PROJECT PLANNING FORM Project title: Fueling America Teacher(s): Ms. Turner School: Military Magnet Academy Grade level(s): 9 Subjects: Environmental Studies STANDARDS-FOCUSED PROJECT BASED LEARNING Buck Institute for Education Begin with the End in Mind Summarize the theme for this project. Why do this project? America is dependent on nonrenewable natural resources for its energy needs and as a result is one of the largest consumers worldwide. It is important for students to realize that oil and gas is not in unlimited supply and alternative energy sources must be utilized. Identify the content standard that students will learn in this project (two to three per subject). SEV4 b: Describe how technology is increasing efficiency of utilization and accessibility of resources. SEV4e: Describe the commonly used fuels and some alternative fuel sources. Identify key skills students will learn in this project. List only those skills you plan to assess (two to four per person). Decision Making - Evaluates and chooses best research material. Speaking - Organizes ideas and communicates Team Building - Works well in a group situation Identify the habits of mind that students will practice in this project (one to two per project). 1. Students will understand the need and availability of energy sources throughout the US. 2. Students will understand the impact of resource depletion for energy and be able to discuss alternative sources. Does the project meet the criteria for standards-focused PBL? Craft the Driving Question State the essential question or problem statement for the project. The statement should encompass all project content and outcomes, and provide a central focus for student inquiry. Should the US invest its time and money in alternative energy sources? Have you posed an authentic problem or significant question that engages students and requires core subject knowledge to solve or answer? Plan the Assessment Step 1: Define the products for the project. What will you assess? Early in the Project: Day 2: Group - 1 paragraph summary on US energy sources Individual - 2 completed citations Day 3: Group - Completed Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting SC with an assigned state - Weekly group rubrics to monitor progress During the Project: Day 5: Group - script for newscast Individual - outline for research paper Day 7: Group - peer review editing on rough drafts completed Individual - rough draft turned in for research paper Day 10: Individual - Completed group rubrics (overall) End of the Project: Day 11: Group - 3 minute newscast videotaped and edited encompassing their research and focus on answering the driving question. Individual - minimum 2 page research paper with at least 5 citations in MLA format. Plan the Assessment (2) Step 2: State the criteria for exemplary performance for each product: Product: Research paper (Individual) Criteria: - 2 page minimum - at least 5 citations -Answers driving question, including information on current energy sources and alternative sources. Product: Newscast Criteria: - Videotaped - Minimum 3 minutes - All groups members participate in some way - Edited, including music, graphics, an intro and credits Do the products and criteria align with the standards and outcomes for the project? Map the Project What do students need to know and be able to do to complete the tasks successfully? How and when will they learn the necessary knowledge and skills? Look at one major product for the project and analyze the tasks necessary to produce a high-quality product. Product: Newscast KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED ALREADY HAVE LEARNED TAUGHT DURING THE PROJECT x 1. Research 2. PowerPoint and Excel TAUGHT BEFORE THE PROJECT x x 3. Report Writing x 4. Video Editing x What project tools will you use? □ Know/need to know lists □ Daily goal sheet □ Journals □ Briefs □ Task lists □ Problem logs □ ________________________________ □ yes, initially □ daily □ weekly □ weekly □ ________________________________ Do the products and tasks give all students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned? Map the Project (2) List the key dates and important milestones for this project. Day 1 - Opening Event, Intro to project, researching basics activity Day 2 - Research US energy sources, discuss MLA citations Day 3 - SC vs. similar state Venn Diagram, Population graph Day 4 - Alternative energy sources, brainstorm ideas for newscast, outline for research paper Day 5 - Write script for newscast, group meetings with teacher Day 6 - Write rough draft Day 7 - Peer-review group editing Day 8 - Watch newscast samples, Film newscast Day 9 - Video editing tutorial, group editing Day 10 - Type final paper, complete rubrics Day 11 - Present videos, turn in paper, whole class discussion Use the Tuning Protocol with other teachers or a group of students to refine the project design or guide you further in your planning. What other thoughts do you now have on the project? -Time allocation is dependent upon student abilities. - For group work, assign students to mix and balance abilities. What challenges or problems might arise in this project? Manage the Process List preparations necessary to address needs for differentiated instruction for ESL students, special-needs students, or students with diverse learning styles. Learning needs -Grouping arrangements: no more than 1 inclusive student per group -Modify due dates -Provide classroom aid -Communicate with parent and resource teacher -Provide level appropriate materials and websites ESLL -work with ESOL Teacher How will you and your students reflect on and evaluate the project? □ Class discussion: 3, 2, 1: 3 things learned that were interesting, 2 things to learn more about, 1 thing to share with others outside of class. □ Fishbowl □ Student-facilitated formal debrief □ Teacher-led formal debrief □ Student-facilitated formal debrief □ Individual evaluations: self evaluations by students and teachers □ Group evaluations: peer evaluations □ Other: □ What do you expect to learn from this project?