Book Report Options - Ms. Lehman`s Class

Book Report Options
For 6th grade ELA
The following is a list of project types that can be created to showcase your learning
and understanding of the story that you read on your own.
Students will be graded on the written portion, presentation and conversation, which
will be graded on comprehension of the story. It is important that you include at
least THREE literary elements. In addition, you must always include the title,
author, genre, setting, plot, characters, & theme.
The expectations for the oral presentations is that you stand in the front of the
classroom and share with the class the plot of your book, some interesting points
(about the story or your project) explain the elements of your project, any opinions,
and any recommendations. It is really important that you do NOT read to the class.
The objective of a presentation is your ability to talk about something to the class,
Due Date for Book Report:
Wednesday May 8th, 2013
Newspaper – Look at the format of a newspaper. You are to “write” mini-articles and place
them in your newspaper. Each article is to follow the elements of a story map (characters,
setting, plot) as well as your opinion and recommendations for others to read this book. Include
in your newspaper – Headings, bi-lines, advertisements, pictures, rows and columns. Try to
make this look as real as possible. This should be done on the computer. I have a student who
will help you with the layout and design on the computer to make this project awesome.
Diary-Write a diary that one of the story’s main characters might have kept before, during,
or after the book’s events. Remember that the character’s thoughts and feelings are very
important in a diary. You must include at least six diary entries. In the back of the diary you
must provide a summary of the story and include at least THREE story elements.
Diorama (three-dimensional scene which includes models of people, buildings, plants,
and animals) of one of the main events of the book. Include a written description of the
Photo Album/Scrap Book– Create a photo album that demonstrates the plot line of the story.
Each picture MUST have a caption. You may use a digital camera and stage pictures for the
album, you may draw and color pictures (that must have computer generated captions and
framing, or you may create a collage type picture by cutting out people, places, and things that
demonstrate the plot and main ideas in the story. (This should be at least 8 pages long) Don’t
forget to include a cover as well as dedication or title page (WITH YOUR NAME ON IT)
Make a movie or Movie Review – Here is an opportunity for the director and actor in all of us.
You will have to cast, direct, act (optional) and produce a segment of the story. The objective is
for us, the viewer to gain a good idea of what the story is about and become interested in
wanting to read the story. You do not have to act in this production but you are responsible of
all of the other elements of this project. IF you can not get actors and are still interested in
making a movie, you can set up a talk show type setting and you may review the book. You will
be describing the plot, characters, and setting of the story to the viewers. This will be shown in
class so it must be on a DVD or VHS tape.
(You will need to write and turn in a script)
Infomercial – Your task is to write and star in your own infomercial. The point of an
infomercial is to sell a product (the book), but in an interesting way. You must include: title &
author, summary of the plot, setting, and description of the main characters. Things that make a
good infomercial are: an overexcited host, outrageous statements and claims, testimonials. The
infomercial can be recorded and we can watch it in class on DVD or on the computer.
Life Size Mannequin of Character – Visit a thrift shop, Salvation Army, or your own closet
(WITH PARENTAL PERMISSION) and find cloths that would match your favorite character
in the story. You will stuff the cloths with various things (newspaper, balloons, stuffing…) to
give the mannequin dimension and create hands, feet, and a face (balloons, paper Mache,
Styrofoam…) to make this look as real as possible. You will then write a brief summary (1-2
pages) about this character and their role in the story. (This must be taller than 2 feet tall)
Dress up as a character and summarize story from characters perspective - This is fairly
self-explanatory. You will find/create a costume and BECOME your favorite character. You
will be required to share the characters perspective of the story with the class. (In addition, a 1-2
page summary of this character and the plot of the story)
Time Capsules – Create a time capsule that contains at least 10 items that can be used to
explain the plot, setting, and major characters of the story. Please make a list that can go with
the time capsule that lists the items as well as their significance.
Write a song and perform it – For the musical person… write a song that describes the plot,
setting, and characters of the story. It could be helpful if you think of a particular song that you
already know and change the words. It is possible to perform this at home and record it so we
can play it in class and enjoy your creative side. You will be required to turn in a copy of the
lyrics. (Since this is very challenging, extra credit will be awarded for the attempt)
Power point summary – Create a power point presentation that describes the plot, setting,
characters, and your opinions/recommendations for this book. This should be at least 8 frames
long. You can copy this to a CD, flash drive or try and email it so we can view it in class.
Collogue – This project is for the artist in everyone. Draw or cut and paste pictures that
recreate the story. Included in this work of art, you must do more than retell the story. You
must identify the theme of the story, depict emotions (yours and others) and represent
predictions. Include what you are planning to say in a written document.
Book Jacket – Includes general information, summary, direct quotes from characters… Can be
done on computer or drawn by hand. ALL color – very minimal white space. The written
elements are embedded on the back (Summary NOT an endorsement) and on the inside flaps.
Series of cartoon or old fashioned film slides – (minimum 4 slides) This project must recreate
the climax of the story or describe the lesson learned from the book. You must also include a 1
page paper describing the basic plot and characters of the story.
Puppet Show – Show a scene or series of events or important dialogue. The written element of
this project is the script.
Pop-up book or detailed flip book, a children’s version of the book you read. Create this book
with summaries as the captions on each page. (This will be the written element.)
Travel Brochure – create a brochure that advertises for people to visit the setting from your
story. Remember to showcase the wonderful sights and people. This should be done on the
Quilt – You can use any type of fabric to create a visual representation that retells your story.
You are also required to submit a one page typed paper that summarized the book and how it is
represented in the quilt.
Literary elements to keep in mind and include as appropriate in your reports and
projects: See Write Source 2000, pg 342-346 for brief explanations: Each project
must represent at least THREE elements.
Plot-sequence or plot
Turning point
Moral dilemma
Total effect
All of these projects have an element of creativity, mastery of skills, and
show strengths of various learning styles. They will take time to
complete WELL and will require planning. If you have ANY problems
with an assignment, please come to ME ASAP. This way we will have
plenty of time to work on any challenges.
Below is a copy of the rubric that will be used to grade your report. Please review this so that
you may properly prepare for your report and presentation.
If you have any questions, please come and see me before your project is due.
Book Report Grade Sheet
Written elements
Completely done
on the computer, no
spelling or
grammar mistakes,
fulfills all stated
quality and
understanding of
the assignment and
the concepts of the
story Approved
project idea
Name:___________________Project Type:____________
Quality: Superb!
Above the
Great eye contact,
loud clear voice (no
“umms, repeating
or stuttering), no
Reading from
Project, interesting
and engaging
No spelling or
grammar mistakes,
indenting of
paragraphs, typed
with NO hand
written elements,
on topic with good
Some written work
on the computer, a
few spelling and/or
grammar, most of
the requirements
are met.
quality and
understanding of
the assignment and
the concepts of the
story. Neat & well
Approved project
Quality: Meeting
the Standard
Some eye contact,
tone of voice fair
with some speech
glitches, occasional
reading of project
Some spelling
and/or grammar
mistakes or typos,
good flow of
content, stays on
Limited / no work
on computer, many
mistakes in spelling
and grammar, most
/ limited
requirements are
met, sloppy,
incomplete or nonapproved project
Quality: Below the
Limited eye
contact, poor tone
of voice, many
verbal mistakes,
read project in class
Many spelling
and/or grammar
mistakes, hand
written, goes off