South London Healthcare NHS Trust Organisational Development Strategy 2009-2012 April 2010 SOUTH LONDON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2009 – 12 CONTENTS Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Trust Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 4 Priorities for action ........................................................................................................................... 5 Engagement ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Organisational Development Priorities ................................................................................................ 5 Programme One – Designing structures, roles and plans to deliver the strategy ........................... 6 Programme Two - Creating a leadership style that supports an engaged workforce ..................... 7 Programme Three - Developing an organisational culture that enables individuals and teams to deliver high performance ................................................................................................................. 9 Programme Four - Working Differently to deliver A Picture of Health…………………………… .13 Success measures......................................................................................................................... 12 Delivery and Accountability ............................................................................................................... 13 Appendix One .................................................................................................................................... 14 Review of progress 2009/10 .......................................................................................................... 14 Appendix Two- Delivery Plan 2010/11 .............................................................................................. 20 2 INTRODUCTION On 1st April 2009 a brand new health organisation came into existence in South London. South London Healthcare NHS Trust is the product of the merger of three smaller hospital trusts - Queen Mary's Sidcup NHS Trust (QMS), Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust (QEH) and Bromley Hospitals NHS Trust (BHT) - to create a single healthcare organisation on several sites. “The way we develop our new organization is a vital investment, it is the essence of delivering success and not an extra. We can create a recruitment and retention premium by looking after staff and developing them. If their life is better, then the quality of experience for the patient improves. We want to encourage change and see it continue to bubble up throughout the organization and so it would be foolish to consider that we don’t do what we have agreed within this document” Chris Streather, Chief Executive This Organisational Development strategy provides a framework to continue to bring this vision to life. Its aim is to align a range of activities to raise the performance of the organisation in order to deliver our stated ambition. In writing the plan, we have recognised a number of competing priorities and so it is important to ensure that we move forward with urgency, but in a planned way. 3 The Trust has seven objectives: OBJECTIVES Our patients. We will put patients at the centre of everything that we do. We will ensure that all patients experience care that is safe, maintains their dignity, treats them with respect and leads to agreed outcomes. Financial viability. We will develop and commence implementation of a strategy to achieve and sustain financial viability in readiness for a future foundation trust application, ensuring that our services are provided within available financial resources and that we get paid for the services we provide. Leadership and workforce. We will provide positive leadership and effective management and engagement of staff at all levels and in all disciplines in the transition to the new organisation to ensure a safe and supportive working environment. We will develop a workforce that is increasingly sensitive to the needs of patients, exploits every opportunity to improve its productivity without sacrificing quality of care, and is proactive and flexible in its approach to service change. High Quality Clinical Care. We will deliver high quality clinical care through the application of best clinical practice and by ensuring that the principles of clinical governance underpin our organisation's culture, our systems and the working practices of our clinical teams and clinical services. Healthcare acquired infections. We will continue to drive forward improvements in reducing health care acquired infections, to ensure that patients receive safe care that conforms to nationally agreed best practice and which leads to reductions in the incidents of Clostridium Difficile infections and MRSA. National and Local Priorities. We will demonstrate that the Trust is providing high quality cost effective services through achieving the national priorities highlighted in the Operating Framework and through the achievement of a high level of performance in the measures included within the Annual Health Check (or Care Quality Commission equivalent), including the Auditor's Local Evaluation Assessments. Services and facilities fit for the future. We will work closely with partners in primary and social care to develop new and improved services to benefit our local population, with particular emphasis on the quality of care within improved patient pathways. We will ensure that our buildings, equipment and infrastructure are fit for purpose and capable of accommodating service change. 