that slavery would be prohibited in any land gained from Mexico
10. The largest single addition to American territory was the Louisiana Purchase
11. As president, Thomas Jefferson’s stand on the political issues that he had held before taking office totally reversed, from strict construction to loose
12. According to the principle of “popular sovereignty,” the question of slavery in the Mexican territories would be determined by a vote of the people in each territory
13. In the Compromise of 1850, Congress determined that slavery in the New Mexico and Utah territories was to be determined by popular sovereignty
14. The most alarming aspect of the Compromise of 1850 to northerners was the decision concerning the Fugitive Slave Law
15. When the people of Britain and France read Uncle Tom’s Cabin, their governments realized they could not assist the South in the war
16. The North’s “victory” at Antietam allowed President Lincoln to make public the Emancipation Proclamation
17. Slavery was legally abolished in the United States by the 13th Amendment
18. The Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed citizenship rights to freed slaves
19. Many feminist leaders were disappointed with the Fifteenth Amendment because it did not include women in voting rights
20. In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal public facilities were constitutional
21. The Pendleton Act required appointees to public office to take a competitive exam
22. The United States changed to standard time zones because the railroads needed to keep schedules accurate
23. The social gospel stated that religious groups should try to cure society’s ills
24. The subject of the Eighteenth Amendment was prohibition of alcoholic drinks
25. “Sooners” were settlers who “jumped the gun” to claim land in Oklahoma
26. The root cause of the American farmers’ problem after 1880 was overproduction
27. A major factor in the shift in US foreign policy toward imperialism in the late 19th century was the need for more buyers for American manufactured goods
28. As one progressive explained, the “real heart” of the progressive movement was to use the government to fix society’s problems
29. Progressive reformers were mainly men and women from the middle class
30. Passage of the Federal Meat Inspection Act was facilitated by the publication of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
31. The Sixteenth Amendment provided for the establishment of a federal income tax
32. Upon becoming president, Woodrow Wilson launched an attack on the “triple wall of privilege,” which included the banks, trusts, and high tariffs
33. Senate opponents of the League of Nations as proposed in the Treaty of Versailles argued that it took away Congress’s authority to declare war
34. John Dewey can rightly be called the “father of progressive education.”
35. The trial of John Scopes in 1925 centered on the issue of teaching evolution in high school science classes
36. The 1920 census revealed that for the first time most Americans lived in urban areas
37. Margaret Sanger was most noted for her advocacy of access to contraception
38. The “champion of the dispossessed”—that is, the poor and minorities—in the 1930s was Eleanor Roosevelt
39. The phrase “Hundred Days” refers to the first few months of FDR’s term, in which massive legislation was passed
40. What was most directly responsible for ending the Depression ? WWII
41. Shortly after Adolf Hitler signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union, Germany invaded Poland, starting WWII
42. In waging war against Japan, the United States relied mainly on a strategy of island hopping
43. In a sense, FDR was the “forgotten man” at the Democratic Convention in 1944 because all attention was on his VP candidate due to FDR’s poor health
44. Since 1945, population in the United States has grown most in the southern states known as the Sunbelt
45. The baby-boom generation will create a major problem in the future by possibly straining the Social Security system
46. President Truman’s Marshall Plan called for economic aid to rebuild western Europe after WWII
47. In the landmark 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court ruled separate but equal facilities were unconstitutional
48. The 26th Amendment changed the voting age to 18
49. In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court upheld a married couple’s right to use contraceptives based on a person’s implied right to privacy
50. The Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade declared state laws prohibiting abortion were unconstitutional because they interfered with a woman’s right to privacy