A WEB SITE GUIDE BOOK FOR A VARIETY OF ISSUES: PREPARED BY Dr. P R CHANDY, Sep 2001 _____________________________________________________________________________ I am not putting in the word www in front. It is there for all the addresses given below. Though to the best of my knowledge, these are functioning sites, due to a variety of factors beyond my control, it is possible some sites may be non operational. I do not think it is the case for the sites below. I am NOT sponsoring any of these sites below nor do I recommend any service. Do your own digging, analyzing, and investigating BEFORE you decide to use any of them. No site is Perfect all the time. I obtained the web sites data either through personal digging or by reading popular over the counter magazines in the market. This list is NOT a 100% comprehensive list, as it is practically impossible to develop such a list. This is a starting point and that is all . I take full responsibility for all the errors . Good luck. _____________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: BE CAREFUL ABOUT GIVING PERSONAL INFORMATION ON ANY WEB SITE. ONCE YOU CLICK ON WEB SITES , YOU MAY BE AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED IN THAT PARTICULAR WEB SITES= ADDRESS BOOK AND START RECEIVING ALL SORTS OF UNSOLICITED JUNK MAIL. ! ___________________________________________________________________ A:General sites: Search: yahoo.com; about.com; google.com; alltheweb.com; iwon.com; northernlight.com altavista.com; google.com . Oingo.com ; Google is one of my favorites. Infoplease.com; pasoo.com; dmoz.org Humor: adcritic.com; gigawit.com; wildbrain.com; dotcomics.com; joecartoon.com; justmorons.com; mattneuman.com; mcsweenys.net; Advice: ehow.com; keen.com; Gomez.com ( rates a lot of shopping services, brokers, financial institutions etc) Other Rating services: forrester.com; keynote.com; ragingbull.com; investorguide.com; xolia.com; internetinvesting.com; sonic.net/donaldj Reference: rfdesk.com; bartleby.com; virtualfreesites.com; howstuffworks.com; extremescience.com; madsci.org; whyfiles.com; kidscience.com; about.com yucky.com; straightdope.com Shopping: amazon.com; us.buy.com; ecampus.com; mysimon.com; pricescan.com; bottomdollar.com; productopia.com. ; deja,com; shopping.yahoo.com; mercato.com; mobshop.com biddersedge.com; ebay.com; dealtime.com; saleshound.com; igadget.com; 800.com bestbookbuys.com;recordedbooks.com;Reel.com; improvementscatalog.com; myseasons.com; etoys.com; homegrocer.com; smarterkids.com; netflix.com (DVD rental service);etown.com; bestbookbuys.com; textbooks.com; cdnow.com.; doublediscount.com; half.com ; grababargain.com Medical: Bestdoctors.com; thehealthresource.com; medlineplus.gov; nih.gov; mayohealth.org;medicinenet.com; wellweb.com; healthfinder.gov; onhealth.com; navigator.tufts.edu; docguide.com; pillbid.com CARS: Cars.com; autobytel.com;autoweb.com; carsdirect.com; driveoff.com;invoicedealers.com Edmunds.com; carpoint.msn.com; kbb.com; autoconnect.com; autovantage.com, nada.org; carclub.com; autoadvisor.com; autonation.com; autovantage.com; carbuyingtips.com; carfax.com carpoint.msn.com; cars.com; costcoauto.com; dealernet.com carsmart.com Car Loans: carloan.com; www.1-800drivetoday.com; autocreditfinders.com; auto-loan.com; carlender.com; giggocar.com; nfsn.com/vehicle.htm; peoplefirst.com TIMEVALUE.COM/TOOLS.HTM : GOOD SITE Travel : priceline.com; framed.usps.com ;mapquest.com; consumerreports.com; consumersdigest.com; hoteldiscounts.com; Innsite.com mapsonus.com; placestostay.com; travelweb.com; weather.com milepoint.com