4 PRIORITIES FOR ACTION The Trust has ambitions to become a foundation Trust in 2013. The organisational development strategy and plans will support the short, medium and long term to deliver these ambitions. To do this, the Trust aims to: Reconfigure clinical services across the three sites Recruit and retain the best leaders for the new organisation Introduce robust governance arrangements Meet targets and be in surplus in two years Develop a ‘healthy’ organisational culture that enables all individuals to deliver these aims The organisational development plan has four key and interrelated programmes of delivery to support these aims: Designing structures, roles and plans to deliver the strategy Creating a leadership style that supports an engaged workforce Developing an organizational culture that enables individuals and teams to deliver high performance Working differently to deliver A Picture of Health ENGAGEMENT The organisational development plan was developed in the summer of 2009 through a series of engagement sessions with the senior team and wider staff groups, including clinical leaders. ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES The senior team identified in 2009 three root causes of the challenges that needed to be addressed to realise the benefits of and maximise the opportunities presented by the merger: 1. Strategy – the changing face of healthcare in London means that the DGH model does not work within the M25, a new organisational model is needed to deliver excellence 2. Leadership – there was a lack of consistent leadership in the legacy organisations, resulting in a lack of ambition and direction; leaders are too busy to lead 3. Culture – a combination of resistance to change or a passive approach; the need to become a high-performing organisation At its inception, the Organisational Development (OD) strategy and plan focused on three key programme areas that support the development of the organisation to overcome these three challenges and to maximize the opportunities identified by staff during the engagement sessions. It now also focuses on a fourth programme, specifically added to the strategy in 2010: , 4. Working differently to deliver A Picture of Health The aim is that the programmes work together to drive higher organisational performance that responds to the external requirements of the organisation – patient expectations, quality requirements, commissioner expectations, etc. 5 The four programmes are outlined on the following pages, with a review of delivery in 2009/10 attached at Appendix One and a plan for delivery in 2010/11 at Appendix Two. PROGRAMME ONE – DESIGNING STRUCTURES, ROLES AND PLANS TO DELIVER THE STRATEGY The first programme drives the implementation of the corporate and divisional structures – this programme is about implementing the right structure and roles; ensuring that those structures work effectively; and developing skills to deliver safe, effective services with an improved patient experience, whilst also meeting financial and workforce targets. 1. Implementation of Corporate and Divisional Structures Phase One – corporate directorates restructured by September 2009 Phase Two - focuses on the three new Divisions and how the new clinical management structure will enable the delivery of cross site service integration, by December 2009 Phase Three – focuses on the lower level managerial staffing within the Divisions and Clinical Directorates, by June 2010 2. The Trust will develop an approach to job design and banding that begins to reflect similarities in posts across different sites. Such an approach will enable the organisation to develop opportunities for career and personal development by enabling staff to smoothly shift between roles and sites to widen experience and develop new skills. 3. Skills analysis – in order to deliver improved patient care, in a seamless way, the Trust’s workforce will need a set of core competencies common across all roles and grades. The competencies will reflect the ability to put the patient at the centre, an ability to challenge practice and constantly improve, a capability of adding value to multi-disciplinary teams to describe a few requirements. The development, communication and identification of skills to deliver services now and in the future is required; as is an analysis of current workforce against those skills, aligned with KSF – by July 2010. This work will also support Programme Four with its emphasis on changing roles and working practices. 4. The Trust will be developing an organisation wide workforce strategy by October 2010, and a workforce plan (numbers, bands, skills, locations) by March 2010. Each division will have an identified workforce plan that reflects the Trust Workforce Plan by April 2010. 6 PROGRAMME TWO - CREATING A LEADERSHIP STYLE THAT SUPPORTS AN ENGAGED WORKFORCE This part of the organisational development strategy supports the work of the Service Improvement Strategy – building capability and leadership for improvement, and aims to provide clear links across the programmes and support for design, delivery and evaluation. 1. Develop a framework for leadership development – December 2009 At the time of developing this strategy, there was a range of leadership development activity underway or being planned. A framework is required to ensure that future investments are being made in the right place, with the right providers, and that return on that investment in being measured. Opportunities for learning, developing leadership, and making improvements need to be systematized to obtain the biggest gain, without stifling the enthusiasm of emergent leaders. These actions aim to provide clarity and direction for a leadership approach. a. Review all current programmes delivery to inform future investment decisions – e.g. fit, impact, return on investment, need and overlap b. Develop a framework for leadership identifying what is needed by the organisation to deliver improvements i. Exploring current leadership frameworks