Rubric for a poster or report: Francisca Enith, Angela Turner Students will gain awareness of global warming and how it affects crop production Students will compare nutrient values of different grain crops Students will evaluate nutrient values of difference grain crops and choose one that would be beneficial for future crop production in a warmer climate and provide evidence. Rubric - Out of the Frying Pan Title 0 No Title Present Auth list complete Auth list complete or sp/gram err but sp/gram err and no errors 1 nutrition fact 2 nutrition facts 3 nutrition facts 4 or more nutrition 2 reasons other than 3 reasons other nutrients than nutrients 2 Env Con 3 Env Cond Info environment Recomm. Unclear and/or no evidence 1 reason other than nutrients such as using leaves 1 Env Con such as adapted to warmer climates Recomm. Clear but little or confusing Recomm. Clear with some evidence Recomm complete with good evidence to support evidence Nutrition Environment Concerns Overall Recomm. 4 Auth list Incomp No nutrition data Reasons 3 allowed Authorship Supporting 2 Has title, 1 error Has title No sp, gram errors No authors listed Information 1 Has title, morethan 1 spelling/gramm present No reasons other than nutrient value No mention of error Author list incomp and sp/gram err Creative title No sp, gram error facts X5 4 or more reasons other than nutrients 4 or more Env Cond X5 X5 on most points Recomm thorough with clear evidence for every point location Total NIE 2014 1 Score JC-13 X5 Instructor’s Rubric: lesson plan.doc Written by Lataya Berry, Natalie Pickett Newscast - Presentation and Planning : Green or Gene? Advertisement Teacher Name: Student Name: CATEGORY Research Accuracy of Facts Point of View Purpose Group Work Duration of presentation NIE 2014 ________________________________________ 4 Group researched the subject and integrated 3 or more factors from their research into their advertisement. All supportive facts are reported accurately (3 of 3). Advertisement establishes a purpose at the beginning and maintains that focus throughout! Cohesive advertisement. The group functioned exceptionally well. All members listened to, shared with and supported the efforts of others. The group (all members) was almost always on task! The advertisement was between 1 to 3 minutes and did not seem hurried or too slow. 2 3 Group researched the subject and integrated 2 factors from their research into their newscast. 2 Group researched the subject and integrated 1 factors from their research into their newscast. 1 Either no research was done or it was not clear that the group used it in the newscast. Almost all facts are reported accurately (2 of 3). One fact is reported accurately. No facts are reported accurately OR no facts were reported. Establishes a purpose at the beginning, but occasionally wanders from that focus. The purpose is somewhat clear but many aspects of the advertisement seem only slightly related. It was difficult to figure out the purpose of the advertisement. The group functioned pretty well. Most members listened to, shared with and supported the efforts of others. The group (all members) was almost always on task! The group functioned fairly well but was dominated by one or two members. The group (all members) was almost always on task! Some members of the group were often off task AND/OR were overtly disrespectful to others in the group AND/OR were typically disregarded by other group members. The newscast was between 1 to 3 minutes but seemed SLIGHTLY hurried or too slow. The newscast was between 1 to 3 minutes but seemed VERY hurried or too slow. The newscast was too long or too short. JC-13 score Enthusiasm Speaks clearly Facial expression and body language show a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic throughout the advertisement, but it is not overdone. Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time and mispronounces no words. Facial expression and body language show a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic throughout the advertisement, but it is somewhat overdone. Facial expression and body language show some interest and enthusiasm about the topic throughout the advertisement. Facial expression and body language depict apathy or boredom with the topic. Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time but mispronounces 1 or more words. Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time and mispronounces no words. Does NOT speak clearly and distinctly most of the time AND/OR mispronounces more than 1 word. Total score NIE 2014 3 JC-13