lowestfare.com; cheaptickets.com; travelocity.com; expedia.com; bestfares.com; site59.com smarterliving.com; accuweather.com; qixo.com; farechase.com; lastminutetravel.com; hotwire.com; expedia.com; 11thhourvacations.com; vacationcoach.com ; digitalcity.com ricksteves.com College Savings/Aid : collegesavings.com;savingforcollege.com; finaid.org; fastweb.com; adventuresineducation.org Texastomorrowfund.com; collegeboard.org ;collegeNET.com; collegeguide.org wiredscholar.com; mach25.com; srnexpress.com; fastAID.com; collegenet.com salliemae.com/loans; ed.gov/offices/OPE/DirectLoan/consolid.html Jobs: Monster.com ( jobs); salary.com; acinet.org; careerjournal.com; jobsonline.com bestjobsusa.com; careercity.com; careermart.com; careermosaic.com; careerpath.com; careers.org; careerfile.com; careerexchange.com; resumesdirect.com; resumenet.com; virtualresume.com; jobcenter.com; jobexchange.com; job-hunt.com; jobquest.com; jobsource.com nationjob.com; monster.com; careerexpo.com; occ.com;jobsonline.com; hotjobs.com; headhunter.net; careerbuilder.com; jobs.com; careermosaic.com; fligdog.com; dice.com; careers-inbusiness.com ______________________________________________________________________________ B:Money related issues 1)Inside trading/ IPO : unlockdates.com; ipolockup.com; insidertrader.com; alertipo.com; insiderscores.com; ipocentral.com; directipo.com; dsm.com; eoffering.com; ewebwatch.com; ipodata.com; ipoguys.com; ipomaven.com; ipomonitor.com; ipo.com; ipohome.com; ipopros.com; unlockdates.com 2)Investing related: Treasurydirect.gov : to buy treasury securities directly from US government No Load stocks - buy stocks directly from corporations and avoid paying commission: Try these firms:BP Amoco; Kodak; ExxonMobil; Johnson Controls; Pfizer. If you are on tight budget and want to invest online - try : buyandhold.com; sharebuilder.com Others in the same area: netstockdirect.com; dripcentral.com; dripinvestor.com; foliofn.com freetrade.com 3)Tax related: hdvest.com; taxact.com; turbotax.com; hrblock.com; taxes4less.com; 1040.com; esmarttax.com; irs.gov; kprcpa.com/forms.html; kiplinger.com; irs.gov.; taxplanet; fairmark.com; 123taxprep.com amerifile.com; 1800tax1040.com ; completetax.com; e1040.com; etaxforms.com; hrblock.com; intelligenttaxes.com; jacksonhewitt.com; taxprofessionals.com; quick-tax.com; tax.org; taxcut.com; taxlogic.com; taxplanet.com; taxprophet.com/tp.htm; taxes4less.com wwwebtax.com; tax forms on line: http://dir.yahoo.com/government/U_S_Government/taxes/Online_Tax_forms Gainskeeper.com : To keep up with all the capital gains and losses on various investment transactions for tax purposes. 4) Retirement plans related 401Kafe.com; Quicken.com/retirement/401K; Smartmoney.com/ac/401k; Morningstar.com; directadvice.com; financialengine.com; timyounkin.com; 403bwise.com; search401k.com 401kexchange.com; mystockoptions.com;mpower.com; fidelity.com mystockoptions.com; myoptionvalue.com; optionwealth.com Portfolio Planning Information: Troweprice.com: Has Portfolio spotlight and Stock overlap. Morning star: has X Ray : service. Overlap.com: Has a service to help you identify overlapping securities in mutual funds 5) Mutual funds For mutual funds with low costs to enter and low expenses levied : try: www.tiaa-cref.org ; Other mutual fund information: morningstar.com; mutuals.com vanguard.com; janus.com; fidelity.com; quicken.com; aarp.org; ssa.gov; troweprice.com mfmag.com; findafund.com; mfea.com ; finance.yahoo.com; maxfunds.com; fundalarm.com ipsfunds.com/strategies.html (details of investment strategy by fund manager); fundspot.com sageonline.com; maxfunds.com; cefa.com ( for