you perform - DramaatBraes

Higher Drama:
Study of a Text in its
Theatrical Context
Essay Writing
Actor Example
Essay Writing
In your exam you will be asked to
answer an essay question on your
“prescribed text”.
Your prescribed text is
“The Crucible” by Arthur Miller
This essay is worth a total of 20 marks.
Here is an example of an exam
“Choose a character in your prescribed
text that you would consider manipulative
and/or controlling. Give reasons for your
choice. As an actor, how would you
perform this role?” [2008]
The first thing to do is underline the KEY
WORDS in the question. This will help you to
understand what the question is asking you to
“Choose a character in your prescribed
text that you would consider manipulative
and/or controlling. Give reasons for your
choice. As an actor, how would you
perform this role?”
“Choose a character in your prescribed
text that you would consider manipulative
and/or controlling. Give reasons for your
choice. As an actor, how would you
perform this role?”
The first thing you’re asked to do is…
“Choose a character in your prescribed
text that you would consider manipulative
and/or controlling. Give reasons for your
choice. .”
We’ll call this Section A.
The second thing you’re asked to
answer is…
“As an actor, how would you perform this
We’ll call this Section B.
We know that the question is worth a
total of 20 marks so we can say that
Section A = 10 marks
Section B = 10 marks
But how do we get these marks?
In order to answer the question
accurately and get as many marks as we
can we need to break each section down
still further.
In Section A you need to…
1. Describe and explain who YOU feel is a manipulative
and/or controlling character.
2. Give reasons for your choice.
P – Point
E – Evidence
E- Explain
To answer Section A you need to…
Introduce your answer detailing who you believe the
manipulative and/or controlling character to be and you
need to explain your reasons for this choice.
“In the The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams is
a character who is both manipulative and controlling.
From the very beginning of the play she shows her
manipulative streak by feigning hurt and outrage at her
uncle’s suggestions of impropriety, thereby persuading
him she was only dancing in the forest and that her name
in the village is white. She also displays her controlling
side when we see her threatening the girls with “a pointy
reckoning” should any of them confess about the deeds
in the forest.”
To answer Section A you need to…
Introduce your answer detailing who you believe the
manipulative and/or controlling character to be and you
need to explain your reasons for this choice.
“In the The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams is
a character who is both manipulative and controlling.
From the very beginning of the play she shows her
manipulative streak by feigning hurt and outrage at her
uncle’s suggestions of impropriety, thereby persuading
him she was only dancing in the forest and that her name
in the village is white. She also displays her controlling
side when we see her threatening the girls with “a pointy
reckoning” should any of them confess about the deeds
in the forest.”
Now write your response to Section A.
In your answer you should discuss…
Who you think is manipulative and controlling
Why you think this character is manipulative/controlling
What reasons you have for your choice.
How the text supports your reasoning. Evidence.
You could talk about…
Actions and consequences
The way they manipulate and control
Relationships/ influence on other characters
Their importance in relation to plot
Their development through the play
Use textual exemplification! (QUOTE and REFER!!)
In Section B you need to state…
“As an actor, how would you perform this role?”
1. Describe how would highlight these characteristics
through performance.
2. Refer to a range of acting concepts.
3. Justify how these concepts will communicate these
In your answer you should discuss…
How you would communicate the identified characteristics
What acting concepts you would use to help you do this
How these concepts would communicate manipulation and control
You could talk about…
Actor/Audience interaction
Use of space
Use of costumes, props and make-up
Give clear explanations and examples.
P – Point
E – Evidence
E- Explain
To answer Section B you need to…
Describe how you, as an actor would highlight the
manipulative/controlling aspects of the character with
reference to acting concepts and justification to demonstrate
HOW these concepts would aid your communication of these
“As an actor, in performance I would communicate this manipulation
and controlling in many ways. At the beginning of the play I would
speak softly with an innocent tone to show Abigail’s “respect” for
her elders and also to give the impression that she is young and
naive. When around the older people in Salem I would make my body
language quite contained, keeping my head low, not making eye
contact to show Abigail knows her place in society. I would also have
my arms by my sides, or my hands clasped in my lap to portray
Abigail as weak and a victim, incapable of any wrong-doing. This
would contrast with my conduct when alone with John or the girls
thereby showing Abigail’s ability to manipulate and control those
around her into believing that she is an innocent girl, which is
exactly what she wants.”
To answer Section B you need to…
Describe how you, as an actor would highlight the
manipulative/controlling aspects of the character with
reference to acting concepts and justification to demonstrate
HOW these concepts would aid your communication of these
“As an actor, in performance I would communicate this manipulation
and controlling in many ways. At the beginning of the play I would
speak softly with an innocent tone of voice to show Abigail’s
“respect” for her elders and also to give the impression that she is
young and naive. When around the older people in Salem I would
make my body language quite contained, keeping my head quite low,
not making eye contact to show Abigail knows her place in society. I
would also have my arms by my sides, or my hands clasped in my lap
to portray Abigail as weak and a victim incapable of any wrong-doing.
This would contrast with my conduct when alone with John or the
girls thereby showing Abigail’s ability to manipulate and control
those around her into believing that she is an innocent girl, which is
exactly what she wants.”
A good response (8-10 marks)…
(a) Detailed explanation of the tendency for the character to be manipulative and/or
controlling with detailed justification and highly appropriate textual exemplification.
(b) Clear and detailed description of how they would communicate these characteristics
through a range of highly appropriate performance concepts.
A fair response (5-7 marks)…
(a) Fairly detailed explanation of the tendency for the character to be manipulative and/or
controlling with fairly detailed justification and appropriate textual exemplification.
(b) Fairly clear and detailed description of how they would communicate these characteristics
through a range of mainly appropriate performance concepts.
A poor response (0-4 marks)…
(a) Limited explanation of the tendency for the character to be manipulative and/or controlling
with basic justification which lacks appropriate textual exemplification.
(b) Limited description of how they would communicate these characteristics through acting
performance concepts which may or may not be appropriate.