in use and agreeing a model of SLH leadership behaviour for future recruitment and development of leaders c. Agree a set of alliances with key providers, identifying benefits and proposed activities 2. Deliver a range of prioritised leadership activities – immediate design and procurement to commence November 2009 a. Board development programme to Foundation Trust (FT) - design of ongoing programme of support to align organisational development to the needs of FT status and to develop an appropriate board structure and approach to enable conformance and performance b. Senior team support – development of the Executive team as a team and at individual level including coaching to enable rapid delivery of key priorities c. Developing clinical leadership with National Institute of Innovation i. Working with lead clinicians at group and individual level to deliver their roles as leaders ii. Learning sets to commence in Autumn 2009 d. Developing Next Generation Directors – using the NHS London model to deliver a number of development centres e. Implement the SLHT Leadership Forum – an opportunity for management cascade, increased executive visibility, external learning and teaching, sharing of best practice and local lessons learnt and feedback – commence in July 2009 f. Develop and implement a comprehensive and flexible leadership and management development framework to enable all staff to assess themselves against standards and to continuously develop their skills and knowledge 7 g. Develop an organisational coaching strategy: i. Understand the need for coaching through change and invest if appropriate, targeted at particular teams ii. Review current practices at four levels – executive, senior manager, band 7 and band 6 – understand impact and review future investment in internal capacity and external buy in. h. Invest in team development to support the new divisional structures 8 PROGRAMME THREE - DEVELOPING AN ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE THAT ENABLES INDIVIDUALS AND TEAMS TO DELIVER HIGH PERFORMANCE Organisational culture change is well-researched, with the evidence suggesting that wholesale culture change takes anything from five to twenty years. It is therefore more realistic to focus on the elements or features of our organisational culture that most profitably need to change. At SLH, feedback and observation suggests that we should focus on the following aspects of organisational culture change in the first instance: FROM TO (CONSISTENTLY) Working hard Working efficiently Site focus SLH and care pathway focus Task focus; push style; command and control; some Performance culture; pull and push; empowering blame management style; feedback is the norm “The Trust needs to” Personal responsibility accountability and initiative; clear Innovation quietly taking place in parts of the Trust Innovation seen as everyone’s job; success and learning shared, and that sharing inspires further innovation Professional silos in parts of the Trust; risk of further Consistent levels of team and multi-professional working, with quality and the patient’s experience at new silos developing on basis of new structure the centre Some inflexibility Flexibility re. what we do, where we do it, and with whom we work Patchy performance; significant element of surprise then huge efforts required to take control when performance slips; some tension and lack of clarity between the divisions and the centre Excellent and achieving organisation, made up of well-managed business units. Performance regulated by values and strategy (people doing the right things for the right reasons), service line management providing the right levels of freedom and earned autonomy with clear decision rights 9 Some specific actions were identified in September 2009: 1. Revise induction – immediate input a. Review and update CEO/Executive slot b. Update content to reflect new organisation goals and mission and to enable consistent delivery across sites – developing a model of corporate, site and team specific induction c. Review the manager’s induction programme including a ‘Managing People’ programme and ensure mandatory for new bands 7 and 8 2. Staff engagement and values a. Engage staff, patients, and visitors in the development of SLHT values and behaviours, enabling staff to identify with South London Healthcare and to shape its culture for the future. 3. Development of staff partnerships a. Reinvigorate staff engagement/partnership approaches to support the delivery of OD programmes and to enable a communications conduit across the organisation. For example re-activate Union Learning Representatives, Contact Officers and Mediators – develop their capabilities as agents of change across the organisation 4. Update Appraisal processes to ensure they are fit for purpose and used a. Review appraisal processes to develop an SLH process with key stakeholders including the Senior Management Team b. Agree an appraisal cycle that supports delivery of the business plan and is agreed as an imperative to deliver c. Design and deliver refreshed appraisal skills programmes across the organisation d. Ensure high level of take-up of appraisal and personal development planning across the Trust 5. Developing a culture of high performance (2010) a. Review Productive Ward programme and consider return on investment of further roll out and of other ‘Productive’ programmes b. Support Service Improvement Strategy to develop innovation and creativity by assessing the current culture for creativity and developing responses to that survey including the development of a set of KPIs at individual, team and divisional level to improve productivity c. Develop alliance with National Institute for Innovation and Improvement to develop a range of interventions to support a culture of high