Transactional English


Carberry Collegiate

Mrs. Robinson – room 2-27

Course Outline English 40 Transactional

February - June 2008

Course Description :

This course focuses on the day-to-day use of language for a variety of practical purposes. Students produce and engage with oral, written, and visual texts that inform, direct, persuade, plan, analyze, argue, and explain. Students may, for example, view television and film documentaries, write proposals and reports, or listen to radio programs, speeches, and debates to gather or communicate knowledge, information, and perspectives. While the texts students read, view, and write have a practical purpose, they often use literary devices and expressive language to convey meaning.

Unit Description of unit

1. Introductory unit Students will learn more about themselves through questionnaires and will create a brochure about themselves.


 Brochure about themselves

2. CCI Newsletter

(individual assignments)

Students will improve their ability to create interviews, feature articles, brochures, news stories, and letters to the editor. Our

Contribute articles to the CCI newsletter class will be responsible for putting out the newsletter for the February to June issues.

3. Hero’s/Biography

(individual project)

4. Travel project (group project)

The class will learn about Team Hoyt, read a biography on a hero of their choice, and write their own biography.

Students will tour Downtown Brandon, and then will write a feature article to promote this area. Students will also create an itinerary for prospective travelers and write a “non-fiction” short story set in Brandon.

 Choose a form to review the biography

 Write your own biography

 Business letter

 Brochure

 Sample itinerary

Short story

5. Documentary (group project)

Students will analyze the features of a documentary. Using this knowledge, small groups they will choose a topic that affects them locally and use primary research to create up with a 5-7 minute video documentary.


 Interviews

 documentary

6. Speeches (individual assignments)

Students will improve their public speaking skills by preparing a eulogy and a valedictory address that they will present them to the class.

Eulogy speech

 Valedictory address

7. Tolerance Unit/Exam preparation

Students will analyze the theme of tolerance through a variety of forms, which will help to prepare them for the English

Provincial Exam in June.

 Use your chosen form of writing to analyze the theme of fairness

Mark breakdown

Term work – assignments, quizzes etc.

Provincial Exam (June 2008) exam in June.


30% Note: all students will write the provincial


 All assignments and due dates are listed on my website at

 Assignments are expected to be handed in at the BEGINNING of class. Late assignments will receive a penalty of 10% percent per day. After five late days the assignment will receive a grade of 0 (small assignments). However, you may still hand in the work for feedback.

 If a student does not hand in a major assignment, he/she will be given an INC to represent that the assessment in this course is incomplete without this assignment.

All projects assigned by April 30 th must be handed in by May 15 th . Any projects assigned after May 1 st must be submitted by June 17 th .

 If a student still does not hand in the assignment(s) he/she will not be able to sufficiently demonstrate her/his ability to meet the outcomes in that course. Thus, the INC will remain on the report card until the student retakes the course.

 If you require extra assistance on any particular assignment, please see me

BEFORE the assignment is due. I will be available before school, during the lunch break, and after school.

I/my child understand(s) the course objectives, expectations and grading and will do my best to achieve success in this class:


Student’s name: _______________

Parent’s signature: _______________

Parent’s e-mail:

__________________________________________________ (I will be e-mailing out an update of what we have been doing at the end of each month, as well as your son or daughter’s mark – this will allow me to include you in this update).