closed end funds only); brill.com; idayo.com; indexfundsonline.com; micropal.com; mfcafe.com; personalfund.com; sandp.com/ratings/funds/funds.htm; ici.org; etfcentral.com; funds.marketwatch.com 6) Banking issues/ Real estate related : : Here are the sites on banking and real estate. E-loan.com; bankrate.com; lendingtree.com; hsh.com; realtor.com; mortgagemart.com interest.com; HomeAdvisor.com; LoansDirect.com; Countrywide.com; loanworks.com; mortgage.com; smartcalc.com; mbaa.com; loanguide.com; fannimae.com; homeadvisor.msn.com bankcd.com; wellsfargo.com; securityfirst.com; compubank.com; virtualbank.com; firstib.com; financenter.com; quickenloans.com; domania.com; finance.americanexpress.com erealty.com; homestore.com; owners.com; RealEstate.com; iown.com; realtor.com; polarismortgage.com; mortgagequotes.com; mortgage-net.com Homefair.com; ImproveNet.com; kaktus.com; pestweb.com; Loansurfersolutions.com; housevalues.com; banx.com; maxrate.com; money-rates.com; homegain.com; privatemi.com rate.net; shoprate.com; mortgage101.com; mortgagequotes.com;homeadvisor.com You can also go to Priceline.com and bid or get quotes on mortgages and they will provide you with what they can offer as the best deal for you indymacmortgage.com; . Reliancemortgage.com; Remember that if your equity on the house is atleast 20% of appraised value of the house, you ought to be able to get out of Private mortgage insurance ( or PMI). pcbanker.com; amsouth.com; bankofamerica.com; bankdirect.com; chase.com; lite.citifi.com; compubank.com; directbanking.com; netbank.com; wellsfargo.com bankrate.com; banx.com; stretcher.com; maxrate.com; moneyadvisor.com; onmoney.com; rothira.com; personalwealth.com 7 )Credit Reports: Experian.com; transunion.com; equifax.com; visa.com; mastercard.com; cccssf.org; myvesta.org fairisaac.com; qspace.com credit.com; creditland.com; getsmart.com; asque.com/credcard.htm; cardratings.org; cardweb.com; creditcardfreedom.com ; creditinfocenter.com/cards; creditcardmenu.com; studentcredit.com; consumercredit.com; debt-help.com;debtwizards.com; debtorsanonymous.org myvesta.org; nfcc.org; Credit card secrets: state.ma.us/consumer/Pubs/credsecr.htm 8) Stock and bond investing Bond Related : ebondtrade.com; mldirect.com; msdwonline.com; styo.com; directnotes.com investinginbonds.com;bondmarkets.com.;Bondresources.com; Bondsonline.com; biz.yahoo.com/edu/ed_bond.html ; bondagent.com; ebondtrade.com; tradebonds.com; munidirect.com; dpcdata.com; dcrco.com; briefing.com; emuni.com; e-analytics.com/bonds/bonddir.htm; bog.frb.fed.us; moody.com; munistatements.com standardandpoors.com/ratings/corporate; bondbuyer.com;bondpage.com; bondagent.com; tradebonds.com; csfbdirect.com; munidirect.com; tdwaterhouse.com; bondtrac.com; bradynet.com; convertbond.com; ebondtrade.com; emuni.com; fixed-income-market.com; moneybulletin.com; moodys.com; tradebonds.com Other sites: investorama.com; wallstreetcity.com; wsrn.com.bloomberg.com; financialfinesse.com Moneycentral.com; stocksheet.com; marketguide.com; personalwealth.com; personalfund.com fool.com; moneysearch.com; financialcafe.com; adr.com; freeedgar.com; edgar-online.com; treasurydirect.gov/bpd/bpdhome.htm; riskgrades.com; portfolioscience.com; fool.com; stocks.com; tradingday.com; findportfolio.com; riskgrades.com; sellsignal.com; coolcapitalist.com; teachmefinance.com; winninginvesting.com; invest-faq.com; aaii.com Government documents: 10kwizard.com; edgar.disclosure.com/ea; edgar-online.com; fedfil.com; fedstats.gov; freeedgar.com; secinfo.com OPTIONS and FUTURES: aantix.com; cbot.com; cboe.com; rb-trading.com/begin.html; coveredcalls.com; eztrade.com; ino.com; options-nasdaq-amex.com; nfa.futures.org; netpicks.com; numa.com; optionetics.com; optionfind.com; optionscentral.com; phlx.com; intrepid.com/~robertl; tradesignals.com; eduvest.com Learning the basics of stock and bond market investing: go to various tutorials on mutual fund web sites like: invesco.com; americancentury.com; winninginvesting.com/columns.htm; younginvestor.com; smartmoney.com; zacks.com; nasdaq.com; sec.gov ( the securities and exchange commission site by government) armchairmillionaire.com; moneycentral.com; quicken.com; kiplinger.com; fidelity.com marketguide.com; thomsoninvest.net; hoovers.com; gefn.com; quickquote.com; greenmagazine.com; schwabwomen.com; msmoney.com; whatifi.com : all investing information in one place multexinvestor.com ( get copies of research reports for a price); superstarinvestor.com; ceoexpress.com; thestreet.com; cnnfn.com; marketguide.com; 10kwizard.com; bestcalls.com; company.sleuth.com; earningswhispers.com; wallstreetcity.com; investor.cnet.com; netwavestocks.com; mldirect.com; ameritrade.com; fidelity.com; netstockdirect.com worldlyinvestor.com; ftmarketwarch.com; wallstreetcity.com; sec.gov iionline.com; moolera.com; yardeni.com; bloomberg.com; dailystocks.com; financialweb.com investors.com; investorama.com; fiendbear.com; justquotes.com; marketplayer.com; quicken.com; americanexpress.com; freetrade.com; financialcafe.com; freetradez.com adviceamerica.com; directadvice.com; esplanner.com; mpower.com; teamvest.com/quicken; majestic.vanguard.com/GUIDE/DA; b4utrade.com; buyandhold.com; marketocracy.com; mpower.com; onmoney.com; stockDr.com; streetwhiz.com; teenanalyst.com; buyandhold.com; stockjungle.com; internetstockreport.com; internetstocks.com; iword.com; nextwavestocks.com Valuation: valueengine.com; valuepro.net; quicken.com/investments General information: Bloomberg.com; barra.com; globalfinddata.com; mscidata.com; wilshire.com; tamasset.com; finweb.com; investorhome.com; freeedgar.com Charting of prices etc: quote.com; bigcharts.com; stockpoint.com THIS IS A UNIQUE SITE FOR STOCKQUOTES; WWW.3DSTOCKCHARTS.COM Audiovisual: abslive.com; on24.com; streetfusion.com; vcall.com; bestcalls.com; webfn.com; streetevents.com; wallstreetreporter.com; wallstreetuncut.com Research: 411stocks.com; americanstocks.com; reportgallery.com; bestsignals.com; bulldogrsearch.com; companiesonline.com; companysleuth.com; contraryinvestor.com; exdividend.com; g6perspective.com; grantsinvestor.com; informedinvetors.com; ozsoft.com kickassets.com; cda.com/investnet; lionshares.com; marketbug.com; rightline.com; sectorbase.com; splittrader.com; stocksense.com; storkscreener.com; validea.com; firstcall.com;hoovers.com; ianalyst.com; investorplace.com; msdw.com/institutional/index.html stockhouse.com; valueline.com; twst.com; wisi.com; zacks.com; the-gears.com reuters.com; datalink.net; infobeat.com; isld.com; tradearca.com; marketxt.com; strategy.com; streamer.com 9) On line brokers ameritrade.com; datek.com; schwab.com; dljdirect.com; etrade.com; fidelity.com; ndb.com; tdwaterhouse.com; gomez.com; investor.nasd.com; xolia.com; mydiscountbroker.com. Go to some place like Gomez.com which rates brokers and see what they say. 10) account consolidation sites trackyourworth.com; yodlee.com; verticalone.com; ebalance.com; 1viewnetwork.com; ezlogin.com; corillian.com 11) Insurance quote instantquote.com; insweb.com;quotetoday.com; term-life-quotes.com; progressive.com; usaa.com; ; reliaquote.com; quotesmith.com; insurance.com; accuquote.com; quickquote.com; termfinder.com