performance for example the use of ‘lean’ thinking and tools d. Develop ‘buddy’ arrangements with high performing organisations in the public and commercial sectors 10 6. Design and deliver a Talent Management strategy (2010) a. Develop a talent management strategy with support from NHS London that enables internal talent to be spotted and nurtured and opportunities to be developed that pull staff through the organization b. Create a talent management dashboard to measure progress c. Work with local NHS partners to develop and use a talent management toolkit to understand the talent pool d. Develop a talent management culture – enabling line managers to be open with staff and be prepared to have difficult conversations e. Support staff through change and enable them to manage their careers – develop a range of career development toolkits available on line that supports appraisal preparation and is linked to organisational change 7. Review reward and recognition processes– a. Develop a range of recognition activities that create a culture of valuing staff engagement – events, staff awards - including rewards for innovation - and letters of congratulation, success page in newsletter b. Devise a local staff survey that enables rapid feedback on the impact of management behaviour on work climate and fit with espoused values c. Integrate with the developing leadership competence framework to support an engaging leadership style that places high value on individuals enabling line managers to use tools such as appraisal, coaching, team development in their day to day people management activities that recognises discretionary effort, develops talent and provides regular feedback. Such a leadership style clearly demonstrates the values of the organisation and the importance placed on all staff to deliver the required changes. PROGRAMME FOUR – WORKING DIFFERENTLY TO SUPPORT THE SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF A PICTURE OF HEALTH 1. Workforce plans – define the bands and skills required alongside the numbers, taking account of new delivery models in A Picture of Health 2. Role redesign – actively seek opportunities to review traditional thinking re. roles; what new roles would meet the work demands and could be more easily met through a greater workforce supply 3. Greater flexibility – staff will need support to work more flexibly in terms of what they do, and where they do it, and with whom they work to best serve patients’ needs 4. Commission education and development to support appropriate skills development 11 SUCCESS MEASURES Measuring the effectiveness of organisational development interventions can be subjective but if we measure what counts then the OD programmes require scrutiny. The Trust is currently reviewing its key indicators for success from the range of performance measures it delivers. Once agreed, the high level indicators will be directly reflected in the organisational development plan and the organisational development plan will support the delivery of these high level indicators through the four key programme areas of strategy and structure, leadership, culture, and working differently. The table below shows the connection of OD interventions at SLHT to key organisational KPIs and demonstrates how OD interventions can be measured in terms of impact on outcomes, effectiveness and experience. Key organisational KPIs Clinical outcomes Length of stay Readmission rates A&E performance HAI’s Staff turnover Sickness Appraisal Stat and mandatory training compliance Complaints SUI’s Patient survey Staff survey 12 OD Outcomes Programme One: Implementing the right structure, roles and developing skills to deliver safe, effective services with an improved patient experience Measures: Patient feedback Productivity indicators Media coverage SUIs Improving annual healthcheck results Uptake of learning opportunities and statutory & mandatory compliance Programme Two: Developing Leadership that enables staff Measures: Culture survey Programme evaluation 3600 surveys % appraisals undertaken % effective appraisals Programme Three: Creating a culture of high performance Measures: Turnover Staff survey Absence indicators % temporary staff Uptake of learning OD Effectiveness OD Experience Use of resources spent on OD Participation in OD activities - % take up, who takes part Awareness of development opportunities Awareness of organisational goals Active support of senior team in OD activities Career progression – number of promotions, or appointments from within through restructure Awareness of values and evidence of living the values Through surveys and focus groups to understand experience of participating in OD activities or the impact of others’ participation opportunities Programme Four Working differently to support APoH Measures: Workforce numbers Workforce skill development (KSF) Number of new roles Successful implementation of APoH within target dates DELIVERY AND ACCOUNTABILITY The Director of HR and OD is responsible for the delivery of the OD strategy working closely with the Chief Operating Officer and the Director of Service transformation. The programmes are driven by the internal Learning and OD team and linked to the HR Project team. These teams report regularly through to the Executive Team and Board on progress and impact. For 2009/10, an interim OD lead was appointed whilst the Director of HR and OD was on maternity leave; reflecting the importance of this workstream. Timescales for delivery are reviewed at regular OD team meetings and a delivery plan will be refreshed on an annual basis. 