Patrick Henry High School Life Skills

Patrick Henry High School Life Skills:
Consumer Math2009-2010
Instructor Contact Information: Brenda Stanton
Room #323
Voice Mail/Phone # 612-668-2000 ext. 36728
E-mail address:
Program Description: The Life Skills Program is a Minneapolis Public Schools Citywide Special Education
program for high school students whose transition needs require special education services for the
majority of their school day. The program serves students with severe learning/language disabilities and
various developmental disabilities from throughout the Minneapolis school district. Students enrolled in
the program are ages 14 to 18 in grades 9 through 12. Each classroom is comprised of a special education
teacher and one special education assistant who provides a modified curriculum appropriate to the
abilities and needs of the students in the program. In addition to the curriculum in the Life Skills
program, students may also have access to general education courses, vocational experiences, other
related special education services, and community-based instruction as determined by the student’s IEP
Course Description
The classes a student takes in high school are known as a “course of study” and it includes special education
classes, related special education services (speech language, etc.), general education classes and various
activities designed to meet the student’s needs. While each student’s needs are different, the Life Skills’
program offers transition courses that address the most common needs identified in each of the three transition
This course is designed for students to learn math skills that they will encounter in the real world
including creating a budget, earning a paycheck, paying bills, and banking skills. Basic math skills and home
living skills will be included in the curriculum throughout the school year. Students will continue practicing
math calculation, time/time management, and measurement.
Course Objectives
At the end of this school year the students will have learned a variety of skills appropriate for real life
and will have an understanding of how to make wise financial decisions.
What you should bring to class (Required Texts and Other Supplies)
A writing utensil (pencils preferred) is needed for each class.
Folders, notebooks, and textbooks will be provided by the teacher and will remain in the
Class work
Each day the student will do a warm up exercise
Daily classroom assignments will vary as to each student’s individual needs
All lessons will include review, direct teaching, and independent work.
Lessons may also include book work, activities, and review games
There will be no homework but students will be assigned independent work. If a student
misses class it will be their responsibility to arrange time to make it up. See my tutorial time.
Grading Policies
Grading is based on daily class work, including warm-ups, tests/quizzes, and attendance/behavior
Grading Scale: A standard grading scale will be used for this class with some exceptions based on
individual needs of the student.
A 93%
A- 90% B+ 87% B 83% B- 80%
C+ 76%
C 73% C- 70% D+ 67% D 63%
D- 60%
Anything at or below 59% is considered a failing grade. Based on student attendance and effort
grades will be adjusted to the student’s individual needs.
 Late work is accepted without penalty until the end of each week.
 Extra credit will be made available on occasion.
Class Policies/Expectations
Attendance – The student grade is partially based on attendance, it is important for the student
to be in class in order to maintain school success.
Tardy policy – The student is expected to be in class on time and tardiness is not permitted.
Passes – Passes will not be given during the first or last 10 minutes of class. No passes will be
given during class time unless a written medical excuse is provided. In emergency situations an
SEA will accompanying the student.
Academic Support
Tutorials – I will be available for tutorials on Thursday afternoons until 4:00 p.m. Assistance
after school Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday can be arranged ahead of time with me.
Course Calendar
 Quarter 1 Units of study:
 Basic math practice
 AGS Consumer Math: figuring out a pay stub
 Fractions
 Place Value
 Calculator work
Quarter 2 Units of Study:
 Basic math practice
 Using Money
 Spending and Saving Money
 Measurement
 AGS Consumer Math:
 Calculator work
Quarter 3 Units of study:
 Basic math practice
Place value
Checkbook math
Balancing a checking account
Calculator work
Quarter 4 Units of Study:
 Basic math practice
 Number Power: The real world of adult math
 AGS Consumer Math: finance charges, loans, depreciation, installment buying
 Measurement
 Calculator work