Advertising techniques

Year 8 Essay analysing advertising techniques
 Each bullet point is a separate paragraph in your essay; it explains what you should write about.
 There may also be a sentence starter for you to use.
 Use ‘advertiser’ to refer to the image-maker, and viewer to refer to ‘you’.
State that advertisers use different techniques to persuade buyers that their product is worthwhile. Name the
advertisement and identify its aim and its target audience. Briefly identify the main advertising techniques the
advertiser has used.
1. First advertising technique
The advertiser has used symbolism to persuade the viewer that (product’s name) is desirable.
a. Point one: The setting (describe the setting) is used to suggest (identify its intended association)
b. Point two: Body language and gaze inform the viewer that (describe the body language used and its intended
effect on the viewer).
c. Point three: The use of (identify the major colour used) in the advertisement is used to make the viewer feel
(identify its symbolic associations).
d. Point four: Objects such as (identify them) shown in the image are (explain how they provide clues about the
Setting, body language, colour and objects have been used as symbols to represent (explain the main ideas they convey).
2. Second advertising technique
Another technique the advertiser has used to convince viewers the product is worthwhile is the technical code of
composition. Composition refers to how the viewer sees the advertisement and how elements are placed within the
advertisement. It includes framing, camera angle and lighting.
a. Point one: The camera shot and camera angle dictate how the viewer relates to the advertisement. In the
(product name) advertisement, the shot type used is ( name whether close-up, mid-shot or long-shot). This makes the
viewer feel (describe how the viewer is meant to respond to this distance – intimate with them, know them personally, or see them
as social figures) The camera angle is used is (eye level, high angle, undershot) which suggests to the viewer (they
are like the subject inferior/ superior to the subject.)
Point two: Lighting creates different effects in an advertisement and it can encourage viewers to associate
a certain mood with a product. In the (name the product) advertisement, the lighting is used to highlight (state
what is emphasises) This supports the idea that (explain what the advertiser is trying to achieve).
Point three: Composition also refers to the way elements are placed within the advertisement. (Discuss the
relationship between the focal point of the image and other elements: what is most important and eye-catching within the
advertisement; whether the advertiser has drawn the eye to special aspects to reinforce the message.)
The camera shot and angle invite the viewer to look at the advertisement as ……, while the lighting suggests ….
3. Third advertising technique
Advertisers also use written codes to create meaning. This includes the product name, logos and captions or
written information used to engage the viewer.
a. Point one: Describe the style (formal/informal; plain/fussy; old-fashioned/modern) and size (big/small) of writing
for the product name.
b. Point two: Describe the logo and identify any symbolism.
c. Point three: Discuss the information given in any captions or slogans, where they are placed in the
advertisement and their effect.
The written code suggests …and encourages the viewer to think ...
The (product name) advertisement has used a combination of symbolism, composition and written techniques
to persuade viewers that (state its aim and effect). Overall, I think (state whether you think it was successful and why).