13 APPENDIX ONE REVIEW AGAINST DELIVERY PLAN 2009/10 Progress against this plan has been slower than anticipated in the first year due to a lower state of organisational readiness than was predicted. This lower state of readiness is attributable to: Delays in delivery of the new organisational structures, delaying the emphasis on OD and teams moving forward, whilst energy and capacity were taken up by restructuring and personal change. Limited HR capacity – for example, an Interim Director of HR was not recruited until November 2009, and another senior Associate Director post has remained vacant. During this time, the HR and Learning & OD teams have also been restructured to deliver integrated and cost-effective services to the Trust. Limited organisational capacity – during a tough year, many leaders and managers have been concentrating on the significant performance agenda and have had limited time and space to concentrate on OD. Limited budget – the plan was predicated on the use of a range of external providers to complement our internal capacity. We have delivered this year with minimal external provision. 14 PROGRESS AGAINST DELIVERY PLAN 2009/10 OD Action Management Lead Progress/Plans Cost Measure/impact COO/HRD/Associate Director OD Directors, General Managers, Heads of Nursing, Service managers ; corporate departments complete Assessment centres for Phase 2 £3k (delivered internally) Some savings achieved; uncertainty lessened for people in key posts Redundancy costs Some vacancies remain at General Manager/Service Manager level – selection planned for April 2010 No direct costs; opportunity costs associated with the time resource required Better aligned bandings across the Trust as the restructure continues Programme One Implementation of corporate and divisional structure Next phase of delivering workforce plan has commenced Harmonisation of Banding HRD Banding for restructure based on generic job descriptions; managed by the HR Change Team with high staff side involvement Skills analysis HRD This work is to be linked with Programme Four for 2010 Workforce Plans (Trust and divisional) HRD and Divisional Directors Due for completion by April 2010 No direct costs On- target Programme Two Develop a framework for leadership development Associate Director OD SLH Framework developed for selection to management posts Framework for leadership development to be developed in 15 No direct costs Used successfully for selection through restructure. Developmental feedback being offered to all participants in restructure assessment centres. OD Action Management Lead Progress/Plans Cost Measure/impact Board development diagnostic commences March 2010 £14.5k Not yet complete - Senior team 2 Executive Time Outs run, delivered internally; a third planned for early May 2010 Nil Support and challenge; time and space through period of significant change and pace of driving organizational performance - Clinical leadership Jan 2010 – Clinical Leadership Event run for Divisional & Clinical Directors; learning sets planned £3k Too soon to determine - Next Generation Directors Not yet started – talent management work commenced February 2010 in preparation for next cohort - Leadership Forum Launched September 2009; 6 events run to end April 2010. Dates planned bi-monthly for 2010/11 £ Kept lines of communication between directors and managers open through difficult period. conjunction with NHS London Deliver a range of prioritised leadership activities - Board Associate Director OD Developed SLH identity and awareness across the Trust’s leadership; leaders have also got to know each other better across sites. 16 OD Action Management Lead Progress/Plans Cost Measure/impact - Coaching strategy Eight internal accredited coaches in place with three more completing qualification; 176 sessions undertaken to end March 2010 £36k Support, challenge, development for individual leaders, managers, clinicians; and to support change - Review leadership development Initial review undertaken September 2009 to inform priorities for 2009/10. Radical review just undertaken- new Leadership & Management Development strategy to be launched June 2010 - Team development Built internal capacity & capability (2 people trained in use of an evidence-based team development tool). Utilised CPD contract for external facilitation by KCL faculty. Some on-going leadership & management development remained available whilst the review was undertaken £500 + £500 for team development toolkit Positive participant reaction and clear team action plans (follow up plans in place) Facilitated events undertaken in Women’s Children’s and Support Services and Emergency and Specialist Care Division; plus 4 corporate directorates; 1 more planned for Planned Care Division Programme Three Revise induction 17 Associate Director OD New SLHT induction launched across 3 sites January 2010. Common content across all induction programmes; still working on a more “unified” feel to the OD Action Management Lead Progress/Plans Cost Measure/impact delivery Staff engagement & values Associate Director OD Paper agreed by EMC January 2010. Significant consultation exercise undertaken with staff, patients, and visitors, using the NHS Constitution as a starting point. Planned Board seminar session April 2010, Board approval for values and behaviours planned for May 2010 Develop staff partnerships HRD 3 staff sides working together as one on JSCC and organisational change sub-group Significant partnership approach to support the organizational change agenda Update appraisal processes Associate Director OD Revised SLH process and cycle devised Uptake of appraisal in any format still mixed, with the greatest challenge at the QE site (Bromley 75%; QEH 18%; QMS 65%) On-going refreshed appraisal skills training, and marketing of appraisal to staff and managers Develop a culture of high performance Review Productive Ward programme Support Service Improvement Strategy to develop innovation and creativity by assessing the current culture for creativity 