Volcanoes Around the World Final Due Date: Thursday, June 13th Your assignment: choose a volcano and research its history and how it has affected life on our planet. We will be conducting research in our class on the iPads, but you will also have to research on your own to meet the deadline. Your final grade will be based on your finished project and presentation to the class. What will my project look like? A PowerPoint/Keynote presentation What do I need to include? You MUST include at least the following 4 groups of information in your report. 1. General Volcano Information Name of the volcano - How was it named/what does the name mean? (if available) Type of volcano (composite/strato-, shield or cinder cone volcano) Height of volcano Where is it? Include at least one map. At least one drawing or picture of the volcano What cities or towns are nearby? Include distance and population. Eruption history, including: Is the volcano currently active? (is it active, dormant or extinct?) Eruptions: most recent and most famous or powerful Include the date and description of the eruption How have people or ecosystems nearby been affected? (if available) Any worldwide effects of the eruptions (if available) 2. Myths or legends from local people about volcano (if available) - If it seems like no myths or legends are available, talk to Ms. Nowell. 3. Superlative: Volcanoes are often well known for a reason. Choose a category from the list below that you believe your volcano fits into and is the “best” at. In your report you will explain why you believe your volcano is the ultimate example or best of that category using evidence to support your claim. Most Beautiful Most Helpful Most Explosive Most Active Most Mythical/Spiritual Most Destructive 4. Properly cited bibliography – turn in on a separate piece of paper on due date Where will I get my information from? You must have at least three sources, and one of them has to be a book. You can use encyclopedias, books, the Internet, and other printed resources. The library has a lot of great books that you can use, talk to Ms. Palmer. You are required to turn in a properly formatted bibliography with your project. To help you keep your sources organized you will be given note taking sheets and a bibliography format. May I work with a partner? You may work with one other student from your class, but you don’t have to. If you do choose to work with a partner more will be expected of both of you. In addition to the previous requirements you must also include the following extra information in your report: The names of plants or animals that are specially evolved to life near the volcano What is the cause of this volcanic activity? (either subduction zone or hot spot) A quote from a news story about your volcano At least 2 maps o a local or country map and a world map showing the volcano’s location At least three pictures or drawings of the volcano If available, describe the pyroclastic materials or lava produced by the volcano - Both group members must have an equal role in the presentation When is this due? After researching on iPads, we will spend one class organizing an outline for your project. After that, it is up to you to finish the project on your own time. You will be presenting your project in class and the order will be randomly chosen and posted in class before the due date. Here’s an overview of the major due dates for the project: Week of 5/31 – Review project details, choose a volcano, research in class 6/6- complete outline of information in class 6/13 – Final projects must be turned in; start in-class presentations So, what volcano can I research? Popocatepetl - Mexico Mt. Vesuvius - Italy Mt. Etna - Italy Mt. Unzen - Japan Mt. Fuji - Japan Mt. Tambora - Indonesia Mt. Merapi - Indonesia Krakatoa - Indonesia Mt. Pelee - Martinique Mt. St. Helens – Washington, USA Mauna Loa – Hawaii, USA Paricutin - Mexico Soufriere Hills – Montserrat Mount Mayon – Philippines Colima – Mexico Stromboli – Mediterranean Sea Kilauea – Hawaii, USA Crater Lake – Oregon, USA Ol Doinyo Lengai - Tanzania Sakurajima – Japan Pinatubo – Philippines Hekla -- Iceland Thera/Santorini -- Greece Mt. Shasta – California, USA Mt. Rainier – Washington, USA Others approved by teacher