userfiles/206/my files/pe health english essay.doc?id=4708

P.E./Health and English Language Arts
1 - Choose one topic area from the following list:
The Impact of Soft Drinks on Health
The Impact of Fast Food and Junk Food Advertising
The Importance of Eating a Healthy Breakfast
2 – Read the associated articles for your topic. Note important facts and their evidence by
highlighting and/or making margin notes on the article copies.
3 – Complete an organizational structure sheet for a 4-paragraph essay on your topic.
Use the structure sheet to develop:
 H-L-S introduction paragraph
 two C-E-A-L body paragraphs that each establish a clear and distinct claim and support the
claim with specific evidence (quotations, statistics, research, facts, examples, definitions,
etc.) from the articles
 T-R-I-P conclusion paragraph
4 – Use the outline you’ve developed to write a handwritten rough draft of your essay. Don’t forget to
develop a citations page per the instruction sheet you received in class. The correct use of in-text
citations throughout your body paragraphs is required for the opportunity to receive a “4” score for
5 – Revise and edit – refer to the class handouts you’ve previously received.
6 – Word process your final draft – use a standard font in size 12 and don’t forget the following items:
an interesting title (centered) and your name, P.E. class period, and due date (upper right corner).
7 – Staple the citations page, structure sheet, rough draft, and marked-up articles to the back of the
final document before you turn it in.
P.E./Health class
English class
“WRITING-RESEARCH” – IDEAS: using multiple sources,
quoting/paraphrasing data, and drawing evidence from informational text
The topic, developing it in a cohesive manner, and concluding
in a way that supports the information presented