The Great Gatsby Project Assignment (50 points) Work Period Date

The Great Gatsby Project Assignment (50 points)
Work Period Date:_________________ Due Date:______________
For this assignment, you will have he choice of completing either A or B.
One classroom work period will be allowed, for which a grade will be given
for following directions. The remainder of the work must be completed at
home or arranged out of class times.
A. Drama
 Working alone or in a group of no more than 4 people total, write and
enact a scene from the novel.
 Each scene must be signed up for, gender correct, factually accurate, and
seriously rendered.
 No scenes will be repeated.
 A neatly written script must be submitted the day of the performance,
and an extra copy must be given to the teacher.
 Props and costumes are a must!
 Follow play setting as set up in The Crucible.
 Setting, catchy title, descriptive parenthetical notes, character names
must all be clearly indicated.
 The lines must be representative of the character.
 Index cards may be used; however, reading in a monotone will result in
points deducted.
 If one or more of the participants is/are absent on the performance
date, “The show must go on.” A stand-in will be substituted. The absent
person(s) will have to reenact his/her role(s) on the date of return to
 See the rubric for scoring. All of the above must be included.
 Enthusiasm is a must!
B. Snap Shots Story Board
Choose four scenes to illustrate from the novel The Great Gatsby .
Create and include a rough draft.
Use color and make your illustrations detailed.
Do not use stick figures. Add appropriate clothing to your figures. Use your
creativity here!
Provide appropriate, somewhat detailed background for each scene.
Make your scenes and actions character appropriate and accurate to the novel.
Write a description of the scene in at least one complete, correct, complex
sentence below each scene.
If you wish, you may type these and glue them on.
Include at least three thought or dialogue bubbles. You may place each bubble
within a different frame, if you wish.
Be neat and show appropriate, accurate behaviors for each character to
indicate your knowledge of the novel.
Give your scene sequence a catchy title. Place this on top of your paper.
Place your name, block, and date on the back only, lightly and in pencil.
These will be used for another activity, and hung on the bulletin board.
Write the chapter and page numbers from which you are taking your scene.
When you hand in your final project, staple the rough draft to the back of the
rubric, with the rubric side facing up.
Do not staple your final copy to the rough and rubric.
Use the rubric and directions above as grading criteria.