18 Director of Service Transformation & Strategy / Associate Director OD Not yet started any new OD work in this area – most activity under service transformation work streams Action plans in place to raise performance OD Action Management Lead Progress/Plans Associate Director OD SLH successfully accepted as a NHS London pilot site; paper agreed by EMT January 2010 Develop alliance with National Institute for Innovation and Improvement to develop a range of interventions to support a culture of high performance for example the use of ‘lean’ thinking and tools Develop ‘buddy’ arrangements with high performing organisations Design and deliver a Talent Management strategy SLH strategy drafted March 2010 Review reward and recognition processes HRD Not yet started any new work in this area Programme Four HRD/Associate Director OD/ Medical Director/Director of Service Transformation & Strategy Workforce plans underway; skills/role/flexibility elements not yet addressed Workforce plans Role redesign Education commissioning for 2010/11 finalised 31.3.10 Greater flexibility Commission education and development to support appropriate skills development 19 Generic KSF outlines produced and currently being implemented in divisions Cost Measure/impact APPENDIX TWO – PRIORITIES FOR 2010/11 20 PRIORITIES FOR DELIVERY APRIL 2010- MARCH 2011 2010/11 OD Action Management Lead Timescales Programme One Implementation of corporate and divisional structure COO/HRD/Associate Director OD End July 2010 - Implement final phases Skills analysis HRD This work is to be linked with Programme Four Finalise Workforce Plans (Trust and divisional), with appropriate robust risk assessments attached HRD and Divisional Directors April – June 2010 Programme Two Develop a framework for leadership development Associate Director OD - Contribute to NHS London work to develop a pan-London framework that can be adopted by SLH June 2010 - Link framework to SLH values and to new leadership development offering July 2010 21 Cost Measure/impact 2010/11 OD Action Management Lead Deliver a range of prioritised leadership activities Associate Director OD - Deliver Board diagnostic & determine delivery phase based on findings Timescales Cost June 2010 £14k - Senior team: continue team time outs whilst determining a more robust process of team development for the future; work with Directors on individual development planning Associate Director OD/Chief Executive - Clinical leadership: build on the recent event with action learning sets; plan similar engagement initiatives for non medical clinicians Medical Director/Director of Nursing & Patient Experience/Associate Director OD June 2010 - Next Generation Directors: identify high-potential candidates for 2010 programme Executive Directors/ Associate Director OD July 2010 - Leadership Forum: refresh to ensure appropriate balance between communication and development Associate Director OD April 2010 - Coaching strategy: evaluate coaching so far; develop coaching skills across Trust leaders and managers to enhance culture Associate Director OD October 2010 22 On-going More robust support determined by July 2010 Measure/impact 2010/11 OD Action Management Lead Timescales Cost - Review leadership development: secure approval; design and launch new programmes July 2010 £50k set aside from external CPD budgets for 2010/11 - Team development; roll out for all teams who need it On-going, but increase momentum Internal capacity will be fully utilized; with HEI facilitation funded by NHSL CPPD contract where appropriate change Programme Three Revise induction: continue to develop improvements and a more integrated “feel” across sites Associate Director OD On-going, with improvements to its feel by May 2010 Staff engagement & values: Engage staff and stakeholders March – May 2010 Engage Board April- May 2010 Finalise values and behaviours for SLT; communicate and encourage team leaders to discuss and localize some behaviours with their teams June 2010 Integrate agreed values into HR processes – selection, JDs, induction, management & leadership development 23 September 2010 Measure/impact 2010/11 OD Action Management Lead Timescales Develop staff partnerships: HRD July 2010 Offer team development to staff side Update appraisal processes: Associate Director OD Continue to implement plan to increase take-up Develop a culture of high performance Review Productive Ward and all Productive series programmes Support Service Improvement Strategy to develop innovation and creativity by assessing the current culture for creativity and developing creativity for the future Build on alliance with National Institute for Innovation and Improvement to develop a range of interventions to support a culture of high performance for example the use of ‘lean’ thinking and tools Develop ‘buddy’ arrangements with high performing organisations 24 On-going, with significant improvement by end June 2010 Director of Service Transformation & Strategy / Associate Director OD September 2010 September 2010 September 2010 October 2010 Cost Measure/impact 2010/11 OD Action Management Lead Design and deliver a Talent Management strategy: Associate Director OD Identify high-potential aspirant directors July 2010 September 2010 Pilot talent management processes for band 6 aspirant ward managers Develop and roll out “talent management conversations” training for leaders September 2010 Review reward and recognition processes HRD Programme Four HRD/Associate Director OD/ Medical Director/Director of Service Transformation & Strategy Workforce plans; Role redesign; Greater flexibility - Work with divisions to understand the needs in context of APoH - Support divisons to design & implement development plans to meet the needs 25 Timescales September 2010 April 2010 June 2010 Cost Measure/impact 26