
Crucible Novel Projects
All projects must be presented to the class for a quiz grade.
Any technical difficulties that result in a project that cannot be
viewed/presented will result in a ZERO. No exceptions! No late work
will be accepted. I will not return any projects so do not use any pieces
that you need returned or I will deduct points.
Research PaperResearch additional facts about the Salem witch trials or the communist trials of
the 1950’s. Tell the facts and explain the relationship to the play. Organize the
information in a well-developed paper and present the information to the class.
2 page minimum with 3 sources. Must be typed, double spaced, 1” margins on all
sides with a work cited page.
1 member only
Research Paper (2nd option)Research a modern-day witch hunt and explain the similarities between the events
of today’s witch hunts and those during the Salem witch trials and/or communist
trial of the 1950’s. 2 page minimum with 3 sources. Must be typed, double spaced,
1”margins on all sides with a work cited page.
1 member
Create a diorama In a shoe box, depict what you thought was the most important
scene from the novel. On a separate sheet of paper, you must explain why you
chose that scene and depicted it the way you did. Choose three quotes to analyze.
1 member
TimelineSelect 7 events from the novel that you believe to be important to the plot.
Illustrate each scene with as much detail as possible and explain its importance.
Choose an important quote from each scene that demonstrates its significance.
Your cover page should be your own creative illustration for the book cover.
1 member only
DiaryKeep a diary from a main character’s point of view (your gender doesn’t matter).
This should include her/his thoughts and feelings about 6 significant events from
the entire play. Each entry should be more than half a page long. Include drawings
along the margins to make your diary appear as authentic and aesthetically pleasing
as possible. Reference quotes from each act. Be sure to create a cover page and
bind the 4 pages.
1 member only
NewspaperCreate a newspaper that would fit with the play’s setting and time period. Remain
as accurate to the time period as possible. A cover page is required, but you may
choose any 4 of the following options:
"Dear Abbey" column for 3 of the characters in your story. Respond to their
A book review that might be published in the newspaper.
Describe the setting of the play, where and when it took place. Think about
the setting of this story. Try to persuade tourists to visit this location or persuade
readers to purchase an important location from the novel.
Pretend you are a newspaper reporter whose job is to interview one of the
characters. Write your interview.
Include an editorial and a collection of ads that would be pertinent to the
A news article regarding a major event in the U.S. happening during the same
time period (may need to research this).
A cartoon based on one of the themes of the novel.
An advertisement appropriate for the time period.
A religious announcement from Rev. Parris that reflects his character traits.
Add a group member for 2 more requirements. 3 member limit.
SoundtrackCreate a soundtrack for the novel by choosing 5 important scenes from the novel
and selecting a song for each event. Explain why you believe each song is
appropriate for its pairing scene. Select at least 5 quotes (one for each scene)
that emphasize the importance of each scene. Be sure to include each act.
Add 2 more requirements for each additional group member.
Attach the lyrics from the song and explain how it coincides with the
selected event from the novel.
Use movie maker/power point/drawn poster boards to attach an image to
each scene.
Add two more scenes to your soundtrack.
Explain how a quote from the play coincides with a quote from each song.
No more than 3 group members allowed
TrailerWrite and record a movie trailer that will make people want to read the play.
Create a trailer for the novel as if it were a movie. Be creative and keep in mind
the strategies that you see being used today. Choose 4 scenes to depict in your
trailer and a short synopsis to entice your audience without spoiling the end.
Include at least 3 acts.
3 member group
Add 2 more requirements for an additional member:
1 additional scene
Movie poster
Soundtrack cover with list of cast
GameMake a board game using facts from the play. Create rules, board game, playing
pieces, and the objective of the game. Be sure to include information from each
Add a group member for 2 additional requirement:
Create a poster board that advertises the game and relation to the play
Create a 3-D game board focusing on the setting of the play
Include a bonus section that entails historical facts about the time period,
communist trials, or Arthur Miller.
3 member limit
Movie/Power Point –
This should include a minimum of 10 slides, which have clipart/animations, &
sounds. The following information must be included: title, author, 3 main
characters (protagonist[s] & antagonist[s]), setting, short summary, 3 major
events. Include information for at least 3 acts.
Add a group member for 2 additional requirements:
Soundtrack for 3 significant events and a quote from each scene that
emphasizes how the song coincides with the scene.
An important quote that best portrays each character
Focus on one major conflict
A poster board advertisement for the play
Explain the importance of the time period/setting on the play
3 member limit
Draw a graphic novel Take 3 of the most important scenes from different acts of
the play and turn it into a comic book. You may change some of the dialogue but
include at least one quote from each scene that you find to be the most important.
PlayMake simple puppets or masks to represent 3 of the characters in the play. Write
a puppet show about 2 favorite scenes of the play. The script must be at least 3
pages. Plan to perform your puppet show for the class. All pieces should be hand
3 members
Add an additional member for 2 more requirements
Add an additional puppet (character)
Create a stage depicting the scene’s setting
Add background music and sound effects
Add a sound track of 2 songs that coincides with the scene depicted.
4 group member limit