7. Study Guide - Ancient Rome 7.1

Name: ______________________
Period: _____
Chapter 7.1-7.4: Rome
Global I
Rome was built on seven hills along the _______________ River, 15 miles from the coast of the
________________________ Sea.
2. According to Roman Legend _______________ and __________ founded the city of Rome.
3. What kind of government did the Etruscan’s establish?
4. What type of government was established once the Etruscan Kings were overthrown?
5. A form of government in which voters elect officials to run the state is a ____________________.
In Rome, only __________ citizens could vote.
6. Name the three governing bodies of the Roman Republic:
7. Name two powers given to the Senate.
8. A __________ was an absolute ruler who could be elected by the Senate to serve a six-month term.
9. Two ____________ were elected to serve one-year terms.
10. Name two powers given to the Consuls.
11. __________ means refuse to approve or “forbid”
12. _________________ assisted the Consuls.
13. ________________ registered citizens according to wealth, appointed candidates to the Senate,
oversaw the moral conduct of all citizens.
14. How many tribunes were elected each year? Who elected them?
15. __________ _____ __________ was the struggle of common people to gain more rights in the
Roman Republic.
16. _________________ were powerful, noble landowners who controlled the government and
inherited power from their fathers.
17. ___________________ made up the majority of the Roman population. They were farmers and
workers who could ________________ but not hold office.
18. What were the 12 Tables?
19. ______________ was the major unit of the Roman Army.
20. Who did Rome fight against in the Punic Wars?
21. The Romans and Carthaginians argued over control over what island?
22. How did Rome develop their navy during the First Punic War?
23. Carthage had to pay ___________ to Rome and also lost ________ as a result of the 1st Punic War.
24. Who was Carthage’s greatest general?
25. The Roman general ______________ defeated Hannibal at the Battle of ____________ in 202 BC.
26. Why did Rome declare war on Carthage in the 3rd Punic war?
27. After the Punic wars, the rich were getting _________ while the poor were getting __________.
28. The _________________ were Roman brothers who died trying to reform Rome.
29. _____________ defeated Marius in a civil war and ruled Rome as a ____________ from 82-79 BC.
30. __________________ was the nephew of Marius and became very popular with the poor.
31. The First Triumvirate consisted of ____________, ____________, and _________________.
32. In what province (modern day France) did Caesar raise his army and gain fame for conquering?
33. ______________ was jealous of Caesar and ordered him back to Rome without his Army
34. Caesar and Marc Antony had a long-lasting affair with ________________, the queen of Egypt.
35. In 44 BC, Caesar was named _________________ by the Senate.
36. Why did the common people of Rome love and revere Caesar?
37. ___________________ was Caesar’s friend who led the conspiracy to murder him.
38. Caesar chose his grandnephew _______________________ to be his heir.
39. What three Romans comprised the Second Triumvirate?
40. In 27 BC – the Senate gave Octavian the title ______________ meaning the sacred one.
41. The reign of Caesar Augustus is known as ________ _____________ or “Roman Peace” that lasted
for _______________ years.
42. ____________________ were the relatives of Julius Caesar who ruled Rome until 68 AD.
43. ______________________ succeeded Caesar Augustus in 14 AD.
44. Who killed Claudius?
45. What was Nero blamed for? Who did he have killed?
46. Two of the Five Good Emperors were ____________________ and _______________.
47. During Hadrian’s rule, what did he build?
48. Marcus Aurelius preferred to study _______________________ rather than fighting wars.
49. __________________ was the strongest unifying force with the _______________ in control.
50. What were the two alterations of the 12 Tables?
51. _________________ trade was mainly for everyday goods while _________________ trade was
for luxury goods.
52. How did the roadways contribute to the greatness of the Roman Empire?
53. The __________ held the most power in the Roman household.
54. ____________________ culture originally influenced Roman Religion.
55. For entertainment, Romans watched trained fighters called ___________________ fight to the
death in the _________________.
56. ___________________ were structures that transported water from the mountains to the people.
Essay Question:
There were several reasons why the Roman Empire achieved Pax Romana for over 200 years. Choose three
factors that contributed to the strength of the Roman Empire. Be sure to explain how and why these
factors contributed to the strength of the Roman Empire during the Pax Romana period.