insuremarket.com; ecoverage.com; esurance.com; ameritasdirect.com Insurance for all appliances, plumbing , electrical problem etc in a home: www.americanhomeshield.com. Though such a service has some advantages - what you may end up with is that due to low pay (to the contracted companies in each area that does the service), you will likely end up with poor quality service. Rating on insurance companies: www.ambest.com; dcrco.com; 800-289-9222 ( Weiss research company to get ratings of insurance companies) insurancefraud.org; insure.com; moodys.com; ratings.standardpoor.com/insurance 800-252-3439 (texas department of insurance consumer help line): tdi.state.tx.us - department of insurance. Insurance Product called Annuities : sites: annuity.com; annuityscout.com; annuityshopper.com; bhln.com Companies like TIAA-CREF and USAA , Fidelity and Vanguard , T Rowe Price are well known companies offering annuities - a product normally looked at people in and around retirement age. 12) The 12 Federal Reserve Banks on this hyperlink: www.ny.frb.org/links.html This will give you access to all the 12 Fed Banks and you can get a lot of financial data for the entire country using the Feds web sites For information on buying and selling a variety of U S Treasury securities directly from the government, visit the web site below: www.treasurydirect.gov/sec/secform1.htm; Yield curve: stocktrader.com/yc2.html Exchange rate information: ( do not put www here); http://pacific.commerce.ubc.ca/xr 13)Pay bills on line: paytrust.com; accountonline.com; Checkfree corporation also runs a service on its web site ______________________________________________________________________________ C: MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES Telephone Service: It is a Mess and it is only going to get worse and I am not hopeful it is going to get much better. Try using www.abelltolls.com to get some advice on choice of phone service www.priceline.com to get pre paid telephone long distance facility ( rates are about 3.9cents to 4.9 cents a minute any time any where in USA) . No monthly fee or long term commitment. The only disadvantage is that some times these lines are busy. Try Smartprice.com for a free analysis of your long distance needs and a list of best companies to consider . Zoneld.com is another place you may want to try for long distance rates. Possibly use the UNT Premium internet service at $10 per month for internet service.( This is not like high speed DSL or CableModem speed ). But the price is low - don=t complain. Phonefree.com; net2phone.com; MSN messenger service (microsoft); AOL=s ICQphone and instant messenger; Yahoo=s Messenger service. It is best to get a headphone to listen and a good mike to speak into in order to make use of these services better. Cell Phone: point.com; swbellwireless.com; sprintpcs.com; letstalk.com; primeco.com; cellmania.com Call your LOCAL phone company and ask about a form called APick Freeze@. If you get this form and sign it and mail it back , it would prevent various Ahigh priced rip off long distance carriers A from automatically switching you to their service . Only after you sign such a document, it would be difficult for any long distance carrier to automatically select you and charge you the usual exorbitant rates. Mapquest.com : get directions and maps from place to place framed.usps.com : Zip code finder ______________________________________________________________________________ Hope this is helpful. If you find some thing not working, please let me know. Good luck ! ______________________________________________________________________________