Exploring the Physical Environment

Patrick Henry High School
Exploring the Physical Environment
Instructor Contact Information: Richard Peterson, Room 148,
Phone: 612-668-2000; voicemail: 612-668-9903
Course Description:
Science touches our lives everyday, in every place - home, school, and even work.
This class looks at the concepts of classical physics and chemistry and investigates the basic principles of
how our world works. The class is taught as a small group experience and follows the Minnesota State
Science Standards for Physical Science and fulfills the Physical Science requirement for graduation.
It is an inquiry based experience making use of information presented in several formats including the book,
lab experiences, and various individualized activities designed to develop critical thinking skills using each
students learning strengths.
There are 9 basic areas of study: The Metric System; Matter: Properties, Structure, How it Changes;
Elements and Compounds; Motion; Work and Machines; Heat; Sound and Light; Electricity, Magnets and
Electromagnetism; basic atomic structure.
Course Objectives
This is a year long course. By the end of the year I expect that we will have accomplished the following:
1. I can use the basic metric units of length, volume, and mass.
2. I can convert metric units.
3. I can describe various objects by listing their properties.
4. I can calculate density.
5. I can explain molecules, elements, and compounds.
6. I can calculate the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons in an element using its atomic number and
mass number.
7. I can state the law of conservation of matter.
8. I can explain what a reaction is.
9. I can interpret and write balanced chemical equations.
10. I can identify symbols used to represent different elements.
11. I can explain how elements are organized in the periodic table.
12. I can describe compounds.
13. I can explain how compounds are formed.
14. I can explain and apply Newton’s three laws of motion.
15. I can explain gravity.
16. I can define and explain work and power.
17. I can explain how heat energy can be produced.
18. I can explain how sound is produced.
19. I can explain the nature of light.
20. I can explain how electric current flows through a circuit.
21. I can describe various kinds of magnets.
22. I can tell what causes magnetism.
What you should bring to class :
Text: Physical Science by AGS
A spiral notebook (provided by the teacher); a two pocket folder (provided by the teacher)
Pencil or a pen.
Books, notebooks, and folders will be kept in the classroom (#148) this year, but the text will be signed
out to you and you are responsible for it.
Major Assessments:
Our text is divided into 9 chapters, with each divided into lessons, activities, and labs.
We will read a section and complete assignments to review the section.
This will allow me to monitor our progress and make any necessary changes.
When we finish each section in the chapter we will then review each chapter.
We will then take a chapter summative assessment.
VI. Class work:
We start every class with a warm up.
This warm up helps us prepare for the lesson.
The warm ups are to be written in your notebook and saved.
Your notebook will be compared with mine and graded for completeness.
If you are absent I will work with you to collect and complete any makeup work.
VII. Homework
Most of the work will be completed in class. Projects and “thought experiments” may be completed outside
of class.
VIII. Grading Policies
Grading Criteria: We will follow the Minneapolis Public Schools Standards Based Grading Policy.
IX. Class Policies / Expectations
Your attendance is very important. Attendance in school is practice for future employment and educational
opportunities. You are expected to be in class at least 95% of the time.
Tardy Policy:
You are expected to be in class when the bell rings.
No passes the first ten minutes of class or the last ten minutes of class. NO EXCEPTIONS
Use the restroom between classes. If you have to use the restroom during class you will be escorted by a
support staff.
I expect everyone to participate in class and do your best.
Participation means; reading aloud, staying awake during class, and completing your assignments.
I expect that we will respect each other in this classroom.
Cell Phones: Keep them in your pockets during class. If I see your cell phone out, I will ask you politely to
put it away. If you put it away and keep it away its over. If you choose not to put it away, or it comes back
out, I will call for a behavior interventionist to come and take the phone.
Academic Support:
Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday after school from 3:10 to 3:45pm, by appointment.
Course Calendar
1. Semester One
A. Quarter One
i. Metric System
ii. Matter
B. Quarter Two
i. Elements and Compounds
ii. Motion
iii. Work and Machines
2. Semester Two
A. Quarter Three
i. Heat
ii. Sound and Light
B. Quarter Four
i. Electricity
ii. Magnets and Electromagnetism