English 12 Syllabus Fall 2011

2nd & 5th Period English 12
Class Syllabus 2011
Mr. Bellisario
Course Overview and Objectives:
English 12 is the capstone English/literature course. During the year, students will complete
three novel units with supplementary readings, hone grammatical skills, expand vocabulary,
and develop a comprehensive writing portfolio that will focus on functional and reflective
compositions (commonly referred to as a senior scrapbook).
Supplies needed for class:
o Three ring binder (at least one inch)
o Three-ring bound dividers (set of 5)
o Composition book
o Spiral bound notebook
o Pen or pencil (does not matter, just have either one ready for class)
Grading system breakdown:
o 5 points for daily bell work journals
 Each day (except on days when vocabulary quizzes are given), students need
to respond to a journal prompt explaining their reaction or thoughts in AT
LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH. The Paragraph needs to have at least four
complete sentences.
o 10 points for homework and in-class work
 Homework and in-class work can come from the textbook, worksheets, or
questions written on the board.
o 20 points for weekly ACT vocabulary assignment (due at the end of the week when
the vocabulary quiz is given).
 Students will have to access Mr. Bellisario’s Woodridge homepage to
complete their assignment.
o 10 points for weekly vocabulary and grammatical quizzes given at the end of the
o 25 points for rough drafts (at least one rough draft has to be submitted with final
essay draft)
o 50 points for quarterly binder check, done near the end of the final grading period.
o 50 points for exams
 Tests involve multiple choice, matching and short answer/extended response
o *50 points for projects and presentations
o *100 points for final copy essays
o 100 points for semester exams
o Students are given two essay prompts at the time of the testing period to
complete for their semester exam; students are to present their projects on the
day and time of their semester exam.
* - When essays and projects are assigned, they will be accompanied with a rubric
Tentative grading period literature schedule breakdown:
o Grading period 1: The Old Man and of the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
o Grading Period 2: The Time Machine by H.G. Well
o Grading Period 4: Night by Elie Weisel
Late work policy:
Unless stated directly as an accommodation, students will receive half off the assignment if
submitted late and the assignment will not be counted if it is submitted two weeks after the
due date. PLEASE SEE ME, if you have problems with any assignments!
2nd & 5th Period English 12
Class Syllabus 2011
Mr. Bellisario
Internet Resources
Most resources used for class can be found on my staff homepage. I will try and post
everything the class is doing including lesson plans.
 Go to http://whs.woodridge.k12.oh.us/apps/staff/ .
 Scroll down and click on my name.
 When you enter my homepage, scroll down to the bottom where there are links to my
classes, click on English 12.
Grading Scale:
69% or below
Tardy Policy:
Students late to class (without reasonable documentation from a staff member) will be given
two warning per semester. After a student exhausts their two warning, they will be given one
morning detention for every tardy. Continuous tardiness to class could also result in
additional consequences and/or a meeting with parent/guardian.
Classroom Expectations:
I expect:
 Come to class prepared to learn.
o Students caught sleeping in-class will be given one warning. After the
first warning, students will be given a morning detention. Continuous
sleeping in class could also result in additional consequences and/or a
meeting with parent/guardian.
 You to respect your peers.
 You to respect Mr. Bellisario.
 Come prepare to class with all required materials.
 Assignments completed to the best of your ability.
 Everyone to have high expectations for themselves.
 To follow the student code of conduct in your handbook.
I will follow the discipline policy set-forth in the student code of conduct for infractions that
occur in my classroom.
If you have any additional questions regarding this course, please feel free to contact me at
rbellisario@woodridge.k12.oh.us or (330) 929-3191 Ext. 592401
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____________
Student Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________
Mr. Bellisario’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: ____________