“The Crucible” – Essay Tips Here are some tips to help you answer Section A of your exam –“The Crucible” essay. Opening scene – from the very beginning up to the Putnam’s entrance Closing scene/final scene – from Proctor’s entrance in the prison until the very end Climax – in Act 3 – the court. You may decide it’s when Proctor admits sleeping with Abigail or when Elizabeth tells a lie Establishment – the theocracy of Puritan Salem Individuals against the establishment- Proctor, Rebecca, Giles Conflict/dramatic tension – between the people who show integrity and the people who are corrupt Complex characters – Proctor, Abigail Minor characters who affect the action – Mary Warren, Rev Parris Characters who develop in the course of the play – Proctor, Elizabeth, Hale Motivation of characters – why they do what they do Time in which it was set – 1692 Time in which it was written – 1950’s Themes/issues – fear, individual in society, power, good v evil, religion etc. Structure – the way events are laid out 1. Act 1 – introduction - Parris’ house 2. Act 2 – build up – Proctor’s farm 3. Act 3 – climax– the vestry off the courtroom 4. Act 4 - denouement– the prison Developing a character – exploring what you will do in rehearsal – hot-seating, improvising, thought- tracking, research, work on voice and movement, reaction to events, relationship with others, planning costume, make-up and any personal props Portraying or communicating a character – carrying out your decisions in performance – use of voice, positioning, eye contact, movement, costume, make-up, personal props, reacting to events, relationship to others, actor/audience relationship Staging – stage positioning, use of silence/pause/freeze and pacing, the actor/audience relationship Design aspects – lighting, sound, costume, set design, props, special effects, use of media (projections, video footage etc.) Directorial concepts/ as a director – pre-performance (programme), direction of the actors, character inter- relationships, voice, pacing, movement, gesture, facial expression, eye contact, stage positioning, actor/audience relationship, theatre arts Genre – tragedy (see notes) “The Crucible” – Essay Plan Before writing any essay you should plan out HOW you are going to answer the question and WHAT you are going to say. Plan your essay in the space below under the relevant headings. QUESTION: “Choose a character in your prescribed text who you consider manipulative and/or controlling. Give reasons for your choice. As an actor, how would you perform this role?” INTRO: State the author and text you are studying. State which character you are selecting and give a brief explanation of why you have chosen them. MAIN PART: Section A – Give evidence of this character being manipulative/controlling. Refer to: Their actions and consequences Themes/Issues (relate their manipulation and control to these) Relationship to/influence on other characters Importance in the plot The character’s development in the play Section B – Describe how you would communicate these characteristics through performance concepts by referring to a range of acting concepts and justifying how the concepts would communicate aspects of manipulation and control. Refer to: Voice Movement Actor/audience interaction Use of space Costume/Props/Make-up CONC: Briefly, sum up your argument as you why this character is manipulative and controlling. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You should refer back to the question throughout and make sure you refer to the text. Don’t forget to quote but only where appropriate and where you feel you have a suitable quote to support your point.